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Planets & Distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Planets & Distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planets & Distance

2 Essential Questions: What are the major components of the universe? (SPI ) How does the distance of objects in space from Earth affect how they appear? (SPI )

3 Terrestrial Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars

4 Terrestrial Planets The inner planets closest to the Sun.
“Earth-like” planets because they are small, dense, and rocky.

5 Mercury Closest planet to the Sun. Has no moons.

6 Venus Almost the same size, mass, and density as Earth.
Earth’s “sister planet” Hottest planet in the solar system due to the greenhouse effect and a dense atmosphere.

7 Earth Known as the oasis in space and has the right condition for plants and animals.

8 Mars “Red-planet” Cold
Site of the Olympus Mons-highest mountain in the solar system.

9 Gas Giants Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

10 Gas Giants The outer planets.
Very large and do not have any known solid surfaces.

11 Gas Giants vs. Terrestrial Planets

12 Jupiter The largest planet in the solar system.
Has a permanent storm on its surface-Great Red Spot. Has at least 61 moons.

13 Saturn Planet with the largest rings.

14 Uranus Tipped on its side at a 90 degree angle.

15 Neptune Known as the blue world.

16 Pluto Now known as a dwarf planet.
Does not fit into characteristics of terrestrial or gas.

17 Distance The closer a planet or object to Earth the larger it looks.
The farther away a planet or object is to Earth the smaller it looks.

18 Review: What planets are closest to the sun? Terrestrial b. gas giants
What planets are the outer planets made of no known solid surfaces? a. Terrestrial b. gas giants

19 Review What planet is most like Earth? Mercury b. Venus c. Mars
What planet has the most moons? a. Venus b. Neptune c. Jupiter

20 Review What is the largest planet in our solar system?
Mercury b. Venus c. Jupiter What planet is tipped at a 90 degree angle? a. Uranus b. Venus c. Neptune

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