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Bedmaking and Unit Care

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1 Bedmaking and Unit Care
Chapter 10

2 Sleep and sleep disorders
Sleep is needed to replace old cells with new ones and provide new energy (8 min) tch?v=pwNMvUXTgDY

3 Can you locate it on a brain?
Somnambulism – sleep walking Affects about 2% of adults and up to 50% of children Somnambulism happens when brain doesn’t sleep in areas of walking and/or talking. People not only walk in a sleep, but also can clean the room and even do laundry. They have no memories about it in the morning. Sleepwalking doesn’t happen very often to affected person and don’t require treatment. watch?v=kQAb_AoXRj4&f eature=related Can you locate it on a brain?

4 Parasomnias Sleeptalking
E&feature=related een&NR=1&v=30I15fnngKs Bruxism 0_2ME&feature=related

5 Parasomnias affect our pets, too

6 Insomnia Inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or go back to sleep after awakening at night Help your resident with insomnia: Keep room dark and quiet, Adjust temperature in the room to patient’s comfort, Control odor in the room – keep room clean, neat, and clutter free Keep bed clean, soft, and wrinkle free

7 Sleep apnea and CPAP What is OSA and how CPAP works 3 min? qg Depending on severity of OSA physician can prescribe either CPAP or BiPAP device to help keeping an airway open. You might have patient with OSA and should be able to assist with applying the mask I

8 Biorhythms Biorhythms are the natural rhythms related to body functions that occur due to daily, monthly or yearly changes. Everything that happens in our bodies is rhythmic until proved otherwise. We know the most about circadian and seasonal rhythms.

9 What are circadian rhythms?
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24- hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment. They are found in most living things, including animals, plants and many tiny microbes. The study of circadian rhythms is called chronobiology.

10 Master clock The “master clock” that controls circadian rhythms consists of a group of nerve cells in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN. The SCN contains about 20,000 nerve cells and is located in the hypothalamus, an area of the brain just above where the optic nerves from the eyes cross.

11 Circadian rhythm Many of the major body functions exhibit circadian rhythms, including: Secretion of hormones (e.g. the ‘darkness’ hormone melatonin, usually high at night, and the stress hormone cortisol, usually high in the morning) ; Production of urine – less at night Variation in deep body temperature (usually low at night) Biochemical composition of the blood; Alertness Ability to perform cognitive tasks and learning ability Metabolism rate – slow at night

12 Circadian rhythm is very stable and doesn’t change if person is kept in a dark environment or has shift change

13 Practical applications?
You need to know that patient’s temperature would be the lowest early in the morning and the highest at around 8 p.m.

14 Practical applications
Blood pressure is lower at night and higher at around 4 p.m.

15 Practical applications
Plan your study before 8 p.m. while your cognitive function of the brain is at pick

16 Patient’s room and equipment
Patient’s room at a first glance Abby’s room at Mayo Clinic NA

17 Patient room design o

18 Bed head panel

19 Outlets What is wrong with picture?

20 Find it: Airflow level in liters per min Max? Min?
Regulator of airflow? Place to connect oxygen tubing? What is missing?

21 Oxygen connector Oxygen tubing Nasal cannula

22 Test of the chapter content
Name three disposable items in patient’s room. What top drawer of a bed stand is used for? What lower drawers of a bed stand are used for? What are aging changes in sleeping habits are? Can a bedpan be placed on a overbed table? Where should the call light always be placed? Why it is important that linen always be changed when it is wet, damp, wrinkled, or soiled? Why linen never be shaken?

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