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A Resource-minimalist Flow Size Histogram Estimator

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1 A Resource-minimalist Flow Size Histogram Estimator
Bruno Ribeiro, Don Towsley UMass Amherst Tao Ye Sprint

2 Internet core router: TCP flows
Flow size histogram Internet core router: TCP flows Flow size e.g. # of packets TCP flow Flow size histogram used: Traffic profiling Anomaly detection Histogram hard to obtain TCP flows: Hundreds of millions flows/hour (OC-48 router) Estimating flow size histograms Random packet sampling is inaccurate [Ribeiro et al. 2006] Flow sampling: more memory & accurate tail needs packet sampling Current data streaming methods have slow estimators Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

3 Outline Related work Our resource-minimalist approach Experiment
Conclusions Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

4 Related work [Kumar et al. 2004]
Router Packet hash collision!! Universal hash function Flow size histogram 1 2 1 1 2 Estimation phase (powerful backend server) counters hash collisions Complexity: O( (maximum flow size)3 ) Sketch phase Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

5 Resource-minimalist Approach
Insight: Don’t need to count every flow size Idea: Group large flow sizes into bins Fine grained flow histogram < k packets Coarse grained flow histogram > k packets Approach: Probablistic counting Reduces counters to 6 bits Requires: Low collision probability (e.g. counter/flow = 2/1) Result: O(k3 + log(W)) estimator, e.g., k=16 and W=107 Problem: Low collision → more memory (2 counters / flow) Approach: Counter folding Negligible increase in estimator error Requires one extra bit / counter Result: Reduces number of counters by half Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

6 Group large flow sizes & Probabilistic counting [Morris 78]
Counter increments (probabilisitc): With ma = 2ª , 6 bit counter bins up to W=1014 Hash counter p=1/m1 p=1/m2 Arrived packets: k k+2 k-1 k+1 2 1 k-1 k m1 m2 average Counter value k → flow sizes = [k, k+m1-1] Counter value k+1 → flow sizes = [k+m1, k+m1+m2-1] Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

7 Counter folding: Detecting some collisions
Maximum hash value = M M/2 counters If hash(packet) < M/ → red Otherwise (hash(packet) mod M/2) → blue Detectable blue – red collision: 1 bit required Undetectable collision flow 7 flow 9 flow 8 Flows: Counters: 6 1 2 2 1 6 M/2 counters Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

8 Counter folding À 1 Collision policy:
“red flow cannot increment blue counter” “blue flow overwrites red counter” counter = 0 are red Flows: Counters: 6 1 2 2 1 3 Counter colors: (extra bit) 1 1 1 1 Result: e.g. if 1 counter / flow All red counters are also blue counters = 0 Virtually expands hash table in ≈ 50% (virtual 2 counters/ flow) Blue counters evict red counters Flow sampling effect: Discards 15% flows at random Folding: interesting fact Number of foldings Policy: Evict newest flow (color = flow ID) Flow sampling À 1 Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

9 Experiment Evaluated with simulations
Same accuracy without counter folding requires 13MB of memory Evaluated with simulations Our worst result with Internet core traces 9.5 million flows 8MB of memory k=16 W=1014 k Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

10 Conclusions Insights Our Estimator
Group large flow sizes using probabilistic counters Counter folding Fast quasi-random sampling Our Estimator Time complexity Sketch phase Universal hash cost Two additions One subtraction Estimation phase O(k3 + log(W)) Space complexity ≈ 1/4 memory usage of [Kumar et al. 2004] Bruno Ribeiro, Tao Ye, Don Towsley, "A Resource-minimalist flow size histogram estimator"

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