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Rocket Propulsion.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocket Propulsion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocket Propulsion

2 Rocket History

3 Tsiolkvsky 19세기 말 Russian Mathematician

4 Dr. Goddard US Rocket Scientist
Possible propulsion system for space journey

5 Buzz Bomb in world war II

6 What is the propulsion system?
A device to produce a thrust needed for the flight. Airbreathing Engine Rockets

7 Types of Propulsion Jet engines Rocket engines Airbreathing engines
Turbojet Turbofan Turboprop Ram/Scramjet Solid R. Liquid R. Hybrid Rocket Hybrid engines Turbojet/Ramjet Turbofan/Ramjet Turborocket Ram-Rocket ScRam-Rocket

8 Equation for Thrust Newton’s 2nd Law Propeller Gas Turbine Ramajet

9 Airbreathing Engine Inlet Combustor Nozzle Compressor Turbine
Accessories: Afterburner, Thrust Reverser, Spoiler..

10 Possible for combined cycle
Specific Impulse of various engines x 10 -2 Possible for combined cycle

11 Application of rocket propulsion
Type Max accel. 2-6g Large space launch vehicle booster Solid Antiaircraft or antimissile-missile Solid 5-20g Liquid Spacecraft orbit maneuver 0.2-6g Air launched guided missile Solid Up to 25g Battlefield support-surface launched Solid/Liquid Up to 10g Spacecraft attitude control Liquid/EP Less than 0.1g Space shuttle main engine Liquid 4g Antitank Solid Up to 20g

12 Rocket Propulsion Chemical Rocket Non-Chemical Rocket Large thrust
Low Isp Liquid Propellant Rocket Solid Propellant Rocket Non-Chemical Rocket Small thrust High Isp Electric Propulsion Nuclear Laser


14 Rocket Propulsion Energy Release Rate 0.3MW/m3: Boiler
300MW/m3: Jet Engine 30,000MW/m3: Rocket

15 Thrust Chamber

16 Fundamentals of rocket propulsion


18 Rocket Propulsion Thrust Tsiolkvsky equation Momentum Thrust
Pressure Thrust Tsiolkvsky equation

19 Specific Impulse Characteristic Velocity Thrust Coefficient A measure of propellant characteristic A measure of combustion performance A Function of nozzle geometry

20 Rocket Performance Three Fractions
Initial Mass=Final Mass+Propellant Mass Initial Mass=Structure Mass+Propellant Mass+Payload Mass Three Fractions

21 Design Objective to obtain the highest payload ratio
Thrust to Weight Ratio Desirable to have a low mp/ mi and 

22 Typical mission velocity requirements
Earth to LEO 7600m/sec LEO to GEO 4200m/sec LEO to earth escape 3200m/sec LEO to lunar orbit(7days) 3900m/sec LEO to Mars orbit(0.7yr) 5700m/sec LEO to Mars orbit(40days) 85000m/sec LEO to Neptune orbit(29.9yr) 13400m/sec LEO to solar escape 8700m/sec LEO : Low earth orbit 270km

23 Multi-Stage Performance
Consider a vehicle with n stage When we assume the n stages are identical

24 Optimization of Multistage Rocket
For a special case Maximize with Constraint Lagrange Multiplier Assume

25 Chemical Rocket Liquid propellant rocket

26 SSME(Space shuttle main engine)

27 Characteristics of Liquid Propellant
Expansion from 6.94Mpa(1000psia) to 1 atm Oxidizer Fuel OF ratio Ta Density C* Isp 4.13 3013 0.29 2416 389 2.58 3676 1.03 1799 300 7.94 3962 0.46 2556 411 2.17 3396 1.19 1745 288 1.98 3368 1.12 1747 288

28 Ideal Complete Combustion
with excess H2 Heat of Reaction /H2O mole

29 Equilibrium Combustion
Composition is determined by thermodynamic equilibrium

30 Non-Equilibrium Combustion

31 Comparison of Isp of 3 chemical model

32 S-3D Thrust : 150,000lbf Burning time : 150sec
Powered Jupiter Intermediate range ballistic missile(IRBM)

33 Solid propellant rocket
Category Typical Characteristics Booster and 2nd stage motor L/D=2~7 t = 60~120sec High-altitude motors L/D=1~2 t = 40~120sec Tactical missile L/D=4~13 t = 0.25~1sec Gas generator To create high-pressure, energetic gas

34 Separation of Solid propellant booster


36 Types of Solid Propellant
DB Double Base Composite CMDB Composite Modified DB

37 Typical Double Base Propellant
Material Weight % Purpose 51.40 Polymer Nitrocellulose 42.93 Explosive plasticizer Nitroglycerin Diethyl Pthalate 3.20 Nonexplosive plasticizer Ethyl Centralite 1.00 Stabilizer Potassium sulfate 1.20 Flash suppresor Carbon black 0.20 Opacifying agent Candelilla wax 0.07 Die lubricant


39 Burning Rate r: Burning rate(cm/sec) 연소실 압력 a, n 실험상수 0.4<n<0.7

40 Non-chemical propulsion
Electric propulsion


42 Types of Electric propulsion
Electrothermal -Arcjet -Resistojet -MICROWAVE ELECTROTHERMAL THRUSTER (MET) Electrostatic -Ion Electron bombardment ion thruster -Hall Thruster Stationary plasma thruster(SPT) Electrodynamic -MPD (magneto-plasma-dynamic) -PPD (pulsed-plasma-dynamic)


44 DC Arcjet Hydrazine Ammonia Hydrogen

45 Resistojet

46 Microwave Electrothermal Thruster (MET)

47 Electrostatic Propulsion
Ion Thruster

48 Ion bombardment thruster

49 Hall thruster (gridless ion engine)
Invented by Russia and introduced 1992 to west

50 Stationary Plasma Thruster(SPT)

51 Electrodynamic MPD (magneto-plasmadynamic)
Utilize Lorenz Force in the magnetic field

52 Pulsed MPD thruster from Princeton University using Ar

53 Advanced propulsion Airbreathing engines Rocket engines
SSTO(Single stage to orbit) Tactical Mission Airbreathing engines High specific impulse Low T/W Rocket engines Low specific impulse High T/W Any propulsion systems can not be optimum over entire flight regime.

54 Maximum Thrust (Full Augmentation) 23,770 pounds (105.7 kN)
Intermediate Thrust (Nonaugmented) ,590 pounds (64.9 kN) Weight ,2324 pounds (1467 kg) Length in. (4.85 m) Inlet Diameter in. (0.88 m) Maximum Diameter in. (1. 18 m) Bypass Ratio Overall Pressure Ratio to 1

55 F-15

56 Types of Propulsion Jet engines Rocket engines Airbreathing engines
Turbojet Turbofan Turboprop Ram/Scramjet Solid R. Liquid R. Hybrid Rocket Hybrid engines Turbojet/Ramjet Turbofan/Ramjet Turborocket Ram-Rocket ScRam-Rocket

57 Hybrid Rocket

58 Hybrid Rocket 특징 비교적 높은 비추력 높은 안전성, Shutdown 능력 System Isp(sec)
Isp (g-s/cm3) Liquid Bi-Propellant (LOX/H2 :399) :100) Classic Hybrid (LOX/HTPB :330) :350) Solid Propellant (AP/HTPB :270) :470) 환경적 친화성 점화의 신속성과 재점화 성능 추력조절이 용이함 경제적인 발사체 재사용 발사체 우주왕복선 Booster 전략 미사일 추진체 우주선 추진체

59 Hybrid rocket test fire(AMROC)

60 Turboramjet for tactical missile
Turbojet at low speed Ramjet at high speed

61 Air Turbo Rocket(ATR) Combination of turbojet, ramjet and rocket
Up to M=6 Candidate for TSTO Combination of turbojet, ramjet and rocket

62 연소실 Configuration 변화 필요
로켓-램제트(IRR) 특징 높은 부피효율과 연소효율 로켓보다 높은 비추력 (1000~1500sec) 저고도, 고속비행 가능  우수한 침투능력, 높은 생존성 현대 무기체계로 매우 적합 정지추력을 위한 부스터 필요 부피 효율 극대화, 부스터와 액체 램제트 연소특성 차이 연소실 Configuration 변화 필요 원활한 IRR 추진 천이(부스터 추진  램제트 추진)


64 미 해군 IRR-Fasthawk

65 감사합니다.






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