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Contract Payment Reporting Module (CPRM)

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Presentation on theme: "Contract Payment Reporting Module (CPRM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract Payment Reporting Module (CPRM)
Advanced Instruction on Entering Task Order Data & Modifications CPRM Training Module for Contractor Users Created: November 30, 2014 Last Updated: February 04, 2017

2 In this Training, you will learn…
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Topics Overview High-level Workflow Diagram Order Data Reporting and Example Order Data Package Entering Order Data Order Search Entering Order Modification Data Orders Awarded in GSA’s IT Solutions Shop (ITSS) Conclusion For a high-level overview of the CPRM, please refer to the CPRM Training Module page

3 Overview About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources The CPRM was designed to enable you to report Transactional Data, such as order data, invoice data and CAF payment data for your task/delivery orders awarded on GWACs, Connections II, OASIS, HCaTS, BMO, and other IDIQ Multiple Award Contracts (MACs) This presentation focuses on: Reporting task order data Reporting order modification data

4 High-level CPRM Workflow
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Each ‘swimlane’ in this diagram provides the basic workflow steps expected of each user type. explain… explain… Contractor: The person(s) who manage the task order, invoice data and CAF Payment reporting for their company in CPRM. This presentation focuses on the orange-highlighted steps. explain… Customer: The contracting point of contact who signs the award document for the task order, i.e. Ordering Contracting Officer (OCO) explain… GSA: The program office that manages the IDIQ program.

5 Introduction to Order Data Reporting
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources For each task/delivery order awarded on a contract supported in the CPRM, you should enter task order information using the Order Data form CPRM supports the following IDIQ Multiple Award Contracts: STARS, STARS II, Alliant, Alliant Small Business, VETS, Connections II, OASIS, OASIS Small Business, HCaTS, HCaTS Small Business, BMO, and others You may be awarded one or more task/delivery orders on your IDIQ contract For each awarded task order, only enter the initial order data once When order modifications are awarded, this data is added to the order using the Order Mod form It is important to enter all of your task orders and mods awarded on GWACs, Connections II, OASIS, HCaTS, BMO, or other IDIQs supported in CPRM in order to meet contractual requirements.

6 Order Data from FPDS-NG
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources FPDS-NG is the Federal government’s data repository for all federal procurement spending on goods and services. It can be accessed publicly at Program Managers for each contract family may configure CPRM to retrieve order and modification data from FPDS-NG and populate it in CPRM. This datafeed does not relieve your responsibility to report on all task orders awarded on your contract(s). The FPDS-NG datafeed is intended to supplement your data entry. It will enable you to verify that data is reported as completely as possible. CPRM’s FPDS-NG datafeed will: Insert new orders and modifications into CPRM when a match is not found in the existing CPRM data. Update empty fields on orders when a match is found in the existing CPRM data.

7 Example Order Data Package (slide 1 of 2)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources The Order Data page provides a high-level view of task order information, all modifications, invoice data, and CAF payment data associated to the order. As you enter data for your order over time, it will all be visible in on this form and is considered the Order Data Package. How to access this page: menu option Orders  Search Orders, click an Order Number explain… The top portion of the form provides the high-level details about the task order. The Period of Performance (POP) reflects the task order’s awarded period of performance, not including unexercised option years. It is determined as follows: Start Date is the start date from the initial, original task order award. End date is the end date entered on the latest order modification. The Estimated Ultimate Completion Date reflects the task order’s awarded period of performance plus all option years. This date must be equal to or later than the POP End date. explain… explain… explain… The Initial Obligated/Funded Amount is the amount awarded on the original task order award and does not include unexercised options. explain… explain… The Total Obligated/Funded Amount is the sum of the initial Obligated/Funded amount plus all order modification amounts. explain… The Total Estimated Value is the Total Obligated/Funded Amount plus the amount of any unexercised options anticipated over the life of the task order. The Invoice Data Amount is the sum of all invoices reported in CPRM for this task order.

8 Example Order Data Package (slide 2 of 2)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Scroll down on the Order Data form to view additional data associated to the task order. explain… The Order Modifications table displays the modifications that are reported on the task order. Contractors should report all task order modifications in the system. explain… The Invoice Data table displays all the invoices that are reported in the system for the task order. The system will calculate the Estimated CAF Amount per invoice and will provide the sum below the table. The system will automatically create the Supporting Order Data form when the Order Data form is created. This form is used by the Ordering Contracting Officer to enter information about the competition, such as number of bids. explain… explain… explain… The table below displays the CAF Rate rules that apply to this task order. explain… explain… The table displays all of the CAF Payment vouchers where this task order has been identified as included in the total amount. The Total Amount reflects the sum of all CAF Payments made for this particular task order, excluding any Rejected CAF Payments.

9 Entering New Order Data (slide 1 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Access the Order Data form from the Orders menu  select Enter New Order Package The Order Data form will open in ‘edit-mode’ The following slides provide explanation of each form field Most form fields are mandatory

10 Entering New Order Data (slide 2 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Start by selecting the Contract Number for your task order Select the Contract Number upon which the task order was awarded. The list is populated with all active contracts that you have access to for your company. The form fields displayed may change based on the selected contract number. Enter the Order Number from your award document. This should be a unique number assigned on your award document. If the order is a sub-order to another order, select ‘Yes’. Most cases you will select ‘No’. If you do select ‘Yes’, then you must identify the Parent Order Number Enter a concise description of the nature of the task order. Select a Functional Area from the list appropriate for your selected contract.

11 Entering New Order Data (slide 3 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources The type of Contract Number selected may change the form function Show me an example of a GWAC Contract… Ignore the Work Type field unless you are entering an Alliant Small Business order. Show me an example of a Connections II Contract… Functional Area is populated with ‘No Functional Area’. Be sure to select one or more Work Types to describe your order. Order Description, Functional Area and Predominant Order NAICS Code appear for OASIS orders. Show me an example of an OASIS Contract…

12 Entering New Order Data (slide 4 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Provide high-level data about your task order Select the Predominant Contract Type that best describes the conditions under which the task order was awarded, for example: Cost Plus Fixed Fee or Time & Materials. Options will be appropriate to your contract. Identify whether the task order is a performance-based contract. Identify whether the task order was awarded by GSA Assisted Services. If the task order was awarded by GSA Assisted Services, then select the Client Support Center that awarded the order, such as Region 01: New England or FEDSIM. Identify how the order was awarded or announced, for example: FedBizOpps, ITSS, e-Buy, other.

13 Entering New Order Data (slide 5 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Supply the Dates Enter the Period of Performance (POP) Start and End Dates. The POP Start Date should reflect the initial start date of the order as a whole. The POP End Date should reflect the last date of funded work. It should not include un-exercised options. The POP Start Date must be equal to or later than the Award Date and equal to or before the POP End Date. The Estimated Ultimate Completion Date should reflect the end of the task order including un-exercised options. The Estimated Ultimate Completion Date must be equal to or later than the POP End Date. The Award Date should reflect the date that the Contracting Officer signed the Award document. The Award Date should be equal to or before the POP Start Date and the current date. It is important to verify that the dates entered are accurate for your task order. Reports and other system functionality rely on accurate dates.

14 Entering New Order Data (slide 6 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Enter the Task Order Values Enter the amount that reflects the value funded on the task order when it is initially awarded. This amount should not include un-funded or un-exercised options. The system will automatically populate the Total Obligated/Funded Amount with the Initial Obligated/Funded Amount. When Order Modifications are added, this value will incorporate those increases or decreases. Enter the total potential value over the entire life of the task order including all un-exercised options. This value should be equal to or greater than the Total Obligated/Funded Amount. Only click the Closed Out ‘Yes’ checkbox when you are ready to close-out the task order at the very end of the acquisition life-cycle. When you click ‘Yes’ you must provide the Closed Out Date.

15 Entering New Order Data (slide 7 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Identify the OCO, Issuing Agency / Receiving Agency and Place of Performance Enter the name of the ordering contracting officer (OCO). As you begin to enter the name of the CO who signed your award document, the system will look for matches. If you do not see the CO’s name, enter their address. If you enter the OCO’s address, you will have to select the Issuing Agency and Bureau. Depending on a Contract Family setting, you may see the Contracting Office ID field. This should be visible on your Award document. Select the name of the agency / bureau that is receiving the goods and services identified on the task order. Enter the primary place of performance of the task order. City, State and Country are the only required fields.

16 Entering New Order Data (slide 8 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Upload Attachments, Identify Small Business Subcontracting Click ‘Add / Remove Attachments’ to open a page to attach files to your order such as a copy of your award document or Statement of Work. Use the Small Business Subcontracting Data table to report the companies that are subcontracted to perform on this task order. This section is required for VETS GWAC task orders. Click ‘Add Line Item’ to add a row to the Subcontracting Data table. Click ‘Submit’ to submit this form. Click ‘Cancel’ to discard your changes and close the form.

17 Entering New Order Data (slide 9 of 9)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Confirmation Page Upon successful submission, the system will present a confirmation page.

18 How to Search for Orders
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources You can access all your orders from the Search for Order Data page How to access this page: menu option Orders  Search Orders Click the Order Number to open the Order Data Package. Table is pre-populated with all orders associated to your company.

19 Entering Order Mod Data (slide 1 of 4)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources As modifications are awarded on your task orders, you must enter the modification data Access the Order Mod Data form from the Order Data form  Click ‘add’ link The following slides provide explanation of each form field

20 Entering Order Mod Data (slide 2 of 4)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Enter the Mod Number as identified on your award document. The system will populate the current period of performance (POP) dates. If the modification shortens or extends the overall POP, be sure to edit the POP End date. The End date should reflect the last date of funded work. The system will populate the current Estimated Ultimate Completion Date. This date should include all un-exercised options and should be equal to or later than the POP End Date. It is important to verify that the dates entered are accurate for your task order. Reports and other system functionality rely on accurate dates.

21 Entering Order Mod Data (slide 3 of 4)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Select the Mod Type that best describes the modification. Enter a concise description of the nature of the modification. Enter the date the modification was signed by the Contracting Officer. Enter the increase or decrease in the overall funded amount reflected on the modification award document. The system will update the Total Obligated / Funded Amount based on the increase/decrease you enter into the Mod Obligated/Funded Amount field. Also, the system will update the Total Estimated Value to match the Total Obligated / Funded Amount if this amount exceeds the existing value. You may choose to edit the value. Click ‘Submit’ to submit this form. Click ‘Cancel’ to discard your changes and close the form. It is important to verify that the modification amount is accurate for your task order. Reports and other system functionality rely on accurate values.

22 Entering Order Mod Data (slide 4 of 4)
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Confirmation Page Upon successful submission, the system will present a confirmation page. The data will also appear in the table in the Order Data package.

23 ITSS Orders About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Data from Orders and Order Modifications that are awarded in IT Solutions Shop on a contract that is supported in the CPRM will automatically populate in CPRM Note: The attachments and award document do not flow to CPRM. As the task order awardee: Verify that the order appears in CPRM by searching for it on the CPRM Order Search page The Order Number in CPRM is the number from GSA Award Document Form 300, Block 2 Click on the Order Number to view the Order Data form Click Edit to complete the data entry

24 Be sure to visit the other modules:
Conclusion About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Thank you for completing the CPRM Training Module: Advanced Instruction on Entering Order Data and Modification Data Be sure to visit the other modules: CPRM Training Module: Advanced Instruction on Workflow and System Access CPRM Training Module: Advanced Instruction on Entering Invoice Data and CAF Payment Tip: Help is available on each page in the system by clicking the ‘Guide Me’ link at the top. AASBS Helpdesk contact info:

25 Resources About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview
High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Resources

26 Glossary About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview
High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Term Definition AASBS Assisted Acquisition Services – Business Systems ASSIST Assisted Services Shared Information SysTem BMO Building Maintenance and Operations CAF Contract Access Fee CLIN Contract Line Item Number CPRM Contract Payment Reporting Module FPDS-NG Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation GWAC Government-wide Acquisition Contract GL General Ledger HCaTS Human Capital and Training Solutions IDIQ Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity ITSS IT Solutions Shop IP Industry Partner MAC Multiple Award Contract OASIS / OASIS SB One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services; SB: Small Business OCO Ordering Contracting Officer OMB Office of Management and Budget A U.S. Treasury application that enables U.S. government agencies to accept payments via electronic bank transfer or credit card. PCO Procuring Contracting Officer POP Period of Performance REX Remittance Exchange. Another method for contractors to remit payments to the U.S. Government

27 Contractor (Industry Partner) Workflow
About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources explain… This diagram details the Contractor’s workflow and how it corresponds to activities that occur outside of the CPRM. explain… The CPRM system includes a custom link to the U.S. Treasury’s system via the ‘Pay’ button. It is important to use the CPRM ‘Pay’ button to remit your CAF Payment because the system links your payment information to your contract number and other pertinent data in CPRM. With the correct contract number and other data associated to your payment, the GSA’s systems and processes function most efficiently.

28 Help Resources About this Training You Will Learn CPRM Overview High-level Workflow How to… Order Data Reporting Example Order Data Package Enter Order Data Search Orders Enter Order Mod Data ITSS Orders Resources… Glossary Contractor Workflow Help Resources Access Help Pages by clicking the “Guide Me” link at the top of each page Inside the help system, you may access other help documents using the ‘Tell Me About…’ tab

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