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Properties of Multiplication and Division

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1 Properties of Multiplication and Division
Chapter 4 Lesson 1

2 Key Words Factor Product Multiple Divisor Divided Quotient Parentheses
Equivalent Related Fact

3 Multiplication Properties
Commutative Property a x b = b x a Property of One (Identity Property of Multiplication) a x 1 = a 1 x a = a Zero Property of Multiplication a x 0= 0 0 x a = 0 Associative Property a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c

4 Commutative Property of Multiplication
The commutative property says: "When you change the order of the factors, the product stays the same. Example: 3x2= x3=6

5 Show Me What You Know! On your marker boards, show me one model of 3x4 and one model of 4x3. According to the commutative property of multiplication they should be the same. Is that what your picture shows?

6 Property of One for Multiplication (Identity Property)
The Property of One says: When you multiply any number by 1, the product is equal to that number Example: 1 x 99 = 99

7 Show Me What You Know! On your marker board draw me a picture of 1x6, 1x7, and 1x8. Be ready to tell me what they all have in common

8 Zero Property of Multiplication
The Zero Property of Multiplication says: When you multiply any number by 0, the product is 0. Example: 9,999,999 x 0 = 0

9 Show Me What You Know! On your marker board, show me 3 x 0, 4 x 0, and 5 x 0. Be ready to tell me what you notice about all of your answers.

10 Associative Property of Multiplication
The Associative Property of Multiplication says: When you group factors in different ways, the product stays the same. The parentheses tell you which numbers to multiply first. Example: (2x5)x6=60 2x(5x6)=60

11 Show Me What You Know! On your marker board, draw me a picture of (2x4)x5 and 2x(4x5). According to the Associative Property of Multiplication you should have the same number of dots; do you?

12 Division Rules Division and 1 Division and Zero

13 Division and One There are two rules for division with one:
Rule #1: When you divide a number by itself, the quotient is 1. This is true for all numbers except 0. Rule #2: When you divide a number by 1, the quotient is the same as the dividend

14 Show Me What You Know! On your marker board, show me 7 divided by 7 and 7 divided by 1.

15 Division with Zero There are two rules for division with zeros.
Rule #1: When you divide 0 by a number other than 0, the quotient is 0. Rule #2: You cannot divide a number by zero.

16 Show Me What You Know! On your marker board, show me 0 divided by 3, 0 divided by 4, and 0 divided by 5. What do all of your answers have in common?

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