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UNICOS-CPC PLC Baseline improvement proposals

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1 UNICOS-CPC PLC Baseline improvement proposals
Benjamin Bradu BE/ICS/PCS

Motivations 2 main motivations Homogenise the code through platforms and objects Correct the undesired behaviours Identified issues Discrepancies between Schneider/Siemens Discrepancies for the same features between objects Not optimal code time to time Formal verification issues to be solved, even if considered events are rare Concerned objects Only field objects + PCO for the moment UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

3 Reminder: baseline structure
INPUT MANAGER Bit extraction Rising edge computation INTERLOCK AND ACKNOWLEDGE MANAGER Compute all interlock and ack signals MODE MANAGER Compute the operation mode of the Object (Au/M/Fo/SoftLD/HLD) LIMIT MANAGER Compute the on/off status of the object based on feedbacks REQUEST MANAGER Compute the auto/manual requests OUTPUT MANAGER Compute the outputs based on the requests and on the active mode of the object Change the outputs according to interlocks SURVEILLANCE Compute all warnings of the objects (IOError, Pos warning, AlB warning, etc.) OUTPUT REGISTER Invert the output order values according to fail safe position STATUS REGISTER Put statuses in Stsreg01/02 UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

4 1. Discrepancies Schneider/Siemens
Bi-stable behaviours Schneider: use of RS flip-flop Siemens: use of IF/THEN/ELSE Suggestion: IF/THEN/ELSE to have similar codes OnOff: change of 3 RS Analog/AnaDig/AnaDO/PCO: change of 1 RS UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

5 1. Old/New Schneider code
Meeting 21/09/2016: OK but put a fake ELSE at the end. UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

6 2. Discrepancies between objects
3 different Interlock / Ack management in Schneider and Siemens Analog/Anadig OnOff / AnaDO PCO Suggestion for Schneider & Siemens: Create a new (*INTERLOCK AND ACKNOWLEDGE MANAGER*) Compute all interlock related signals at the BEGINNING of the code FullNotAcknowledged, EnRstartSt, AlUnAck, InterlockR, RdyStartSt Give priority to FS if an Ack is done at the same time. The interlock consequences are done at the end of the “output manager” section. UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

7 2. Old / New interlock manager
Meeting 21/09/2016: OK to group everything in a single place. Seems OK but need more verifications No deployment before LS2 UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

3. Not optimal code Mode management is not optimal regarding the coding recommendations. Suggestions: Remove all “*_aux” variables Priority of modes: HLD->Fo->SoftLD->M->Au Put an “ELSIF” structure instead of 5 independent “IF” UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

3. Old/New mode manager Meeting 21/09/2016: Cannot work. Need to store mode in aux variables to restore the good mode when back from local mode UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

10 4. OnOff bugs found with formal verifications
General behaviour issues Problem if AuAuMoR is always true  remove the rising edge Problem if AuAlAck is always true  remove the rising edge Mode management Local Drive Request should be computed only in Local mode  Add the LDSt condition Interlock management Don't allow restart until interlock disappear and ack done  new interlock management After a FuStop, MOnRSt is in fail-safe position unless MOnR  new interlock management Reset Auto On Request after Full Stop in OnOff  new interlock management Impossible to start with interlock  new interlock management Meeting 21/09/2016: Keep rising edge. AuIhMMo used if need to maintain auto AuAlAck is normally never maintained Meeting 21/09/2016: OK Meeting 21/09/2016: see slide 7 for new interlock management UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

Question 1 Anticipate manual restart after full stop ? (UCPC-1257) Full Stop Occurs  MOnRSt = 0 Ack of the full stop is done by operator Operator do a MOnR. 3 cases: If no allow restart  MOnRSt = 1 If allow restart always allowed MOnRSt = 1 If allow restart only after FS MOnRSt = 0 Full Stop Disappears and Allow Restart done. 3 cases: If no allow restart  object restarts If allow restart always allowed object restarts If allow restart only after FS object does not restart: OK ? Meeting 21/09/2016: OK UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

Question 2 Hardware Local Mode management There is HLD + (HOnR + HOffR) OR (Haout) The output is moved according to HonR/HOffR (pulse) OR HAOut The interlocks are still effective There is only HLD (common case in CRYO+CV) The output is reset to 0 (except bug with AO of ANADO, UCPC-2360) Suggestions: The output follows feedbacks to avoid discordance and glitch when go back to auto mode. Meeting 21/09/2016: OK but this case never happen in reality Meeting 21/09/2016: NOK, don’t follow feedback. But if AuOnR is active, we should not have a glitch when go back to auto mode UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

Summary Tracking of all these bugs/improvements in JIRA for the future baseline version BUGS ANADO: HLD does not reset the AO : UCPC-2360 Field+PCO: FS + Ack in the same cycle: UCPC-2215 Field+PCO: After a FuStop MOnRSt is in fail-safe unless MOnR: UCPC-1257 ONOFF: Reset Auto On Request after Full Stop: UCPC-1603 Field+PCO: Problem if AuAuMoR is always true: UCPC-2361 ONOFF: Impossible to start with Interlock: UCPC-2362 IMPROVEMENTS: UCPC-2367 Field+PCO: Remove RS flip-flop in Schneider baseline Field+PCO: New acknowledge management Field+PCO: New mode management Field+PCO: New Hardware Local Mode management UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016

14 Baseline validation scheme
Object modification in 1 platform (Based on a JIRA issue) Redo the same with other platform(s) OK Execute all formal tests using PLC Verif RELEASE NOK OK Execute all unit tests using the Win CCOA automatic script (test catalog) NOK Meeting 21/09/2016: We need to extend the test catalogue for a better testing confidence OK Peer review With experts in the PCS section NOK OK Today, we are here UNICOS PLC BASELINE END 2016


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