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Welcome to Open House Mr. Bangs: Math, Social Studies & Science

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1 Welcome to Open House Mr. Bangs: Math, Social Studies & Science

2 Mr. Bangs Meet the teacher
*Lifelong Newington resident, currently living in Wethersfield. *Graduate of both UConn and CCSU *Head Varsity basketball coach for the NHS Girls *17th Year Teaching 5th Grade *Love kids, and love working with this year’s class! *My wife’s name is Marisa and we have3 kids, Norah, Natalie and Connor

3 Schedule TIME *Bangs 510 7:55-8:10 HR 8:10-9:25 Math (B) 9:27-10:12
SS (B) 10:14-11:00 Science (K) 11:00-11:35 REACH (B) 11:35-12:00 Lunch 12:02-12:20 Recess 12:25-1:34 Math (K) 1:36-2:12 Encore 2:14-2:50

4 Homework: What to Expect…

5 Classroom Expectations and Homework
Focus on developing responsibility & independence in terms of classwork, homework, long term projects, & being prepared for class Fostering positive behavior choices and accountability for actions through P.R.I.D.E. Homework assigned daily Reinforces what is taught in school. Student planner used daily: not optional Homework is posted on our webpages “School Staff” “Rick Bangs”

6 Homework Homework completion will be factored into students' Power School grades.  Two points will be given for each thoroughly completed assignment, 1 point for a partially completed assignment, and 0 points if the assignment is incomplete.  A student may submit an incomplete assignment the following day for 1 point if the assignment is thorough and done with good effort. In addition, there will be times when certain homework assignments are collected and graded. s/phone calls home will be made if homework is not being completed regularly.

7 Grading Check Power School regularly to stay up to date with your child’s progress Power School categories and weights in our online gradebooks: Assessments 80% Homework/Classwork 20% Report Cards: Letter grades and numerical grades for effort and behavior 1 = excellent 2= good 3= satisfactory 4= needs improvement

8 Communication or call the school and leave a message to contact us with questions or concerns Check Power School regularly to be aware of your child’s progress We have the same goal... for your child to have a successful 5th grade year! 

9 Social Studies Primary and Secondary Sources: learning to think like a historian. Piecing together information to “paint a picture”. This year we are studying Early American History

10 Math COMMON CORE!!! (See packet) Units in Math this year include:
Number and Operations in Base Ten(current) Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations - Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry We will be working on the Front Row math website weekly for additional skill practice. We also have been provided with the new GoMath program.

11 Science Science units this year: Sound Light The Five Senses
The Moon and Moon Systems Biomes of the Earth We try to include as many 'hands-on' opportunities as possible in Science. All tests in Science will be open note tests.

12 Additional Information
After school activities announced over morning announcements (JWTV) Popular ones with 5th graders are homework club, Make a Wish, Art Club, Dodgeball (mornings) and Student Senate Field Trips and Programs- CT Science Center Other programs and trip tbd Chromebooks– may not be used every day in every class.

13 September Conferences
Optional September 20th & 21st September conferences Parents share information that would be helpful for the teacher to know Discuss the student’s transition November conferences Discuss academic progress Mr. Milardo will inform parents when the schedule is available for online sign up

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