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Unit 23, Lesson 1 December 1, 2010.

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1 Unit 23, Lesson 1 December 1, 2010

2 W. A. L. T. We Are Learning To…
Be able to identify syllable types with 100% accuracy. Discover diphthongs in a word or sentence. Identify syllables involving diphthongs

3 1. Identify It: Syllable Types
Please turn to workbook page 194 Let’s go over the first two examples together Identify the syllable types Say each syllable in the word and write it in the correct column Identify, say, and write the syllables in the rest of the words independently

4 Workbook page 194 num ber fun ny Thurs day ty safe tur key ea gle mid
dle ly name stee ple Life/size mar ble nit u

5 2. Spelling Pretest Workbook page 195
Write down the word the teacher says Write it down to the best of your ability

6 Workbook Page 195 power noise courage point enjoy debt herb loyal
pounds honest honor without drowned however hour

7 2. Memorize It Workbook Page R49
Essential Words: courage, debt, herb, honest, honor, hour These words are words that you WILL see again Take some time to say the word, spell the word, and write the word

8 Workbook Page R49

9 3. Vocabulary and Morphology
Please turn to page 169 in your hardcover books Take a look at the UNIT VOCABULARY in the box Identify any words you do not know or are unfamiliar with Discuss the meanings of the word(s)

10 3. Intro: Thesaurus A thesaurus is a collection of synonyms. A synonym is a word that has the same, or nearly the same, meaning as another word. Using a thesaurus can help make your writing more interesting by providing synonyms so you can vary your word choice. The words is most thesauri are arranged in alphabetical order, as in a dictionary. You can find a word easily by using the guide words at the top of the page.

11 3. Using a Thesaurus Please turn to page 196 in your workbook
Read the thesaurus entry for the target word, power Underline each of the meanings of power, which appear in bold print Highlight synonyms for power with which you are unfamiliar Write one sentence for each meaning of the word power, using in each a synonym you highlighted in the thesaurus entry

12 Workbook Page 196 Answers will vary! Sample Responses:
The plant supplies energy to many homes and businesses. He used his strength to lift the heavy boards. I don’t have the authority to dismiss your ticket.

13 3. Review: Antonyms Antonyms are Word Line- Degrees of Meaning
Words that have the opposite meaning. EXAMPLE: Powerful is an antonym of powerless Powerless is an antonym of powerful Word Line- Degrees of Meaning Workbook page 197 Write each word under the word line which has the same degree of meaning Look up the words powerless, neutral, and powerful in the thesaurus. Locate another word to add under each of these words on the word line.

14 Workbook Page 197 Answers will vary for additional words
neutral fragile forceful insecure strong weak Answers will vary for additional words helpless detached capable incapable impartial intense unable influential Answers will vary! fragile impartial Forceful Influential insecure

15 3. Expression of the Day Power behind the throne
Meaning: someone who does not have an official position in a government or organization but who secretly controls it

16 4. Review: Prepositions, Prepositional Phrases, and Objects of Preposition
What function word shows the position or relationship of a noun or pronoun? What is a phrase that begins with an preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun called? What is the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition called? Where can a prepositional phrase be found in a sentence? A preposition A prepositional phrase The object of the preposition At the beginning, middle, or end

17 4. Identify It: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Workbook page 198 Read each preposition in the word bank Discuss the meaning Read each sentence Look in the sentence to fine one of the prepositions from the Word Bank, and underline it Discuss the meaning of the prepositional phrase Circle the object of the preposition

18 Workbook Page 198

19 5. Listening and Reading Comprehension
Hardcover Before you read Horsepower- what is it? Are there other ways to measure the power of something? Workbook page 199 Read and scoop the first two sentences Review cueing questions you can use to decide which words go together to form meaningful phrases Continue reading the remaining sentences independently Use cueing questions to identify meaningful groups of words Scoop the phrase units

20 Workbook Page 199 Answers will vary!

21 5. Use the Clues Pronouns usually refer to nouns
Please turn to page 199 in your workbook Read the paragraph from “Horsepower” Find each of the underlined pronouns Identify and circle the noun or nouns that the pronoun replaces Draw an arrow from the pronoun to the noun or nouns it replaces

22 Workbook Page 199

23 6. Rewrite It Workbook page 200 Read the excerpt from “Horsepower”
Rewrite the two sentences in the excerpt as one sentence. Remove the pronoun that begins the second sentence. Replace the word horses in the second sentence with a pronoun. Use and to join the sentences Check that the sentence uses sentence signals- capital letters, commas, and end punctuation.

24 Workbook Page 200 When early humans started farming, they tamed horses and used them for riding.

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