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INSPIRE Conformance Class of I15
HMA for Science Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (I15) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W (ebRIM I15) + INSPIRE Conformance Class of I15 Final Presentation 11 June 2014 WMO Geneva (CH) Uwe Voges, con terra GmbH
Introduction Main use cases of I15: EO Collection and Service Discovery Provides advanced search capabilities Defined as Extensions Package (EP) of the OGC Catalogue Services (CS) ebRIM application profile (AP) EO Collection: series, i.e. a set of dataset sharing the same product specification Example EO Collections: Series of EO Images of the same satellite (e.g. MSG) and the same sensor (e.g. SEVIRI) at different times (see Figure). 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Introduction OGC Catalogue Services (CS) ebRIM application profile (AP) based on OGC Catalogue Services OASIS ebXML Registry Information Model (ebRIM) v3.0 ebRIM is the basic information model of OASIS Registries managing instances of any electronic content: e.g. ISO-XML documents called RepositoryItems -> stored in the Repository standardized metadata that describe the RepositoryItems called RegistryObjects -> stored in the Registry foundation for searching / discovery of the Rep.-Items ebXML Registry: illustrated with metaphor of a Local Library: Repository items: like the Books in the Library Registry: like the Card Catalog: organized to find things quickly conform to a standard => ebRIM OASIS ebXML Registry Registry RegistryObjects: ebXML ebRIM 3.0 UUID Repository RepositoryItems: e.g. Images, XML Files 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Introduction ebRIM provides a set of core RegistryObjects with defined semantic: ExtrinsicObjects, the primary metadata class, represents also the RepositoryItems (e.g. an ISO19139 Document) Slots, provide a dynamic way to add attributes to RegistryObjects Associations, to associate RegistryObjects to other RegistryObjects Classifications, for classifying RegistryObjects 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Introduction Extension Packages (EP): meet needs of some application domain RegistryObjects (RO) that extend the core model, including new types of ExtrinsicObjects or Associations additional Classification Schemes /Classification Nodes and Slots CS ebRIM AP provides the Basic EP I includes RO of general utility in the geomatics domain shall be considered by all OGC EP EP´s are encoded in XML (called RegistryPackage): can be deployed into existing ebRIM Catalogue allow storage / discovery of defined RegistryObjects CS ebRIM AP does not use service interfaces of ebXML Registries Instead: HTTP protocol binding of OGC CS OGC CSW AP ebRIM Catalogue I15 Registry CSW-ebRIM Discovery HTTP/XML/SOAP) RegistryObjects: ebRIM 3.0 & Basic Package UUID RepositoryItems: XML Files CSW-ebRIM Discovery HTTP/XML/SOAP) 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Introduction I15 (former: CIM): EP for search / management of ISO 19139(-2) encoded ISO 19115(-2)/19119 Dataset-, Collection-, Application- and Service-Metadata includes as many ebRIM Objects as required for most important discovery use-cases CIM EP was started in ESA HMA-T ( ), now finalized as I15 EP in ESA HMA-S (2013) accompanied by XML RegistryPackage: can be deployed into existing ebRIM Catalogue OGC CSW AP ebRIM EP I15 Catalogue I15 Registry CSW-ebRIM Discovery HTTP/XML/SOAP) Registry RegistryObjects: ebRIM 3.0 & Basic Package & I15 EP UUID Repository RepositoryItems: ISO19139(-2) XML Files CSW-ebRIM Discovery HTTP/XML/SOAP) 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Model: Main Metadata Types
Main resource metadata types (represented as ExtrinsicObjects) and their associations: ElementaryDataset, DatsetCollection, ServiceMetadata and Application 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Model: Overview 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Model: Data Quality (Sub-Package)
Reso urce Meta data: abstr act base class of all infor- mati on reso urce types 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Model: Data Quality (Sub-Package)
metadata resource may have quality information assigned: DataQuality, Lineage, Source, ProcessStep, Service-Metadata, CitedItem and Organization. defined in OWS9 document OGC 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Model: Acquisition Information (19115-2)
ExtrinsicObjects, Slots and Associations related to acquisition information (to support platform and instrument identifiers) 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Model: Acquisition Information (19115-2)
Service metadata is described by EO ServiceMetadata derived from the EO ResourceMetadata association to the ServiceOperation EO association to ebRIM Core Service RO 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Model: Keyword and Thesaurus Information
Every I15 metadata resource entry may be classified by different kinds of keywords resulting from a list of predefine d or thesaurus based keyword schemes Considers CR derived within SMAAD regarding advanced thesaurus / keyword approach 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Model: Context associations between the main Resource ExtrinsicObjects represent the context Sophisticated queries are possible based on those associations OperatesOn between ServiceMetadata and DataMetadata IsClientOf between Application and ServiceMetadata Subset between DatasetCollection and the abstract DataMetadata EOB Accesses between Application and DataMetadata 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 EP: Types and Slots (snippet)
I15 EP provides the appropriate classification schemas and nodes to represent the I15 UML definitions in ebRIM: ObjectTypes for the ExtrinsicObjects Association-Types and Slot Definitions 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 EP: Data Dictionary (snippet)
Data Dictionary describes the ExtrinsicObjects: their Slots, Attributes, Classifications and Associations in detail 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Registration of ISO19139(-2) metadata files (ISO2RIM Mappings)
Registration of ISO documents as mappings from ISO19139(-2) XPaths to I15: How to deduce the main EO (ElementaryDataset, DatasetCollection, Service, Application) How to derive: the associated RegistryObjects (e.g. Metadata-Information EO or Constraints), classifications and slot values the associations between the main EOs 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Examples I15 specification includes examples of ISO documents and their mappings to I15 Snippet from an example mapping 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Examples Following Examples are provided
ISO19115(-2)/ISO19119 with ISO19139(-2) Encoding ISO19115 Collection based on EUMETSAT Product Navigator instance ISO Collection from EUMETSAT PN including ISO extension information ISO19119 Service_WMS.xml Service Metadata Instance: fictitious (Atmospheric conditions WMS) metadata document The corresponding I15 mappings I15_Mapping_EO_EUM_DAT_METOP_IASIL2TWT.xml I15_Mapping_EO_EUM_DAT_METOP_IASIL2TWT_ISO xml I15_Mapping_Service_WMS.xml 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Sample Request I15 Catalogues understand OGC GetRecords filter expressions which use the I15 RegistryObjects. Sample: filters for EO Collections where the data is available in a specified region and acquired by a SEVIRI instrument which is mounted on a Meteosat-9 or -10 satellite. 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15-Package (XML) Includes the ExtrinsicObject types (nodes), association types (nodes) and classification schemes 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Conformance Classes I15 candidate standard defines two level of conformance: Core: support of the Core I15 EP RegistryObjects (in Requests and Responses Extension: support of Core + Extension I15 EP RegistryObjects (mainly Quality and Acquisition Information ) 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
External Conformance Class: I15 INSPIRE CC (ICC)
Target: retain interoperability of I15 with INSPIRE Discovery Service (INSPIRE_DS) INSPIRE_DS: a slightly extended version (profile) of CSW AP ISO Baseline for semantic inter operability between I and INSPIRE_DS. OGC : INSPIRE Confor mance Class (ICC) of I15 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ICC OGC conformant Type 1 profile (no extensions) of I15
restricts use of optional ExtrinsicObjects, Associations, Slots and query capabilities …making some mandatory Developed within HMA-T and SMAAD updated in HMA-S 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ICC mappings between INSPIRE_DS queryables and returnables and I15 Model mandatory INSPIRE DS queryables mapped to CIM queryables mandatory ISO returnables mapped to CIM (ICC) slots or classifications same mandatory operations and bin dings as I15 I15 Protocol Binding of INSPIRE_DS 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ICC – Baseline for building Bridges
I15 ICC is the conceptual baseline for building bridges between INSPIRE_DS and I15 Discovery Services Case 1: ISO AP to I15 EP Transformation As I15 EP is semantically superset of INSPIRE_DS: all INSPIRE_DS requests can be mapped to I15 all INSPIRE_DS responses can be filled by I15 responses Case 2: CIM EP to ISO AP Transformation not possible to map all I15 EP requests to INSPIRE_DS not possible to map all I15 EP responses to INSPIRE_DS responses If Client restricted to ICC – the mapping of I15 EP requests to INSPIRE_DS becomes possible Needed for HMA-S: Integration of IDS-Catalogues into ESA HMA I 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Why is I15 part of HMA ? Needed for (advanced) Collection and Service Discovery: where associations between information objects (joins) are involved search services coupled with datasets X fulfilling a defined quality search for WMS service providing datasets acquired with a SEVIRI instrument mounted on Meteosat-9 or -10 Uses powerful filter encoding for query definition Can use nearly all important ISO elements for filtering Search for different items: Example: Select just the Instrument Information of the datasets which are provided by the WMS 1.3 xyz Manage ISO metadata Via INSPIRE Conformance Class aligned with INSPIRE Discovery Services OpenSearch EOP: just supports simple queries, not for Service Discovery, no data management =>> I15 more for B2B -> OS lightweight interfaces for building Apps 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Why is I15 part of HMA-S ? Weaknesses of former CIM:
Important ISO19115/19 parts missing Lots of inconsistencies and not finalized modellings Missing examples I15 was not in final status - although official specification of HMA Neither OGC Standard nor Best Practice, not aligned with OGC policies,… 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
Overview of the Activities for I15 in HMA-S
I15 and I15 ICC Specification Documents (WP5100) Updated I15 EP Model + Specification Document including ConformanceClasses I15 Registry-Package definition (XML) + Examples Updated ICC of I15 I15 and I15 ICC ATS/ETS (WP5200) Full redefinition of I15 ATS and ETS Updated I15 ICC ATS and ETS Run Tests and provide Test Reports OGC Collaborations (WP5100) Resumed CIM (I15) SWG Passed through OGC process I15 Demonstrator Contribution (WP5310) Updated I15ToISO-Bridge 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Specification and OGC Adoption (WP5100)
Full revision of former CIM Specification Document: UML-Diagrams: Imported old UML Diagrams from IGN via XMI into Enterprise Architect Updated and Extended Diagrams Added new:Quality- and Acquistion Packages Classification Schemes, Slots, Associations Data Dictionary ISO2RIM-mappings: unnecessary overhead dropped Text & included requirements (alignment with OGC Policies) Developed Examples Updated I15-Package definition (XML) Updated I15 ATS Fully redesigned I15 ETS Added URI Document 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) I15 Abstract Test Suite (ATS)
I15 defines abstract tests for the two conformance classes: Core (minimal support, requirements for all catalogues), including (not limited to): SOAP 1.2 support availability of all Core I15 EP RegistryObjects their support in GetRecords filter statements their inclusion in GetRecords- and GetRecordById-Responses their correct mappings from their ISO19139 source documents GetRepositoryItem correct implemented Extension Core must be supported availability of Extension I15 EP RegistryObjects (e.g. RegistryObjects related to quality, acquisition and context of the resource metadata) their correct mappings from their ISO19139 source documents. Harvest support 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) I15 and ICC Testing
I15 and ICC Test Specification and ETS Execution Test Reports: defined in Design Justification File (DJF) I15 EP: testing with I15 EP reference server I15 EP ICC: testing with I15ToISO-Bridge SW Validation Testing Specification Design for I15 EP: ATS of I15 (OGC r2) for I15 EP ICC: ATS of ICC of I15 (OGC r4) SW Validation Test Case Specification for I15 EP: defined in ETS of I15 for I15 EP ICC: defined in ETS of I15 ICC SW Validation Test Procedures and Test Reports How the Tests are proceeded: execute ETS´ with TEAM Engine Includes Results of ETS Executions 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Specification and OGC Adoption (WP5100)
Communication with former CIM and current I15 SWG members (mainly Intecs and Spacebel): UML, ATS, ETS, Registry-Package Definitions,… RFC Process including: Resumed OGC SWG (OGC Collaboration): New OGC I15 SWG Project Updated SWG Charter Organized with OGC new I15 (former CIM) web page in OGC portal Uploaded Docs into OGC I SWG Project Collected open issues, updated Issue Tracker Further Communication with OGC: Charter, TC- and PC-Adoption, OGC N-A,… 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Specification and OGC Adoption (WP5100)
Passed through OGC process and made I15 Specification an OGC Standard ! 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 / I15 ICC Implementations
Currently the following implementations support the I15 or the I15 ICC: Buddata Geonetwork (former CIM) – update ? Ground Segments (e.g. EUMETSAT) via I15ToISO Bridge (see next slides) Clients (e.g. ESA/Spacebel) 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 Demonstrator Contribution (WP5310) – I15ToISO-Bridge
Updated I15ToISO Bridge (developed in SMAAD) to changes of I15 EP ICC Bridge installed in front of EUMETSAT ProductNavigator which provides an INSPIRE_DS Server Java-Servlet (Tomcat based), translations in XSLT Bridge used by demonstrator client and TEAM Engine (for testing) Available in a google code repository: Project: discovery-vs-hma-collection-discovery/ Subversion: 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) ATS Requirement-Classes for Core and Extension defined Mappings between requirements and one of the two requirements classes and their associated conformance class defined 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ICC ATS/ETS (WP5200) I15 ICC Executable Test Suite (ETS)
Based on OGC CTL-scripts Structure of ETS (see right) tests starts from the main.ctl script: User Form comes up to request information on test 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ICC ATS/ETS (WP5200) Testing the I15ToISO Bridge
Diagram: components involved in the test including their HTTP-bindings / URLs. On top of EUMETSAT PN Test-Results in: HMA-S.CTR.D 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) I15 ETS OGC CTL-scripts (example below)
Structure of ETS (see right) 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) I15 ETS tests start from the main.ctl script
User Form comes up to request information on test shows the form input values used for running the ETS for the current report: URL´s of cata-logue endpoints Access to: GetRepositoryItem GetRecordBy-Id: HTTP/GET/KVP or HTTP/POST/XML/SOAP or static mock response if not static mock, User has to provide ID´s of ExtrinsicObjects Check on/off the test-groups to be executed 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) Testing the I15 Reference Server
Diagram shows components involved in the test including their HTTP-bindings / URLs. Documents need to be harvested: Service_WMS.xml (example of service metadata) EO_EUM_DAT_METOP_IASIL2TWT_ISO xml (example of dataset collection, defined in the ISO extension) The TEAMEngine runs the ETS (the .ctl-scripts) against the I15 EP Reference Server Next page shows latest result tables from Intecs All test results reported within HMA-S.CTR.D 11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
I15 ATS/ETS (WP5200) Core Test Cases Extension Test Cases 11 June 2014
con terra GmbH – Esri Deutschland Group
11 June 2014 HMA-S FP
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