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Vocab List #2 Q4 List 2.

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1 Vocab List #2 Q4 List 2

2 Sentences The outfit that woman wore was an affront to my nature as a stylist. She was cognizant of the due dates, but they slipped her mind just the same. Because the convict was incorrigible, it was best he remain in jail for life. A pedantic teacher might be brilliant, but they can also be quite the snooze fest. Action films and love stories help men and women live vicariously through the characters.

3 Definitions Affront (noun) - a statement that offends or insults someone Synonym: Offend Antonym: Compliment Cognizant (adjective) – having knowledge of Synonym: Aware Antonym: unaware Incorrigible – (adjective) Not capable of being reformed Synonym: Hopeless Antonym: Redeemable Pedantic (adjective)- narrow and follows the rules Synonym: Dull Antonym: Interesting Vicarious (adjective) - experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person Synonym: secondhand Antonym: primary

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