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Hypothalamus Effects Disorders Hormones Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200

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Presentation on theme: "Hypothalamus Effects Disorders Hormones Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hypothalamus Effects Disorders Hormones Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Asks for the release of GH
$100 Asks for the release of GH

3 $100 GHRH

4 Asks the body to stop the release of PRL
$200 Asks the body to stop the release of PRL

5 $200 PRLIH

6 Asks for the release of LH and FSH
$300 Asks for the release of LH and FSH

7 $300 GnRH

8 Asks for the release of ACTH
$400 Asks for the release of ACTH

9 $400 CRH

10 $500 Ultimately asks for thyroid secretions (remember this is in the hypothalamus)

11 $500 TRH

12 $100 Causes the uterus to contract, milk to be expelled, and stimulates ejaculation (obviously not all in the same person)

13 $100 OT

14 Reduces water excretion
$200 Reduces water excretion

15 $200 ADH

16 Increases just carbohydrate metabolism
$300 Increases just carbohydrate metabolism

17 $300 Cortisol

18 Increases the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids
$400 Increases the metabolism of 
carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids

19 $400 Thyroxine

20 Calls for the increase of blood calcium
$500 Calls for the increase of blood calcium

21 $500 PTH

22 Excessive height with disproportionate hands, feet, and head
$100 Excessive height with 
disproportionate hands, feet, and head

23 Acromegaly; GH hypersectretion
$100 Acromegaly; GH hypersectretion

24 High blood sugar, but cells are starving for energy
$200 High blood sugar, but cells are starving for energy

25 Diabetes Mellitis; insulin hyposecretion
$200 Diabetes Mellitis; insulin hyposecretion

26 Tan skin, troubles metabolizing carbs
$300 Tan skin, troubles metabolizing carbs

27 Addison's Disease; cortisol hyposecretion
$300 Addison's Disease; cortisol hyposecretion

28 Increased urine output, no sugar in urine
$400 Increased urine output, no sugar in urine

29 ADH hyposecretion; Diabetes Insipidous
$400 ADH hyposecretion; Diabetes Insipidous

30 Abnormally high metabolism, bulging eyes
$500 Abnormally high metabolism, bulging eyes

31 Toxic Goiter (Graves Disease); thyroxine hypersecretion
$500 Toxic Goiter (Graves Disease); thyroxine hypersecretion

32 $100 Epinephrine

33 Elevates metabolism, fight or flight response
$100 Elevates metabolism, fight or flight response

34 $200 Glucagon

35 Tells liver to release glucose into blood
$200 Tells liver to release glucose into blood

36 $300 Thymosins

37 Elevates immunity via WBCs
$300 Elevates immunity via WBCs

38 $400 GnRH

39 Stimulates the release of FSH & LH
$400 Stimulates the release of FSH & LH

40 $500 PTH

41 Raises blood calcium levels
$500 Raises blood calcium levels

42 $100 Endemic Goiter

43 Hyperthyroxines; decreased metabolism (because thyroxines lack iodine)
$100 Hyperthyroxines; decreased metabolism (because thyroxines lack iodine)

44 $200 Melatonin

45 Night time hormone, slows metabolism; pineal gland
$200 Night time hormone, slows metabolism; pineal gland

46 Cretinism (congenital hypothyroidism)
$300 Cretinism (congenital hypothyroidism)

47 $300 Low body temperature, mental 
retardation, slow metabolism; 

48 Two possibilities for excess calcium in the blood
$400 Two possibilities for excess calcium in the blood

49 Hypocalcitonin, HyperPTH
$400 Hypocalcitonin, HyperPTH

50 $500 Pheochromocytoma

51 (Told you to use the book!)
$500 Hyperadrenaline due to tumors; hypertension, high metabolism, indigestion, etc. (Told you to use the book!)

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