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Trust Funds Take-away and Contact

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1 Trust Funds Take-away and Contact
Louisa Huang POV ACS Learning Washington DC, July 2017

2 Who is the speaker Louisa Huang, Regional Trust Fund Coordinator, Development Effectiveness Unit , EAP

3 What we will cover TF Overview TF Monitoring

4 …. plus anything else that might be of interest to you

5 What is a Trust Fund?

6 Think, if it is enough

7 A trust fund (TF) is a financing arrangement established with contributions from one or more external development partner(s)/partners, and in some cases, from the World Bank Group, to support development-related activities. The World Bank's policy and procedures on trust funds is set out in OP/BP

8 Monitoring and Reporting
Trust Funds Cycle Planning Establishment Evaluation Implementation Monitoring and Reporting Closing

9 Process Trustee Fund Donor A Donor B Administration Agreement
SFP/FIN Discussion TFP Grant Agreement between Bank and Recipient WBS element PE-P LEN-TF987654 Donor A Donor B Administration Agreement between Donors and Bank Bank Executed Grant Recipient Executed Grant Trustee Fund GFR GFR

10 Trust Fund Hierarchy Trustee Grant TRUSTEE WINDOW Window GRANT
Freestanding or Programmatic Single or Multi Donor Activated by Agreement between Donor and Bank Does not disburse directly to project Managed by Program Manager Window WINDOW Pass through code for grant funds. GRANT Disbursing fund Bank executed or Recipient executed Recipient executed activated by Grant Agreement between Bank and Recipient Bank executed activated by WBS Managed by Project TTL Grant

11 Do you know who is the largest donor to the (IBRD/IDA) trust funds?

12 From FY09 to present the United Kingdom has been the largest donor to IBRD/IDA TFs

13 Many TF Programs are our proxy “internal donors”, such as

14 Do you know the size of trust fund portfolio in EAP?

15 EAP TF Portfolio Overview
Similar pattern as last year EAP TF Portfolio Overview Trustee portfolio. As of end June 2016, EAP trustee portfolio stood at $1.7 billion in pledge through 62 accounts (59% of which mapped to EAP). Development Partner. Australia, United States, EC, Netherlands and United Kingdom were the top 5 donors. Grant portfolio. Grant portfolio totaled $2.2 billion through 794 disbursing accounts, mostly managed by GP. Results Focus. Environment, Energy, Urban, Social development, and Education were among the top 10 areas of TF usage. Recipient Country. Indonesia, Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia were among the top 3 recipient EAP countries.

16 How many types of grants are there?

17 Bank Executed (BETF) Recipient Executed (RETF) Bank Executed on behalf of the Recipient (BEBR)

18 Important Note BETF = BB RETF = IBRD/IDA
What operational policies apply in TF financed activities? BETF = BB RETF = IBRD/IDA

19 RETF and IBRD/IDA IBRD+IDA+RETF FY12 7,055 6.1% FY13 6,815 8.3% FY14
Year Total % RETF FY12 7,055 6.1% FY13 6,815 8.3% FY14 6,707 5.9% FY15 6,666 4.9% FY16 7,811 4.0% Amounts in mln$

20 BETF and BB BB+ BETF BETF contribution to operational budget for lending, supervision, ASA etc. remains constant around 45% and above corporate average. Amounts in mln$

21 TF Operating Environment
OP/BP Trust Funds Trust Fund Handbook

22 TF Central Units (IG&A)

23 Money Coming in vs. Money Going out
From Donor to WB Facility TFP, AA, CoF Annual Report GFR, GA, ISR/GRM, LOR…. Project/ ASA From WB to Recipient

24 10 Things You Must Know about Trust Funds
Bring the Money In… Get the Money Out… Policy: The Bank advocates transparent and strategic fundraising with direction and oversight from management. Acceptance criteria: consistency with Bank’s mandate/comparative advantages, strategic alignment, risk management, good governance, untied funding, and efficiency in size and full cost recovery Country Director normally chairs internal review /decision for new TF initiatives for his/her country(ies) Fees: The Bank charges 5% admin fee on RETF Document: TTL prepares the Trust Fund Proposal (TFP), which is cleared by all internal partners (DFi, LEG, TACT). The Bank signs Administration Agreement (AA) with donor based on approved TFP and brings in money through call of funds (CoF) Once the money is received by the Bank, the type of activities financed by a TF determines the applicable quality assurance process: Recipient’s work (RETF) = IBRD/IDA; Bank’s work (BETF) = BB For RETFs, include discussion on the planned donor funding in PCN and PAD if it intends to co-finance IBRD/IDA projects. For stand-alone RE, follow IPF or small grant procedures Document: GFR, GA, LOR, ISR/GRM, Annual Report Keep donor update on results and fund usage. Use disclosable ISR, annual report and unaudited financial report in donor’s portal for this purpose but no other deliberative Some donors have own fiscal year, specific condition on payment, visibility and audit requirements. Check with management and your TFC before accepting the contribution!

25 Resources OP/BP 14.40, Trust Funds Trust Fund Handbook
IPF Instructions AMS 15.01 TF on-line Learning & Accreditation TF Hotline: x38510 “AskBudget”; “TACT” DFi Client Officers and Regional TF Coordinators

26 Path to Useful Reports Individual TF ; Exception Monitoring
Type “myTF”: (require passkey) TF Country Report, VPU/GP Dashboard Type “reports”: trust funds (standard report) Operations dashboard Type “taskteam” (as TTL) or “PM” (as practice manager) Donor Report Type “clientconnection”, Select “DPC” TF analytical report in BI : Type “BI” : bireporting – analytics – trust fund analytics (AO as interface for customization)

27 Annex 1. DFI Client Officers
Atfah Dad GSURR Social, Urban, rural & Resilience (GP) GFADR Agriculture (GP) ECA Eka Putra GEEDR Energy &Extractives (GP) GWADR Water (GP) GTIDR Transport & ICT (GP) GCPDR Public Private Partnerships (CCSA)* SAR MIGA TRE Ferdinand Vinuya GFMDR Finance &Markets (GP) GTCDR Trade &Competitiveness (GP) GGODR Governance (GP) GPVDR Poverty (GP) GMFDR Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management (GP) MNA GOKMU DEC Gulnara Febres GCGDR Gender (CCSA) GCFDR Fragility, Conflict & Violence (CCSA) EAP LCR OPCS GEDDR Education (GP)  GOKMU (Global Operations & Knowledge Management) Sabina Djutovic-Alivodic GSPDR Social Protection & Labor (GP) GCJDR Jobs (CCSA)* GHNDR Health, Nutrition & Population (GP) AFR ECR IEG Valery Ciancio GENDR Environment & Natural Resources (GP) GCCVP Climate Change (CCSA)* DFI LEG Annex 1. DFI Client Officers

28 Trust Fund Coordinators
UPI Name Title  Unit GP/CCSA/Region 150684 Irina Gabrial Operations Officer SARDE South Asia (SAR) 50138 Jerry A. Lebo Senior Operations Officer ECADE Europe & Central Asia (ECA) 85797 Xiuru Huang (Louisa) EAPDE East Asia & Pacific (EAP) 21254 Nancy Tee Lim Program Officer DECDP Development Economics (DEC) 81644 Tatyana V. Klimova GFMDR Finance & Markets 178137 Uma G. Mathur Operations Analyst AFRDE Africa (AFR) 21975 Amy Champion GHNP Health, Nutrition & Population  193194 Inas J. Ellaham GSPGL Social Protection & Labor Global

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