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Ethics and Values for Professionals WD Ross – Prima Facie Deontology

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1 Ethics and Values for Professionals WD Ross – Prima Facie Deontology
Chapter 4: Part II WD Ross – Prima Facie Deontology Prepared by: Roger Nault

2 W.D. Ross: 1877-1971 The Right and the Good (1930)
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ W.D. Ross: The Right and the Good (1930) 2

3 Prima Facie Deontology:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: Agrees with Utilitarians that consequences matter when applying morals but rejected the premise that only pleasure has intrinsic moral value. Ross placed value in not only future-looking duties but also in those arising from the past as well as on-going duties. Disagreed with Kant who described duties as absolute – introduces prima facie duties 3

4 Prima Facie Deontology:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: Prima facie duties are moral duties that may on occasion be overridden by stronger moral claims – potential duties. 4

5 Prima Facie Deontology:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: Ross identified 7 prima facie moral duties which he claimed that we intuitively know: Future-looking duties Duties based on past obligations On-going duties 5

6 Prima Facie Deontology: Future-looking Duties:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: Future-looking Duties: Beneficence – duty to help others, Nonmaleficence duty to not do harm (not to create new harm) prevent possible harm and reducing existing suffering (harm). 6

7 Prima Facie Deontology: Duties based on Past Obligations:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: Duties based on Past Obligations: Fidelity duties from past commitments: within voluntary contexts – keep promises within non-voluntary contexts – be loyal. Philosophers debate which duty is the strongest. 7

8 Prima Facie Deontology: Duties based on Past Obligations:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: Duties based on Past Obligations: Reparation – duties to “balance” past harms. Fault requires the duty of reparation (aka restitution but does not incl. retribution which will be discussed later). 8

9 Prima Facie Deontology: Duties based on Past Obligations:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: Duties based on Past Obligations: Gratitude – duties from past unearned favours; esp. amongst equals. Maintain balance – return a favour in proportion to the original. Asymmetry in favours creates perpetual obligation which is said to be dehumanizing. 9

10 Prima Facie Deontology: On-going Duties:
Chapter 4: Deontological Ethics ​ Prima Facie Deontology: On-going Duties: Self-improvement – to continually improve our knowledge and virtue. In Buddhism continuous self-improvement through right living and right thinking is the only way to reach moral excellence. Justice – to give each person equal consideration. 10

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