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Welcome toYear 6! Thank you for coming!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome toYear 6! Thank you for coming!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome toYear 6! Thank you for coming!

2 Meet the team… Who’s who?

3 Timetable

4 Our topic this HALF term:
Victorian Britain In this unit we will be finding out about the lives of Victorian children, how attitudes towards children changed, and the people who are remembered for their part in these changes. The children will develop their understanding of the concept of change and continuity and their sense of periods of time, by looking at the characteristic features of children's lives in the Victorian era. They will build on their understanding of chronology by locating the Victorian period within a time framework, and by sequencing changes within the period.

5 Victorian Britain


7 Science – Electricity and light
Can we explain how a circuit works? How does light travel and enable us to see?

8 PSHCE Class rules Looking after myself Democracy

9 Physical education Gymnastics

10 We are continuing to learn about British Values
The main areas are… DEMOCRACY THE RULE OF LAW INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY MUTUAL RESPECT TOLERANCE OF THOSE WITH DIFFERENT FAITH AND BELIEFS They will be taught mainly through assemblies, circle times and through topic lessons.

11 Website The website is now one of our most important ways of communicating with parents and carers. There will be key dates on the calendar: Meetings, Trips, Assemblies etc. Teachers will update the website with photos of your child’s learning at least twice a term.

12 Routines – The Start of the Day A ‘Soft Start’
Year 6 Soft Start: This provides a positive, inviting and less regimented beginning to the day. Class teachers have the opportunity to set a warm tone and to interact with the children, encouraging them into the day with activities such as a challenge, spelling, times tables or a particular class focus. Instead of lining up, children come into school from 8.45 (no earlier). Class Teachers are ready to greet the children with activities that they can pick up as they come in. Register is completed by 9.00 as usual. If it is a very wet morning children must come straight to the top hall where they will be met by a member of staff.

13 Guided Reading All classes will begin Guided Reading at 9.00am.
Please ensure your children are on time so that they can benefit fully from this important lesson. Children will be completing follow-up activities, topic book activities and first news comprehensions.

14 Reading at Home Book bags/rucksacks to be brought every day.
To include Home Reading Records and current school reading book. Please aim to hear your child read for 15 minutes every night. Adults are asked to acknowledge children’s reading, as advised in the Reading Record cover. Staff, in turn, will comment on children’s reading every week.

15 Homework Homework will be set once a week.
Given out on Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday. Generally homework will include: revision of Maths and English skills, Spellings and topic work. Homework will be acknowledged by an adult and peer assessed. Children should bring a bag into school everyday for homework, reading books and records and letters. Should your child require a new school bag please purchase a Canonbury book bag or rucksack from Rough Cuts–in accordance with our updated uniform policy.

16 Instruments Please support your child to practise regularly so that they make the best progress possible. Ensure that your child brings their instrument to school on the day of their lesson and we will make sure that they take them home. Instruments are the responsibility of the children – they can be expensive, so please care for them. Any repairs must be dealt with by the instrumental teacher.

17 Routines – The End of the Day
If you are collecting other children, the office must be informed. If you would like someone else to collect your child, you must inform the office. If you are happy for your child to walk home unaccompanied, a letter of consent must be given to the office.

18 Healthy Packed Lunches
Please ensure your child has a balanced lunch e.g. a sandwich, water, piece of fruit or vegetable, yoghurt, oat cakes etc. Chocolate of any sort is not considered a healthy option for lunch. It is suggested that crisps are reserved for Friday lunches when school dinners will be having chips as a treat.

19 Healthy eating and Snacks
Children are only allowed to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable to eat at playtime. Please no snacks that include wrappers. Birthdays Children’s birthdays will now be celebrated throughout the day with a badge, in assembly and we will provide them with a small gift to take home. We will no longer be giving out treats for birthdays.

20 How can you help your child?
Ensuring their child’s first name and surname are on all uniform items-either as a label or written clearly using permanent pen. Ensuring their child can manage footwear independently – if they wear lace-up shoes to school, it is important that they are able to tie laces themselves.

21 Trips this term Condover Hall, Shropshire- School Journey residential – October 16th-20th Ragged School Museum – October 11th

22 Important Dates 27th September at 3:45 - Secondary school transfer meeting and School journey meeting 11th October- Trip to Ragged school (afternoon trip) 16th- 20th October School Journey to Condover Hall, Shropshire JCA Secondary school transfer workshop TBC 31st October – deadline for Secondary school transfer application forms 14th-17th May SATs Week Production TBC (Normally early July)

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