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Autonomous driving : French policy update

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1 Autonomous driving : French policy update
F-US roundtable Connected and autonomous vehicles : a State of Play Washington, DC, January 8, 2017 Xavier Delache 1

2 Outline Background : industry roadmap Organisational overview
State of play of test policy Overview of pre-regulatory work

3 Background : French industry roadmap (2014)
Objectives Survey and coordinate local initiatives Elaborate a communication strategy Assess socio-economic, safety impact & acceptability Provide appropriate test facilities Demonstrate safety impacts Adapt regulatory framework for experiments Adapt regulatory framework for market uptake Develop an insurance system Develop drivers’ training

4 Industry roadmap : research « hot zones »
Perception, detection and data fusion Decision-making algorithms Mapping Connectivity HMI Data system boundaries Behavioral inputs for algorithms Systems reliability Test systems for algorithms Simulators

5 Industry roadmap : use cases (1/2)
Vehicle type < 2020 Private cars Traffic jam Motorway with simple lane change Local parking valet Commercial vehicles Autonomous vehicles on industrial sites Speed regulation by the infrastructure Platooning Waste management vehicles Agricultural sprayer Public transport Self stowage Shuttle convoys in reduced speed areas Shuttle convoys in closed sites Self-serve vehicles in closes sites

6 Industry roadmap : use cases (2/2)
Vehicle type < 2030 > 2030 Private cars Commuting journey Extended parking valet All contexts Commercial vehicles Freight transport in transit lanes Autonomous urban delivery Public transport Self-serve vehicles on roads Shared taxi fleets Transport on demand around railway stations

7 Organisational overview : national
Strategic High Level Group Directors General for Transport + Energy + Industry + Interior National strategy + overall coordination of tasks Pre-regulatory Task force Administrations and technical departments Use-case analysis regarding their main safety challenges Technical coordination previous to international fora Technical coordination with industry Tests inter-administrative group Tests authorisations and follow-up Preparation of future test regulation Prospective participatory workshop Public + industry + academia + NGO’s Elaboration of disruptive and questionning scenarii Industry roadmap groups Various working groups, driven by use cases

8 Organisational overview : european context
Franco-german cooperation (29 september 2016) Impact assessement (safety, fluidity, mobility, environment) Common test needs Digital cross border test bed European groups and projects Gear 2030 – WG 2 E.g. : connectivity ; financing tools and priorities ; liability ; road safety ; tests ; vehicle-type-approval C-ITS platform use cases for automation and public transport in urban areas  Automotive and telecommunication alliance Value-added connection functionnalities and capacities (ITS G5, 4 G, LTE-V2X, 5G) to mature automation use cases

9 State of play of test policy (1/3)
Regulatory framework Ordinance on automated vehicles experimentation (3rd august 2016) Objectives (Law on Energy transition, july 2015) : to allow circulation on public roads of vehicles with partial or total delegated driving, be they particular cars, freight vehicles or public transport vehicles, for experimentation purposes, in conditions that ensure safety for all users and providing, if necessary, an appropriate responsability framework Circulation of vehicles with partial or full driving delegation for test purposes on open roads is submitted to an authorisation, aimed at safeguarding safety issued by the Minister of Transport after advice of the Minister for the Interior and, when appropriate, after advice of relevant road, police and transit authorities Autorisations’ conditions and follow-up are set by decree (in preparation)

10 State of play of test policy (2/3)
Overview of experimentations : Passengers cars : highway with low traffic or traffic jam situation level 3/4 SAE compatible driver always in the loop Automated shuttles : urban and city center situations level 4/5 SAE compatible Experiments up to now : pending : 7 on going : 6 finished : 10

11 State of play of test policy (3/3)
Main lessons learned from tests Vehicle’s environment perception Insertion in traffic and lane merge Unfair bevaviors from other road users Objects / debris partly obstructing a lane Roadworks Very degradated horizontal signage Very bad visibility weather conditions NB : safety challenges of drivers’ attention and transition phases will be documented further in next tests

12 Overview of pre-regulatory work (1/4)
Use-cases’ road-safety critical situations Concept : situations, of significant probability and potential high adverse impacts, that autonomous functions (including perception) could face = interactions vehicle / driver / infrastructure / traffic + road users (reliability of autonomous systems is out of scope) References – similar approaches : UN-ECE vehicle’s regulation (R 79) : ~ system boundaries NHTSA guidance : ~ Object and Event Detection and Response Objectives Prepare UN-ECE and EU regulation and discussions Vehicles regulation (R 79 ) NB : cf. ongoing parties' consultation on the possibility of the revised Vienna convention to cover automation use cases Support fruitful dialogue with industry Identify ± critical use cases Provide guidance for testing

13 Overview of pre-regulatory work (2/4)
Methodology Two-dimensions analysis approach Driving Situations Infrastructure Current driving objectives (eg: lane changing maneuvers - straight lane or curve) Level of Traffic Events to consider Events related to road signage Events related to the use of infrastructure …… => Assessments criteria Criticity based on ISO 26262 Level of automation (SAE levels from 0 to 5)

14 Overview of pre-regulatory work (3/4)

15 Overview of pre-regulatory work (4/4)
Expected focuses and outputs Specific needs for safety analysis and/or tests for type approval Minimal risk and safety manouevres triggering conditions HMI’s (warning) functionnalities in critical situations Event data recording needs Driver’s information needs Priority macro-use cases to be screened Highway pilot Parking valet Shuttle

16 Autonomous driving : French policy update Questions ?
Thank you Xavier Delache 16

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