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Jeopardy Historic Tribes Prehistoric Culture Artifacts Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Historic Tribes Prehistoric Culture Artifacts Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Historic Tribes Prehistoric Culture Artifacts Vocabulary
Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Prehistoric
How did Native Americans come to North America during the Paleo Period?

3 $100 Answer from Prehistoric
Land Bridge

4 $200 Question from Prehistoric
During which period did Native Americans begin farming?

5 $200 Answer from Prehistoric

6 $300 Question from Prehistoric
During which period was the atlatl created?

7 $300 Answer from Prehistoric

8 $400 Question from Prehistoric
Which prehistoric tribe left behind shell middens?

9 $400 Answer from Prehistoric

10 $500 Question from Prehistoric
During which period did the Poverty Point Culture exist?

11 $500 Answer from Prehistoric

12 $100 Question from Historic Tribes
Which tribe practiced cannibalism?

13 $100 Answer from Historic Tribes

14 $200 Question from Historic Tribes
What was housing for Native Americans called?

15 $200 Answer from Historic Tribes
Waddle & Daub

16 $300 Question from Historic Tribes
Which historic tribe lived in the Florida Parishes area?

17 $300 Answer from Historic Tribes

18 $400 Question from Historic Tribes
What crops were grown by Native Americans in Louisiana?

19 $400 Answer from Historic Tribes
corn, beans, squash

20 $500 Question from Historic Tribes
Why do we know more about Native Americans during the historic time periods?

21 $500 Answer from Historic Tribes
Europeans arrived in North America and documented their interactions with the Native Americans

22 $100 Question from Culture
Who raised the children?

23 $100 Answer from Culture Mother’s brother

24 $200 Question from Culture
Who performed most of the work?

25 $200 Answer from Culture women

26 $300 Question from Culture
How many Native American regions were in Louisiana during the historic time period?

27 $300 Answer from Culture 6

28 $400 Question from Culture
Who was the religious leader?

29 $400 Answer from Culture shaman

30 $500 Question from Culture
How was the Natchez relationship with the French?

31 $500 Answer from Culture hostile

32 $100 Question from Artifacts
What did the atlatl improve?

33 $100 Answer from Artifacts

34 $200 Question from Artifacts
Which artifact from the Neo period was an advanced form of the atlatl?

35 $200 Answer from Artifacts
bow and arrow

36 $300 Question from Artifacts
Which prehistoric period had the least amount of artifacts?

37 $300 Answer from Artifacts

38 $400 Question from Artifacts
What did the Poverty Point Native Americans use to cook their food?

39 $400 Answer from Artifacts
cooking balls

40 $500 Question from Artifacts
Name one artifact found during the Paleo period.

41 $500 Answer from Artifacts
scrappers, spear heads

42 $100 Question from Vocabulary
What are cannibals?

43 $100 Answer from Vocabulary
people who eat human flesh

44 $200 Question from Vocabulary
What is animism?

45 $200 Answer from Vocabulary
the belief that everything has a spirit

46 $300 Question from Vocabulary
What is matriarchal?

47 $300 Answer from Vocabulary
inheritance through a woman’s bloodline

48 $400 Question from Vocabulary
What is prehistoric?

49 $400 Answer from Vocabulary
before recorded history

50 $500 Question from Vocabulary
What are artifacts?

51 $500 Answer from Vocabulary
items altered by man for use

52 Final Jeopardy Name two benefits of being a federally recognized tribe.

53 Final Jeopardy Answer tribes receive their own land called reservations and they are not subject to state law

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