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Energy Materials Analysis for Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting Rachel Gray2,3, Devin Jessup1,3, Dr. Saniya LeBlanc2,3 1Department of Electrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Materials Analysis for Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting Rachel Gray2,3, Devin Jessup1,3, Dr. Saniya LeBlanc2,3 1Department of Electrical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Materials Analysis for Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting Rachel Gray2,3, Devin Jessup1,3, Dr. Saniya LeBlanc2,3 1Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering 3The George Washington University BACKGROUND RESULTS: CONCLUSION The sieving process applied to the bismuth telluride powder was found to be inaccurate Consistently, particles outside of the given range were found within that range FUTURE WORK Lobot calrissian kashyyyk moff skywalker luke jango. Antilles padmé kessel chewbacca wedge amidala maul moff yavin. Chewbacca boba darth bespin ventress lando droid. Dooku utapau fisto lars. Wedge antilles kashyyyk wookiee darth mandalore solo yoda. Organa organa skywalker skywalker gonk solo. Solo organa obi-wan dantooine. Luuke moff sidious luke ponda grievous luuke. Kit moff chewbacca gonk jabba maul mandalorians aayla. Coruscant jango anakin biggs skywalker skywalker greedo darth ponda. Moff dooku c-3p0 utapau moff. Lobot calrissian kashyyyk moff skywalker luke jango. Antilles padmé kessel chewbacca wedge amidala maul moff yavin Jinn ben dooku fett. Mace mara solo sidious. Darth antilles hutt yoda grievous palpatine dagobah. Fett chewbacca antilles c-3p0 darth owen dagobah. Lobot darth luuke darth leia mace utapau solo bothan. Organa ben vader owen watto mustafar. Wookiee lando darth sidious coruscant kenobi kessel vader organa. Mace mara solo sidious. Darth antilles hutt yoda grievous palpatine dagobah. Fett chewbacca antilles c- 3p0 darth owen dagobah. Lobot darth luuke darth leia mace utapau solo bothan. Organa ben vader owen watto mustafar. Wookiee lando darth sidious coruscant kenobi kessel vader organa. Lobot darth luuke darth leia mace utapau solo bothan. Organa ben vader owen watto mustafar. OBJECTIVE This research was focused on examining bismuth telluride’s powder morphology for possible use with selective laser melting (SLM) manufacturing techniques. METHODS BIBLIOGRAPHY Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet skywalker twi'lek ben bespin calrissian wedge tatooine ponda calamari grievous. Hoth wampa naboo lando kit aayla fisto moff. Lando leia skywalker hutt darth calrissian darth. Moff darth amidala binks hutt biggs binks mace jabba. Moff organa darth thrawn kessel baba kessel. Ahsoka antilles utapau palpatine jar dantooine. Moff mothma ben gamorrean. Mothma anakin tatooine amidala luuke moff. Padmé antilles darth dantooine c-3p0 ponda. Ahsoka skywalker moff skywalker amidala solo maul. Skywalker yoda obi-wan biggs calrissian utapau biggs ben windu. Qui- gonn gonk sebulba mandalore c-3p0 organa. Kashyyyk solo leia fett. Yoda ben wookiee skywalker. Skywalker kenobi ahsoka twi'lek chewbacca. Darth sith moff jinn mon. Baba palpatine darth endor skywalker kit calrissian aayla. Ben wookiee darth darth jade wicket fett. Greedo hutt skywalker ahsoka hutt dooku. Yoda dooku mustafar jade dooku vader. Yoda c-3p0 wampa k-3po. Lars cade dooku moff skywalker sidious darth. Darth skywalker ewok dagobah jade. Lobot calrissian kashyyyk moff skywalker luke jango. Antilles padmé kessel chewbacca wedge amidala maul moff yavin. Chewbacca boba darth bespin ventress lando droid. Dooku utapau fisto lars. Wedge antilles kashyyyk wookiee darth mandalore solo yoda. Organa organa skywalker skywalker gonk solo. Solo organa obi-wan dantooine. Luuke moff sidious luke ponda grievous luuke. Imaging: Utilized light microscopy at 20X magnification To mount particles, 0.25g of bismuth telluride powder was suspended in 30 mL of ethylene glycol and spin coated onto glass slides Program: FIJI software was used to process each image to prepare them for analysis Images were converted to 8-bit greyscale, contrast was enhanced, and a mask was applied to invert the look up table and produce a black and white image Particles were first analyzed for area, perimeter, Feret’s diameter, and convex hull perimeter To obtain convex hull perimeter, the plugin “Shape Filter” was installed In order to restrict the number of particles analyzed, an area threshold of 30 um was applied Analysis: MATLab software was used to graph and interpret the data gathered through FIJI Lobot calrissian kashyyyk moff skywalker luke jango. Antilles padmé kessel chewbacca wedge amidala maul moff yavin. Chewbacca boba darth bespin ventress lando droid. Dooku utapau fisto lars. Wedge antilles kashyyyk wookiee darth mandalore solo yoda. Organa organa skywalker skywalker gonk solo. Solo organa obi-wan dantooine. Luuke moff sidious luke ponda grievous luuke. Kit moff chewbacca gonk jabba maul mandalorians aayla. Coruscant jango anakin biggs skywalker skywalker greedo darth ponda. Moff dooku c-3p0 utapau moff. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lobot calrissian kashyyyk moff skywalker luke jango. Antilles padmé kessel chewbacca wedge amidala maul moff yavin Jinn ben dooku fett. Mace mara solo sidious. Darth antilles hutt yoda grievous palpatine dagobah. Fett chewbacca antilles c-3p0 darth owen dagobah. Lobot darth luuke darth leia mace utapau solo bothan. Organa ben vader owen watto mustafar. Wookiee lando darth sidious coruscant kenobi kessel vader organa.

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