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Drafting Operational Guidelines for FSM- Uttar Pradesh

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1 Drafting Operational Guidelines for FSM- Uttar Pradesh
Presented by Puneet Srivastava WaterAid Date: December 23rd & 24th 2016 Place: Lucknow Under Sanitation Capacity Platform (SCBP)

2 We have sanitation challenges!
Sanitation Capacity Building Platform What is it? Collaborative effort by NIUA for Mainstreaming Fecal Sludge Management at the state level and national sanitation agenda. Working with Expert Partner organsiations for FSM solutions, upscaling of capacity building and national level advoacy with the NFSSM group. We can help you! We have sanitation challenges! WASHi ULB

3 Reflections- 510 minutes What are the three most important challenges in FSM – Mention in order of priority What are the three things that you would like to see in the state operational guidelines of UP on FSM

4 WHY UP Operational Guidelines
Sanitation is a state subject; No guidelines on FSM from state of Uttar Pradesh so far Few Advisory Guidelines from MoUD available- Primer, Rapid Assessment Tool, Guidelines from other states ( Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Odisha) To help ULBs in UP in finding a road map to plan, finance , implement, regulate, monitor and evaluate the Faecal Sludge Management in urban UP. Will involve some key policy questions to resolve

5 Draft Operational Guideines – What it Covers
Adherence to standard design of septic tanks by citizens and its monitoring Steps for Scheduled septic tank empting services Measures to be taken during desludging of septic tanks Regulation of Private emptiers / informal emptiers including cost of services Steps for Planning of septage treatment facility  etc.- Integration with STPs or FSM Treatment Plants Monitoring benchmarks fro FSM services Capacity Building and IEC campaigns

6 Key Policy Asks (1) Pushing for scheduled desludging- Does it relate to size of septic tank and number of users at a time till design population is reached - Does size of septic tanks varies in houses, apartments significantly than standard prescribed Has implications on volume of sludge generated Design of FSM services and Treatment options

7 Key Policy Asks (2) Many Septic Tanks not conforming to standard design based on number of users Many of them working as collection tanks Many of them hybrid between leach pits and septic tanks How to bring them towards standard design ? Incentivisation by ULB for same?

8 Key Policy Asks (3) Regulation
Do we need to regulate the price of desludging- Market based costs for informal sector working on very low profit margins Cost of services to end users link to route map and place of disposal- Uber model using App

9 Key Policy Asks (4) Technical Options and Benefit Cost Ratio
Are we dealing with Grey Water+ Septage or Septage alone? Huge costs implications on Capex and Opex in treating combined discharge

10 Key Policy Asks (5) Where do we stand on FSM in various laws for urban governance in UP UP Nagar Nigam Act,,1959 UP Municipalities Act, 1916 UP Urban Planning and development Act 1973 And others……….

11 THANK YOU Source: Draft Operational Guidelines for Uttar Pradesh

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