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Presentation on theme: "THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 There are two systems that regulate the body
There are two systems that regulate the body. The nervous system relays information to the body using _electrical impulses_that travel very _quickly_, but the messages are short-lived. The endocrine system uses _hormones____, or _chemical_ messages that travel through the _blood____ to relay information to the body.

3 The endocrine system is slower-acting, but the action of hormones is _longer lasting_. The _hypothalamus__, which maintains homeostasis in the body, controls most of the glands of the endocrine system.

4 HORMONE GLAND EFFECT Growth Hormone Pituitary Gland  Stimulates _mitosis_; undersecretion results in _dwarfism__; oversecretion results in _gigantism_

5 Thyroxine Thyroid Regulates __metabolism____; requires _iodine___ for normal function

6 Insulin Pancreas _Lowers________ blood _glucose___ concentration by stimulating cells to take up glucose; triggers storage of glucose as _glycogen______; not produced in individuals with _Type I Diabetes_____ Glucagon __Increases______ blood glucose concentration by breaking down _glycogen_______ stored in liver to glucose

7 Fight or Flight response video
Epinephrine (_Adrenaline_) Adrenal Glands Known as _”fight or flight”________ hormone _Bronchioles___ dilate to increase air flow for _cellular respiration_____ _Glycogen_____ in the liver is broken down to glucose for _cellular respiration____ _Heart___ rate is increased Blood flow to the _skeletal__ muscles increases Blood flow to the _digestive____ system is decreased Fight or Flight response video

8 Testosterone Testes Triggers development of secondary sex characteristics; _meiosis_____ to produce __haploid____ sperm cells.

9 Estrogen/ Progesterone Ovaries Triggers development of secondary sex characteristics; __meiosis______ to produce __haploid_____ egg cells.


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