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Institute for Educators In Nursing and Health Professions

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Educators In Nursing and Health Professions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Educators In Nursing and Health Professions
UPDATES Institute for Educators In Nursing and Health Professions

2 New Projects - Major Course Reconfigurations in Progress - increasing choices in progression - increasing opportunities for Doctoral Students to acquire preparation for teaching - Increasing number of Workshops - Expanding target audience to Nursing Faculty/Educators in both Academic and Clinical Settings

3 The Faculty EduCenter will include:
Access through a web-site Content about topics Evidence and best practices about the topics Examples from best practice Practice and case studies Resources and references Continuing Education opportunities

4 Adjunct Faculty/Clinical Instructor Workshop Overview
Based on needs assessment results 2-day workshop, repeated twice (n=70) Foundational information for brand new, recently new, or returning clinical faculty across MD ANCC CNE offered for workshop attendance

5 Program “What & How to” morning sessions “Hands on” afternoon sessions
General role and responsibilities with national expert “Hands on” afternoon sessions Extend and apply concepts/tools with 3 UMSON faculty Use of standardized students, group work, discussion Feedback strategies, readiness, assessment and evaluation tools, faculty support, making assignments, alternate learning activities, legal and ethical aspects, Q & A

6 Outcomes/ Evaluation Networking, resources, mentoring, collective wisdom Evaluations consistently strong “time flew by” “this should be mandatory…” “excellent conference” “very useful workshop” “please provide this training again for others”

7 Future Steps Follow up with attendees to determine ongoing learning needs Disseminate model of basic clinical faculty preparation

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