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The Millennial Learner

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1 The Millennial Learner

2 Which of the following means the most to you?
Elvis joins the Army Jimi Hendrix dies MTV debuts Princess Diana dies None of the above Always been a Bush on the presidential ticket except for maybe when they were infants. Always been an ATM. Different mindset.

3 Class of 2012 BELOIT COLLEGE'S MINDSET LIST Check out more facts here
Harry Potter could be a classmate, playing on their Quidditch team. GPS satellite navigation systems have always been available. Coke and Pepsi have always used recycled plastic bottles. Caller ID has always been available on phones. Check out more facts here

4 Who is the millennial generation?
1980 to 2003 Most affluent and ethnically diverse generation in American history. Teenage Millennials are mostly children of Boomers. “Echo-Boomers” Pre-teen Millennials are mostly children of Gen-Xers. Years range somewhat – could be 1977 – Not clearly defined. Estimates between 60 – 76 million people. Second largest American generation behind the Baby Boomers. They have benefited from the longest economic boom in history. Each new generation emerges once every twenty years or so. 40’s – Silent Generation 60’s – Booomers 80’s – Gen Xers 00’s - Millennials

5 What has influenced them?
In the Blue box below, brainstorm some of the influential factors on the what has influenced your learning. Then click on the mouse to see what research has to influence millennial learners. Scheduled, structured lives Multiculturalism Globalism Terrorism Heroism Patriotism Parent Advocacy Focus on children and family The amount of attention children are given in each generation swings like the pendulum. After WWII, the Boomers were adored 1970’s – 80’s, the Gen X became latch key kids 1990’s – 00’s, this generation is all about kids. Scheduled lives (sports, etc…) Immigration has led to new wave of multiculturalism. 9/11 led to worship of civil servants and boosting police and fire department to hero status. Others that serve as well. Parent advocacy – “helicopter parents” Globalism – instant access to what is happening around the world through Internet, Cable News, etc.

6 What are they like? Technological sophistication Multi-sensory
Civic minded Confident Street smart Diversity is natural Prefer groups to individual tasks Tech – Have always had access to computers. Communication – , texting, IM We connect to the Net… and that’s it. They connect to the Net… to connect to each other. Civic minded – been drilled into their heads to serve. 71% of those eligible voted in the 2000 elections

7 Core Values Optimism Civic duty Achievement Sociability Morality
What are some of your values in life? Write them in the rose box below. Then click to find out how your values compare to your students. Optimism Civic duty Achievement Sociability Morality Diversity Messages that are repeated over and over Everyone can achieve No child left behind Community service is required and expected Greater gap between the haves and have nots

8 Think back to your blog response
Think back to your blog response. What are some elements you remember of your school experience? Below type in your technology experiences and your learning experiences. Teaching Practices Technology

9 1970’s Learners Millennial Learners
Producer mentality Very limited Computer Access Tolerant of Non-engaging Pedagogical Techniques Consumer Mentality Ever-present Computer Access Impatient with Non-Engaging Pedagogical Techniques

10 Gen X Learners Millennial Learners
Accept diversity Pragmatic/Practical Reject rules Mistrust institutions PC Use technology Latch-key kids Celebrate diversity Optimistic/Realistic Rewrite the rules Irrelevance of institutions Internet Assume technology Nurtured


12 Millennial Instruction
1970’s Instruction Millennial Instruction Teacher Centered Institution Learner Centered Institution Constructivist approach to instruction

13 Why the Millennial Learner Needs Engagement
ADD/ADHD Study skills Increasing number of students diagnosed with ADD/ADHD – medical? Generational? Lack of basic study skills – need to motivate and teach skills

14 Average Retention for Learning Activities
(Source: National Training Laboratories, Bethel, ME) 5% Lecture 10% Reading 20% Audio-Visual 30% Demonstration 50% Discussion Group This triangle shows the levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy--a hierarchy that shows levels of thinking. Many students learn information at the recall or translation levels; however, most college courses test information at the interpretation level or above. These higher levels focus on the ability to think in terms of a subject, not just the ability to memorize the subject without understanding the relationships and applications in it. Think about today’s lesson – PowerPoint alone only goes to 20%. Work in the discussion and we are still only up to 50%. It’s when you start to apply it by modifying a lesson that you get closer to the upper range. 75% Practice by Doing 90% Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning

15 Pedagogical Strategies that Engage the Learner
Collaborative Learning, Peer-Led Learning, Supplemental Instruction Problem Based Learning, Case Based Learning Service-Learning


17 Interesting Millennia Follow-ups
Millennial Generation Blog YouTube about way students learn 60 Minutes Video Clip

18 Resources

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