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Spirituality, Religion, and the Supernatural

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1 Spirituality, Religion, and the Supernatural
Chapter 24 Spirituality, Religion, and the Supernatural

2 Chapter Outline What is religion?
What are religion’s identifying features? What functions does religion serve?

3 Religion Organized belief in the supernatural.
Fulfill numerous social and psychological needs. No known group of people anywhere on the face of the earth, at any time over the past 100,000 years, have been without religion.


5 Supernatural Beings Major deities (gods and goddesses)
Ancestral spirits Other sorts of spirit beings

6 Animism A belief in spirit beings, other than ancestors, who are believed to animate all of nature. These spirit beings are closer to humans than gods and goddesses and are concerned with human activities. Animism is typical of peoples who see themselves as a part of nature rather than superior to it.

7 How A Belief in Supernatural Beings Is Perpetuated
Through what are interpreted as manifestations of power. Supernatural beings possess attributes familiar to people. Myths serve to rationalize religious beliefs and practices.

8 Shamans Skilled at contacting and manipulating supernatural beings and powers through altered states of consciousness. Provides a focal point of attention for society and can help maintain social control. Benefits for the shaman are prestige, wealth, and an outlet for artistic self-expression.

9 The Shamanic Complex

10 Rites of Passage Rites of separation Rites of transition
Arnold Van Gennep rites of passage into the following: Rites of separation Rites of transition Rites of incorporation

11 Rites of Intensification
Rituals to mark occasions of crisis in the life of the group. Functions: Unite people. Allay fear of the crisis. Prompt collective action.

12 Functions of Witchcraft
Effective way for people to explain away personal misfortune without having to shoulder any of the blame themselves. Provides an outlet for feelings of hostility and frustration without disturbing the norms of the larger group.

13 Functions of Religion Sanctions a wide range of conduct by providing notions of right and wrong. Sets standards for acceptable behavior and helps perpetuate an existing social order. Lifts burden of decision making from individuals and places responsibility with god. Plays a role in maintaining social solidarity.

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