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Presentation on theme: "EXPReS, NEXPReS, UniBoard"— Presentation transcript:

1 EXPReS, NEXPReS, UniBoard
Arpad Szomoru, JIVE

2 EXPReS: done! All deliverables delivered
Final period report written and submitted Survived final period review: November 18, Brussels Charles Yun, Francisco Colomer, Ralph Spencer, Yvonnne Kool, Arpad Szomoru Same reviewers as last time: Ken Kellerman, Fulvio Casali, Victor Castelo Financial data not complete yet, project is mostly underspent though overspent in other places... Very positive responses Words like “impressive” were used Project performed beyond expectations which, we were assured, does not happen often Acceptance of Nature paper the day before did help... This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

3 Last period Quite a few e-proposals (with many accepted)
Real global ToO K-band observations: Cambridge, Jodrell Bank (MarkII), Effelsberg, Medicina, Onsala, Metsahovi, Yebes, Shanghai, Kashima, Mopra, Hobart Plenty of problems, but good results in the end Extensive use Merlincast, inclusion of multiple Merlin telescopes through multicast Although, what about the future.... First e-fringes to Badary at 32 Mbps Remarkably unremarkable e-sessions, operator-run operations Mixed 1024/896 recordings, channel dropping pays off First e-VLBI Nature paper... This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

4 In summary.... This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

5 Onwards, NEXPReS Novel EXplorations Pushing Robust e-VLBI Services
Deadline November 24 Timing far from ideal.... 15 partners (vs 19 in EXPReS) EC calls for more focused proposals Should not aim at same (connectivity) issues Aiming below 4M€, User Communities call 4 Networking Activities (same as EXPReS) 2 Service Activities 2 Joint Research Activities This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

6 What they worry about in Brussels...
This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

7 Follow-up of EXPReS Basic Concepts
Cloud: correlation, transport, storage Flexible buffering at stations and correlator all VLBI to have a real-time component e-VLBI without compromising on sensitivity or resolution Use of dynamical connectivity beyond 1 Gbps, to 4 and 10 Gbps Research activities focus on distributed correlation on a real-time Grid Grid not ready for stream processing Distributed fast storage also relevant for user data distribution Strong support from SURFnet, partnering through GigaPort3 Link to SKA (ESFRI) list is important Several LOFAR-Apertif related activities, “archives of the future” This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

8 Next generation EVN correlator
Requirements set by EVN2015 science case Multiple data streams of Gbps 32 stations, or at least more than 16 Multiple bit representation High bandwidth at higher frequency Calls for a hundredfold more powerful correlator Comparable to EVLA correlator Similar size as some (other) SKA pathfinders FPGA vs software Software correlators could be intermediate solution Distributed correlation attractive in Europe WSRT APERTIF system; similar needs This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

9 UniBoard JRA in RadioNet FP7, 1 M€, led by JIVE Participants:
JIVE, ASTRON, INAF, BORD, UORL, UMAN, KASI, and (since very recently) ShAO High performance generic FPGA-based computing platform, different applications: Correlator, beam former, pulsar machine, digital backend Division of tasks: Hardware development, beam former (ASTRON, KASI+BORD) Correlator, interface software (JIVE, ASTRON, ShAO) Pulsar binning machine, RFI mitigation (UMAN, UORL) Digital receiver (INAF, BORD) Matching funds through: ExBox, JIVE/Astron project funded by NWO (400 k€) JIVE-ShAO collaboration, funded by NWO (720 k€)

10 UniBoard, hardware Hardware development well under way
Design **% completed Manufacturer selected (Neways, experience w. LOFAR) First board March 2010) First production run half 2010

11 UniBoard, layout H x D x T = 9HE x 340 x 2.4mm 12 layers PCB

12 UniBoard, EVN correlator functionality
It’s “only software”.... But vast amounts of code needed And lots of developers Correlator firmware development: Jonathan Hargreaves, digital engineer at JIVE, full-time Eric Kooistra, Raj Thilak, digital engineers at Astron, part-time (Apertif correlator + beam former) Ying Xiang, visiting researcher at JIVE, one year (at least) Ronald de Wild, 3-4 days per week at JIVE PhD level engineering student from ShAO Control code development Des Small, Harro Verkouter Design of control system, high and low level control code, embedded processor code Progress Test firmware being produced Design documents at end of month 12 (hardware, correlator, digital receiver) Bare-bone correlator end of 2010 This may be too much detail for you? Plaatjes laten problemen zien met het bereiken van hoge transfer rate op lange lossy verbindingen (especially in China)

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