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CSE309 Computer Architecture and Organization

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1 CSE309 Computer Architecture and Organization
Lecture 0 Organizational Issues Prepared & Presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Samsun M. BAŞARICI

2 Organizational Issues
About this Course Course Title Course Code Semester Course Hour/Week ADU Credit ECTS Introduction to Computer Applications CSE 309 Fall Theory 2 Practice 3 5 Course Type 1. Compulsory Courses 1.1. Programme Compulsory Courses X 1.2. University Compulsory Courses (UFND) 1.3. YÖK (Higher Education Council) Compulsory Courses 2. Elective Courses 2.1. Program Elective Courses 2.2. University Elective Courses 3. Prerequisites Courses 3.1. Compulsory Prerequisites Courses 3.2. Elective Prerequisites Courses Organizational Issues

3 About this Course (Cont.)
Language of Instruction English Level of Course Associate Degree (Short Cycle) Undergraduate (First Cycle) Graduate (Second Cycle) Doctoral Course (Third Cycle) Special Pre-Conditions of the Course (compulsory)  None Special Pre-Conditions of the Course (recommended) Course Instructor(s) Dr. Samsun M. Başarıcı Mail: Web: Organizational Issues

4 Main Objective(s) of this Course
Introduce basic concepts and techniques commonly used in designing today's high performance modern microprocessors The advances in microprocessor technology, physical limitations and the basic characteristics which will be possibly boasted in next generation processors Build a strong background in processor technology Gain the ability to easily follow new developments in next generation processor technologies Organizational Issues

5 Learning Outcomes of this Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will Explain the basics of microprocessors Recognize the importance of memory hierarchy and its effects on the overall system performance Develop deep knowledge of parallelism at different granularities (instruction level, task level, and program level) in programs, and apply software and hardware techniques necessary to exploit them Differentiate between RISC and CISC architectures as well as enumerate their pros and cons Organizational Issues

6 Learning Outcomes of this Course (Cont.)
Recognize necessity of the use of hardware and software techniques together to obtain the best performance. Criticize the software demands and technological pushes leading to the emerging of today's chip multiprocessors Predict the future of silicon technology-based processors. By comprehending the relationships and interactions between the hardware, compiler and operating system, recognize the fact that these three actors should work together in concert in order to extract the best program performance Organizational Issues

7 Organizational Issues
Course Content The performance oriented approaches based on parallelism pipelining, dynamic instruction scheduling, compiler-based scheduling, branch prediction, speculative execution, software pipeline. Organizational Issues

8 Organizational Issues
Course Content (Cont.) Memory hierarchy and its effects on the system performance The major characteristics of state-of-the-art chip multiprocessors (CMP) and their cache hierarchy Relationships and interactions between the operating system, hardware, and compiler from system performance point of view Organizational Issues

9 Organizational Issues
Resources Required Course Material (s) /Reading(s)/Text Book (s) 1) Computer Organization and Architecture, Designing for Performance, by William Stallings, 10th Global Edition, Pearson, 2016 2) Essentials of Computer Architecture, by Douglas E. Comer, 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2017 3) Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software Interface, by David Patterson and John Hennessy, 4th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011. 4) A practical Introduction to Computer Architecture by D. Page, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2009. 5) Lecture Notes Recommended Course Material (s)/Reading(s)/Other Other sources will be announced Organizational Issues

10 Course Schedule (Weekly)
Topics Preliminary Preparation Methodology and Implementation (theory, practice, assignment etc) 1 Introduction to processors; performance issues Stallings Ch. 1-2, Comer Ch. 1 Theory 2 Basics of computer arithmetics and logic design Stallings Part III (Ch. 9-11), Comer Part I (Ch. 2-3) Theory, practice 3 Basics of computer arithmetics and logic design (cont.) Theory, practice, assignment 4 Computer systems: Top-level view Stallings Ch. 3, Comer Ch. 4-5 Theory, practice, quiz 5 Computer systems: Memory Stallings Ch. 4-6, Comer Part III (Ch ) 6 Computer systems: Input & Output Stallings Ch. 7-8, Comer Part IV (Ch ) 7 CPU: Structure & Function Stallings Ch. 14, Comer 6 & 8 Organizational Issues

11 Course Schedule (Weekly) (Cont.)
Topics Preliminary Preparation Methodology and Implementation (theory, practice, assignment etc) 8 MIDTERM EXAM 9 CPU: RISC & Superscalar processors Stallings Ch , Comer Ch Theory, practice, assignment, quiz 10 Parallelism: Parallel processing Stallings Ch. 17, Comer ch. 18 Theory, practice 11 Theory, practice, assignment 12 Parallelism: Multicore processors & GPGPUs Stallings Ch Theory, practice, quiz 13 Control Unit (CU) Stallings Part VI (Ch ) 14 Input/Output Stallings Ch. 7, Comer Part IV (Ch ) 15 Input/Output (cont.) 16 FINAL EXAM Organizational Issues

12 Assessment (tentative)
Semester Activities/ Studies NUMBER WEIGHT in % Mid- Term 1 15 Attendance - Quiz 4 20 Assignment (s) 5 10 Project Laboratory Field Studies (Technical Visits) Presentation/ Seminar Practice (Laboratory, Virtual Court, Studio Studies etc.) Other (Placement/Internship etc.) TOTAL 60 Contribution of Semester Activities/Studies to the Final Grade Contribution of Final Examination/Final Project/ Dissertation to the Final Grade  1 40 100 Organizational Issues

13 Organizational Issues
Assessment (Cont.) Final Grades will be determined according to the Adnan Menderes University Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Graduate Degree Education and Examination Regulation Organizational Issues

14 Responsibilities of the Students
Obtaining the text book(s) Coming to the course with a good preparation Completing the exercises with individual efforts unless told otherwise Following the rules set by the responsibles for the course and the implementation/lab. studies HONESTY !!! Organizational Issues

15 Organizational Issues
Plagiarism Plagiarism will not be tolerated Projects without references: a penalty of 20% Submitting your own work that has been earlier submitted to satisfy the requirements of another course is (self)-plagiarism (also called double dipping) Copying a journal article or a section of a book or code from an article or book and submitting it as your own is plagiarism Organizational Issues

16 Organizational Issues
Plagiarism (Cont.) Using significant ideas from someone else, but putting them in to your own words and not acknowledging the source of the ideas is plagiarism Copying an essay, code, work etc. from another student and submitting it as your own is plagiarism And PLAGIARISM is THEFT So don’t steal (Nobody likes thieves) Organizational Issues

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