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Title Here SG Chairmen's Interactive Roundtable Roundtable
Bilel Jamoussi and Lara Srivastava SG Chairmen's Interactive Roundtable Roundtable 4 November 2016 Converting your business from Good to Great.
Exchange of views and experiences
BSG Topics for discussions What is the role of an SG Chairman? What are the governing texts? What are the main prerogatives of a Chair? How to lead the deliberations? How to avoid conflict? How and when to determine and then declare consensus? What are the types of SG Meetings? What are the main ITU-T databases?
Legal framework, basic prerogatives and power
The Legal framework The ITU Constitution (CS) The ITU Convention (CV)
WTSA Resolution 1 contains the Rules of Procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Recommendation A.1 Working Methods for Study Groups of ITU-T Those legal instruments as well as those working procedures adopted by any meeting of a Sector must be compatible with: The ITU Constitution (CS) The ITU Convention (CV) The General Rules of Conferences, Assemblies and Meetings (GR) Adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference They (the GR) apply to all meetings of the Sectors
Basic prerogatives and power of a Chair
Chairing meetings Directing the deliberations "The chairman ... shall ... direct the deliberations …" (GR 59) "Persons desiring to speak must first obtain the consent of the chairman." (GR 94) "As a general rule, they shall begin by announcing in what capacity they speak." (GR 94) "The chairman ... may at any time submit proposals likely to accelerate the debates." (GR 84)
Basic prerogatives (cont’d)
Maintaining Order "The chairman ... shall ensure that order is maintained at plenary meetings." (GR 60) Ensuring that discussion is limited to the point at issue "The chairman shall ensure that discussion is limited to the point at issue ..." (GR 62) "The chairman ... may interrupt any speaker who departs [from the point at issue] and request such speakers to confine their remarks to the subject under discussion." (GR 62) Protecting the right of each delegation/ representative of a Sector Member to express its opinion freely and fully on the point at issue "It shall be the duty of the chairman to protect the right of each delegation to express its opinion freely and fully on the point at issue." (GR 61) "The [Plenary] Meeting may, if necessary, decide how many speeches any one delegation may make on any particular point, and how long they may last." (GR 108) "However, as regards questions of procedure, the chairman shall limit the speaking time allowed to a maximum of five minutes." (GR 109) "When a speaker has exceeded the time allowed, the chairman shall notify the meeting and request the speaker to conclude briefly." (GR 110)
Basic prerogatives and power (contd.)
Ruling on motions and points of order "The chairman shall rule on motions of order and points of order …"(GR 60) Putting questions to the vote "The chairman ... shall … put questions to the vote …" (GR 59) "Any question of competence that may arise shall be settled before a vote is taken on the substance of the matter under discussion." (GR 113)
Basic prerogatives (cont’d)
Proposing postponement of discussion, closure of list of speakers, or adjournment or suspension of a meeting "The chairman shall … in particular, … be empowered to propose that discussion on a question be postponed or closed, or that a meeting be suspended or adjourned." (GR 60) "During the debate, the chairman may rule that the list of speakers wishing to take the floor be read. [After reading the list of speakers, the] chairman shall add the names of other delegations which indicate that they wish to speak and may then, with the assent of the meeting, rule that the list be closed. Nevertheless, as an exceptional measure, the chairman may if finding it appropriate to do so rule that a reply may be made to any previous statement, even after the list of speakers has been closed." (GR 111) "The list of speakers having been exhausted, the chairman shall declare discussion on the matter closed." (GR 112)
Decision-making Consensus: almost all decisions are adopted by this procedure, ITU’s culture being one of negotiation and consensus-building “Sounding out” Voting (this is a last resort) Quorum - Only for decisions taken in Plenary - Presence in the room of more than half the Member States delegations registered to the meeting and having the right to vote.
Relevant provisions from the Basic Texts
Recognition of the sovereign right of each Member State to regulate its telecommunications Preamble of the Constitution Purposes of the Union CS Article 1, in particular Nos. 3.A, 5, 8, 9, 13 & 16 Rights of Member States and Sector Members CS Article 3 Functions and Structure of ITU-T Constitution Article 17 Convention Article 13 (WTSAs)
Relevant provisions from the Basic Texts
Functions, duties and organization of Study Groups, Advisory Group CV Article 14 (Study Groups) CV Article 14A (Advisory Group) CV Article 20 (Conduct of Business of Study Groups) Some key provisions of CV Article 20 - No. 244 relating to vacancies of chairmanship - Nos. 246A to 247A relating to the adoption & approval of questions & Recommendations - No. 248A. Possibility for the Director to invite, in consultation with the Chairman of the Study Group concerned, an organization which does not participate in the Sector to send representatives to take part in the study of a specific matter in the SG concerned or its subordinate groups - Clause of WTSA Resolution 1. Possibility for the Chairman to invite experts on a case-by-case basis.
Study Group Management: Who are they. How are they appointed
Study Group Management: Who are they? How are they appointed? What do they do?
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Official roles (1) Chairman and VC: Appointed by WTSA Proposed by Heads of Delegation with agreement of WTSA Term is 4-years until next WTSA or until TSAG changes the SG structure WP Chairman: Appointed by SG Chairman Advice, and in practice, agreement from SG SG VCs considered first but proven technical and managerial competence is key deciding factor Role is of equal importance to that of a Vice Chair Some WPs have co-chairs or vice chairs Term is normally until the next WTSA 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Official roles (2) Rapporteur: Appointed by WP Chair, or SG Chair if Question reports to SG Agreed by WP (or SG) Technical expertise in the subject to be studied Term is normally for the 4-year study period until the next WTSA Can also have: Associate Rapporteur, Co- Rapporteur, Vocabulary Rapporteur, Liaison Rapporteur (also called liaison representative, liaison officer, etc.) Endorsed by WP (or SG) Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Official Roles (3) Editor: Appointed by Rapporteur Endorsed by WP Term is until the approval of the work item (usually a Recommendation) and support for ongoing maintenance issues Other: EWM coordinator; Promotion officer; … Agreed by SG Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
The role of the SG Chairman (1)
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices The role of the SG Chairman (1) Plan and manage meetings Consult/Prepare agendas/Watch the time Ensure appropriate rules are applied and order is maintained Ensure everyone has a fair chance to express their views Manage list of speakers Keep discussion on point Closing the list Make proposals to progress the work Postpone or adjourn sessions (e.g., coffee break) Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
The role of the SG Chairman (2) Declare consensus Rule on acceptance of late contributions (but see Rec A.1, §3.2.5) Ask the IPR Question Record affirmative responses in meeting report Manage Recommendation approval process Request Director to announce application of TAP or AAP procedures AAP Last Call Judgment/Additional Review Judgment Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Other responsibilities of SG Chairman
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Other responsibilities of SG Chairman Attend Study Group Chairmen’s meetings that precede TSAG meetings Attend TSAG Participate in the SG Chairmen’s conference calls (every 2-3 months) Preparation and chairing rotates amongst the TSAG/SG chairmen Represent Study Group and/or ITU at events Joint meetings of ITU & other SDOs (GSC, IETF, ISO/IEC JTC1, etc) Workshops, other meetings Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Vice-Chair and Working Party Chair
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Vice-Chair and Working Party Chair SG Vice Chairman Assist the chairman in matters relating to the management of the study group - Substitution for the chairman at meetings If a chairman cannot continue, the SG selects a new chairman from among the vice chairmen WP Chairman Plan and manage working party meetings Similar set of roles as the SG chairman Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Responsibilities: Rapporteurs
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Responsibilities: Rapporteurs Report to study group: Organization of work and work plan Establish and maintain list of collaborators Meeting report for every RG meeting Progress made between SG/WP meetings Texts of draft Recommendations Main point of contact for liaisons Provide all documentation to TSB for archiving Assist in resolving comments on draft Recs during approval procedures Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Responsibilities: Editors
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Responsibilities: Editors Record the consensus points during discussions Editors edit. Editors do not change content. Maintain up-to-date version of the draft Recommendation Chairmen should Editors to always check with TSB to get the correct version of a draft Recommendation to use as baseline text Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
The role of Rapporteurs and Editors
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices The role of Rapporteurs and Editors Rapporteurs and Editors shall not: Insert their own ideas in place of other agreements Insert their own ideas in the absence of other inputs Rapporteurs DO NOT continue work without a clear need for a new or revised Recommendation Editors DO NOT change content Editor Groups are NOT Drafting Groups Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
ITU-T SG Meetings
Comparison of SG-WP-RG meetings
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Comparison of SG-WP-RG meetings Activity Study Group or WP Rapporteur Group (RGM) Announce meeting TSB, by Collective Letter Rapporteur; TSB posts information Document control TSB Rapporteur Document deadline 12 days (but see Rec A.1) Rapporteur Group decides Decisional role Decision-making Consensus-building Secretariat TSB supports; TSB present No TSB support; TSB not present Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Study Group or WP Meetings outside Geneva
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Study Group or WP Meetings outside Geneva Invited by a MS or SM Needs agreement of TSB Director Host covers costs over the cost of a Geneva meeting, including for participation of TSB staff Host provides suitable facilities and services at no cost to participants Cancellation: fall back to original dates in Geneva TSB provides guidance and assistance Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Electronic meetings: Options
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Electronic meetings: Options distribution lists (subscriptions) Audio and video teleconferences discussion threads Web-based e-meetings Web-based collaboration on a common document Important aspects to consider: All concerned experts to be informed Clear beginning and end times/dates Take time zones into consideration and “share the pain” Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Organizing RGM meetings: A 6-step process
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Organizing RGM meetings: A 6-step process Step 1: Pre-authorize the meeting Agreed in principle by SG/WP on topic, date, venue Step 2: Plan the meeting Venue, solicit participants and contributions Step 3: Authorize the meeting ToR, sufficient number of participants, contributions Step 4: Confirm the meeting At least 2 months before meeting (used to be 3 weeks) Step 5: Hold meeting Step 6: Report on the meeting Meeting report Archive documentation Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Question meeting during a Study Group or Working Party meeting
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Rapporteur will usually be asked to chair meetings of their Question which are held during an SG or WP meeting These follow SG and WP rules These are NOT the same as Rapporteur Group meetings (RGMs) and do not follow the procedures for RG meetings Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Participation rights in meetings
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Participation rights in meetings Member States can participate in all ITU-T activities by right Sector Members can participate in all ITU-T activities Associates can participate in all activities of the single SG they join Cannot take part in decision-making Cannot serve in liaison role Can serve as Rapporteur and editor Can submit Last Call comments in AAP Access documents required for their work Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Participation rights (2)
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Participation rights (2) Academia participants: Can participate in all SGs, TSAG and workshops Can participate in GSS and WTSA in a non-advisory capacity Can serve as Rapporteur Has access to ITU-T documents Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Participation rights (3)
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Participation rights (3) Experts who are not members: The Chairman of any meeting may invite individual experts as appropriate (Res.1 §2.3.1) “Observers” that the ITU Convention encourages the participation of the regional telecommunication organizations in the Union's activities and provides for their attendance at conferences of the Union as observers; … (PP-14 Res.58) E.g., regional telecom organizations, UN specialized agencies) Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
ITU-T SG databases & websites
ITU-T SG databases and websites
ITU-T Recommendations Alternative Approval process (AAP) Liaison Statements Work programme Intellectual property rights (IPR)
ITU-T Work Programme: Database
Updated internally by the Study Group secretariat Reflects ITU-T Study Group structure Reflects ITU-T working methods Available from each Study Group home page Output fields can be customized Linked to all various databases (AAP, IPRs, ITU-T Recs)
IPR database & website Updated internally by the TSB secretariat
Contains ITU-T patents only Allows multi search criteria Contains three types of patent declaration: Patent statement Sofware copyright statement General patent statement More information available here:
AAP database & website: main principles
Updated internally by SGs secretariat Allows multi search criteria AAP text status updated each 15 days (except 1st of January) Allows online AAP comments submission Available from each Study Group home page More information available here:
ITU-T Recommendations database & website: main principles
Allows tree view facility Allows multi criteria search Displays ITU-T Recommendations history If any, shows respective: Implementer's guides, supplements, test signals, AAP texts, work items, IPR Available from each Study Group home page Recommendations:
ITU-T Liaison Statements: Database
An average of 80 new liaison statements are registered each month, and posted online
ITU-T Liaison Statements: Database
Updated internally by the Study Group secretariat Two kinds of search: Search by ITU-T Study Group meeting Full search by incoming or outgoing working groups Reporting facilities available Available from each Study Group home page
ITU-T SG database websites overview
Work propramme: IPR: AAP: Recommendations: Liaison Statements: Search ability Numerous search criteria Search capacity on the whole database Usability Fields customization MS Word and Excel reporting facilities Navigability databases cross navigation Traceability Complete life cycle follow-up (across study periods) By TSB DB
Use of languages in ITU-T
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Languages PP-14 Res.154 “Use of the six official languages of the Union on an equal footing”, resolves “to take all necessary measures to maximize interpretation and the translation of ITU documentation in the six languages on an equal footing, although some work in ITU (for example working groups, study groups, regional conferences) might not require the use of all six languages” WTSA-16 Resolution 67 on use of languages on an equal footing Various aspects: Interpretation at meetings Translation (written texts) Other issues Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Interpretation at meetings
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Interpretation at meetings Provided upon request at least one month before the meeting Full time in TSAG and SG 3 meetings for one meeting room Closing plenary of the other SG meetings Full time at WTSAs In principle not provided for other meetings (e.g. workshops, JCAs, Rapporteur group meetings) Captioning has been provided for some meetings Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Interpretation team rules
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Interpretation team rules Teams are booked for the “whole day” 3 hr session hr break + 3 hr session Interpreters work in pairs they do not need coffee breaks Exceed “day” by more than 10 minutes, ITU pays all teams another full day Max: 2 more hours with a 30 min break For any change to basic agreement, ask interpreter’s OK Alternatives: ask meeting whether to: Continue without interpretation (don’t say “continue in English-only”) Stop meeting short of extra 10 minutes Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Translation AAP Recommendations Budget constraints Summaries are translated and posted Full English version is published TAP Recommendations are translated into 6 languages (after Determination but before Decision meeting) TSAG Reports Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Other languages issues
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Other languages issues ITU-T is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural environment Speak slowly and clearly Make it clear when a decision has been made (e.g., bang the gavel) Set up editorial groups from the start Some presenters might have to use written notes, therefore: Allow enough time to react to questions, comments, etc Ensure that better English-speakers do not dominate discussions Geneva, Jan 2013 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva
Rights of Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia Participants
Rights of Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia Participants
By right, MSs can participate in all activities of the Union
Member states By right, MSs can participate in all activities of the Union Right to make contributions to all meetings Right to vote
Sector Members Right to participate in all activities of ITU-T, including chairing groups Right to make contributions to all Study Group meetings. Take part in most consensus-based decisions Take part in all but the final Member States - only step of TAP and AAP (when needed) Right to make contributions to all meetings of ITU-T
ITU-T Associates (Resolution 31)
Right to participate in the ONE Study Group they have joined and can hold rapporteur and editor positions Cannot hold chair positions Right to make contributions to ONE Study Group Cannot take part in decision-making Cannot take part in liaison activities The Associate category is technically not a form of membership
ITU Academia (Resolution 169)
Includes academia, universities and their associated research establishments Right to make contributions to all Study Groups Can participate in all Study Groups and can hold rapporteur and editor positions Cannot take part in decision-making Cannot take part in liaison activities Authorized under Resolution 169 of the 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference
Discussion BSG The floor is open! What are the characteristics and skills of a successful Chairman? You have reached impasse in the discussion on a particular topic. What can you do? Your decision has been challenged. What can you do? How do you prepare for a Study Group Meeting? A WP Meeting? How do you prepare for a Drafting Session?
Thank you! Title Here ITU-T Leadership Meeting @ WTSA-16
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