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The New Zealand Law Students’ Association Update

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1 The New Zealand Law Students’ Association Update
ALSA Council July 2016 – Presented by Geordie Johnson




5 Yeah or nah? There are more vending machines in Japan, than there are people in New Zealand. New Zealand is the only country in the world where a sheep has been granted a formal audience with the Prime Minister The highest sheep to person ratio New Zealand has ever had is 12 sheep per person.

6 NZLSA Represents the interests of all law students in New Zealand. This mandate also extends to those undertaking ‘profs’ (PLT). Made up of 6 Law Schools; Auckland, AUT, Waikato, Victoria, Canterbury, Otago. Collectively represent around 5000 law students.

7 NZLSA and ALSA This year we have brought 6 Councilors and 39 Competitors to ALSA Conference, our second biggest ever contingent. Strong historical connection going back to the 1970s. 1997 – the big divide.

8 What do we do? Very similar to ALSA. Legal Skills Competitions
National sponsorship Information sharing between the LSSs Four meetings a year Advocacy

9 How are we different? Scale:

10 How are we different? No IPP role, instead two Council of Legal Education representatives serving three year terms. Therefore our role to advocate is enshrined in NZ statute. NZLSA President meets regularly with all the Law School Deans to discuss Faculties positions on issues.

11 What are the big issues in NZ?
Sponsorship – focus and demands of firms are shifting. Mental health – attempting to collaborate with the Faculties/Deans to gain more institutional support. Retaining institutional knowledge – handovers, information banks etc. Defining ourselves and relationship with students.

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