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Kansas Leads the World in the Success of Each Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Leads the World in the Success of Each Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Leads the World in the Success of Each Student.
Dr. Randy Watson, Kansas Commissioner of Education


3 Education in Kansas in early 1900s

4 Education in Kansas in early 1900s

5 Education in Kansas in early 1900s

6 Who is this man that changed education?



9 Elementary Schools in Kansas in the 1940s

10 Elementary Schools in Kansas in the 1950s

11 Elementary School in Kansas in the 1960s

12 Elementary Schools in Kansas in the 1970s

13 Elementary Schools in Kansas in the 2017

14 Amazon Distribution Center – What do you notice?

15 Amazon Distribution Center – What do you notice?

16 Amazon – Cut Costs, Eliminate Shipping

17 Remember when you had to grab a Taxi?

18 But Uber wants to cut costs too

19 What we can learn from Apple

20 Student Success Kansas needs 71% of workers to have a post secondary certificate or degree. Approximately 36% need to be bachelor degrees or higher Approximately 35% need to have a certificate or associate degree

21 Student Success The educational requirements for good jobs that pay without a BA also are shifting. The number of good jobs held by workers with no more than a high school diploma has declined by over 1 million since Good jobs have shifted primarily to workers with Associate’s degrees, who have gained more than 3 million net new jobs during that same period. Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, Good Jobs that Pay without a BA, 2017

22 Student Success In the heyday of the industrial economy, young people could leave high school and easily find a good job in a nearby factory or mine. If an economic downturn cost them their job, experienced workers could just wait until the economy picked up and then return to a similar job. Those days are gone. Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, Good Jobs that Pay without a BA, 2017

23 What does this mean for our students?
In the Economic Report of the President (White House, 2016b), White House economists forecasted an 83 percent chance that workers earning less than $20 per hour will eventually lose their current jobs to automation. - Sheninger, Eric C.; Murray, Thomas C.. Learning Transformed: 8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow’s Schools, Today (Kindle Locations ). ASCD. Kindle Edition.


25 Kansas leads the world in the success of each student..
A NEW Vision for Kansas…. Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.. Based on the feedback received across the state, the board has adopted as its new vision for education “Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.” We intend to challenge the status quo, move away from placing emphasis on a single test score and focus more on helping each student identify and achieve their career aspirations. Teachers, administrators and support staff already are doing great work preparing Kansas’ students for success, and this new vision stands to unite our efforts across the state. You will hear us say we need to rethink how our schools are asked to operate. From a state perspective, we will look at every requirement to determine if and how we are supporting or impeding our schools’ abilities to address the needs of each child.

26 What Kansans want from their schools
Kansas children need quality preschool including all day kindergarten Changes need to be made to address school culture New dynamic roles for counselor and social workers Collaboration between schools and businesses Reorganize schools around students, not the system Community service needs to play a bigger role We also learned that Kansans believe Every child needs access to quality preschool education School culture needs to be addressed – we must value the student going to a two-year or certification program as much as a student attending a four-year institution. Counselors need to be able to help students identify and explore career interests Must be collaboration between schools and businesses to prepare students for postsecondary pursuits Schools must be reorganized around the student, not the system to meet unique needs Community service is an important part of preparing students for life after high school.


28 Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas
Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas. Kansans Can achieve anything and, together, Kansans Can lead the world in the success of each student.

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