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Welcome to English! I Hope you had an awesome long weekend!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English! I Hope you had an awesome long weekend!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English! I Hope you had an awesome long weekend!
Today we will be continuing with “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time” p If you do not have your back-pack or a purse with you, please quickly go grab it now! You will see why 

2 Discussion Questions What is your first impression of Christopher so far? Explain why you feel this way. Who is Sibbohan and how does she help Christopher?

3 Can Items Define you? On page 13, Christopher takes 7 items out of his pocket A swiss army knife with 12 attachments including a wire stripper, a saw, a toothpick and tweezers A piece of string A piece of wooden puzzle 3 Pellets of rat food 1.47 pounds A red paper clip A key for the front door What do these items tell us about Christopher?

4 Examples A lock for a gym locker 3 pens Whistle Phone Crackers

5 Instructions Pull your 7 items out and place them on your desk. On a sheet of loose lined paper – write down the 7 items. This should be anonymous – don’t put your name on it. Hand in to me when you’re done.

6 Instructions With your name piece of paper, evaluate the items. Make some notes – what do we know about this person? These items provide a form of Indirect characterization Character Sketch – develop a “name” for this person and write a paragraph about them. Use PEEL. Point, evidence (the item), explain.

7 Example It is clear from the items in her purse that Ella is an active, intelligent and healthy person. One is able to discover that Ella is active because she keeps a lock for her gym locker in her purse. This clearly shows that Ella goes to the gym and leads a healthy, active lifestyle. Furthermore, the crackers indicate that she snacks regaulrity to keep her metabolism up.

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