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BASICMED AC68-1 Kenneth Haefner.

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Presentation on theme: "BASICMED AC68-1 Kenneth Haefner."— Presentation transcript:

1 BASICMED AC68-1 Kenneth Haefner

2 What is BasicMed Takes the Place of the third class medical
Your Primary Care Physician performs the medical exam Is good for 4 years Limited interaction with the FAA Limited to the size of the aircraft you can fly You can fly VFR,IFR and at night Presently can only fly in the USA Have to pass a medical self assessment test

3 Why Basic Med My Experience with Special Issuance
Had ATRIAL Fibrillation Several years ago Applied for a Special Issuance with an AME in May of 2016 The FAA required a nuclear stress test, an Echo Cardiogram, an EKG, a medical certification from a cardiologist, and lots of blood work After four letters to the FAA and 7 months duration the Special Issuance was awarded. Since the Special Issuance is good for only 12 months; this allowed the Special Issuance to be valid for only an additional 5 months

4 Who is eligible: Defined in (FAA) Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016 (Pub. L ) (FESSA) Possess a valid driver’s license Have held a valid medical certificate at any time after July Can be a Special Issuance 3. Have not had the most recently held medical certificate revoked, suspended, or withdrawn 4. Have not had the most recent application for airman medical certification completed and denied

5 Requirements for the Basic Med
5. Have taken an FAA approved medical education course within the past 24 months 6. Have completed a comprehensive medical examination within the past 48 months with a state certified physician 7. Be under the care of a physician for certain medical conditions 8. Have been found eligible for special issuance of a medical certificate for certain specified mental health, neurological, or cardiovascular conditions 9. Consent to a National Driver Register Check

6 Requirements for the Basic Med
10. Fly Only certain small aircraft, at a limited altitude and speed, and only in the USA 11. Not fly for compensation or hire Went into effect on May

7 Flight Instructor Privileges
Operations under BasicMed include flight training. A person may receive flight instruction from an FAA-authorized flight instructor while that person is operating under BasicMed. A person receiving flight training may receive flight instruction from a flight instructor while the flight instructor is operating under BasicMed, when the flight instructor is acting as PIC. While flight instruction for compensation is considered “other commercial flying” for flight and duty requirements under 14 CFR parts 121 and 135, “a certificated flight instructor who is acting as PIC or as a required flightcrew member and is receiving compensation for his or her flight instruction is only exercising the privileges of a private pilot.”8

8 Special Issuance Required for Certain Conditions
The conditions are limited to the following: Cardiovascular: myocardial infarction (heart attack); coronary heart disease that has required treatment; cardiac valve replacement; and heart replacement. Neurological: epilepsy; a transient loss of control of nervous system functions without satisfactory medical explanation of the cause; and disturbances of consciousness without satisfactory medical explanation of the cause. Mental Health: personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts; psychosis defined as a case in which an individual has manifested or may reasonably be expected to manifest delusions, hallucinations, grossly bizarre or disorganized behavior, or other commonly accepted symptoms of psychosis; bipolar disorder; and substance dependence within the previous two years as defined in FAR (a)(4).


10 AOPA link to youtube for steps explaining how to obtain a Basicmed medical and Go Fly!!!!

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