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The 1920’s A Time of Change.

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1 The 1920’s A Time of Change

2 Calvin Coolidge Vice President under Harding
President in 1923 after Harding dies Reelected in 1924 Changes back to a Laissez-faire approach to economy Return to Isolation

3 Political Scandal The Teapot Dome Scandal 1924
Secretary of Interior indicted for bribery Gave leases to government oil to companies for money Oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming

4 Recession Economy suffers
Caused by shift from wartime to peacetime economies No longer producing for war Production, farm income, exports decline Unemployment increases (12% in 1921)

5 Recovery Coolidge Prosperity Gross National Product up 40% by 1923
Standard of living increases

6 Pro-Business Policies
Decreased corporate income taxes Decreased national debt Raised tariffs Demanded repayment of war debts

7 Labor During war, strikes decrease Post-war strikes fail
Troops and court orders used to end strikes Union membership decreases Supreme Court rules against child labor laws


9 Farming Policies favor large commercial farms Small farms suffer
Production increased during war After war they are producing too much Prices drop

10 The Stock Market Investments increase Buying “on margin”
Small down payments in cash Borrow the rest People could pay off the loans as long as stocks did well

11 Mass Consumption New Technology Cultural Homogenization Automobiles
Mass production, assembly line Lower prices Cultural Homogenization Everyone can buy the same products Brand names


13 MORE THAN JUST A CAR Nations biggest manufacturing industry
Businesses to service cars and travel grow garages, car dealerships, motels, campgrounds, gas stations, restaurants 3.7 million people employed directly or indirectly by industry in 1929 $2 billion to build roads Growth of suburbs



16 New Values Emphasis on wealth, possessions, fun Leisure
Movies, sports, games Flappers Young women Drank, smoked More in movies than real life


18 Growth of Electricity New ways to shop Growth of electricity
Kansas City first shopping mall 1923 Growth of electricity % people with electric lights % people with electric lights only 4% farms with electricity

19 Unified America Until 1920’s America divided into regional economies and cultures Growth of Mass Media creates a more connected America Radio Movies

20 Prohibition Illegal to buy, sell, or consume alcohol
18th Amendment in 1919 Hard to enforce Bootlegging- illegally making and selling alcohol Ended in 1933 Prohibition video

21 Red Scare Fear of spread of communism after Russian Revolution
Leads to race riots, bombings, police raids, and deportations

22 Scopes Trial Religion being challenged
Darwinism vs Protestant Religion Evolution vs God IMPORTANCE: This was the first time the bible was being questioned

23 Sacco and Vanzetti Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti convicted of murder Little evidence against them Both anarchists executed

24 Ku Klux Klan Reorganized due to anti-foreign attitudes
Targeted African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants

25 Immigration Immigration Act of 1924
Established quotas- limited number of allowed immigrants Kept out immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe and Asia

26 Women’s Roles More women working 1920’s Women’s Bureau 19th Amendment
Part of Department of Labor Improved working conditions 19th Amendment Women get right to vote

27 Harlem Renaissance African American movement based out of Harlem, NYC
Called for action against bigotry Pride in African American culture Writers W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes Artists, musicians jazz


29 Great Migration Starting in World War One African Americans began moving from South to North ,000 African Americans in NYC ,000 African Americans in NYC


31 Jazz Age Combination of Ragtime and Blues = Jazz Began in New Orleans
Grew to dominate radio 500 Jazz Clubs in Harlem

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