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Andrea Simonett
Topics Homeless Youth Act (HYA) Legislation Funding Level
Eligible Activities Funding History/Decisions Reporting Application Process Safe Harbor in Relation to HYA Suggestions from you!
HYA Legislation MN Legislature established the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, MN Statutes, 256K.45, in 2006 Renamed the Homeless Youth Act in 2013 Defines homeless/runaway youth & youth at-risk of homelessness and continuum of services Grant program established: Establishes the HYA fund and provision of award grants for street/community outreach, drop-in programs, shelter programs, and supportive housing Biennial report: Requires a biennial report. Report must include: 1) a list of the areas of the state with the greatest need for services, and the level and nature of the needs identified; 2) details about grants made; 3) the distribution of funds throughout the state based on population need; 4) follow-up information, if available, on housing status of youth two years after exit from housing; and 5) any other outcomes to determine effectiveness of the programs and use of funding. Technical support: Outreach, technical assistance, and program development will be provided to support increasing capacity to new and existing service providers to better meet needs statewide, especially in Greater Minnesota.
HYA Funding Level State Fiscal Year Base Funding One-Time Funding 2007
2008 $500,000 2009 $491,000 2010 $218,000 2011 SFY10 appropriation spent in SFY10 & SFY11 2012 $119,000 2013 2014 $2,119,000 2015 $3,119,000 2016 $4,119,000 2017 $4,152,000 2018 $5,569,000 2019
Definitions Subd. 1a.Definitions Homeless youth:
24 years or younger, unaccompanied by a parent/guardian and without shelter where appropriate care and supervision are available, whose parent/guardian is unable or unwilling to provide shelter and care, or who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Youth at risk of homelessness: 24 years of age or younger whose circumstances indicate a significant danger of experiencing homelessness in near future. Circumstances that indicate a significant danger may include: (1) youth exiting out-of-home placements; (2) youth who previously were homeless; (3) youth whose parents or primary caregivers are or were previously homeless; (4) youth who are exposed to abuse and neglect in their homes; (5) youth who experience conflict with parents due to chemical or alcohol dependency, mental health disabilities, or other disabilities; and (6) runaways. Runaway: Unmarried child under age 18 years who is absent from the home of a parent or guardian or other lawful placement without the consent of the parent, guardian, or lawful custodian.
HYA Eligible Activities
Street and Community Outreach Drop-in Emergency shelter Supportive housing (short, medium and long term)
Eligible Activities-Outreach/Drop-in
§ Subd. 3.Street and community outreach and drop-in program Youth drop-in centers must provide walk-in access to crisis intervention and ongoing supportive services including one-to-one case management services on a self-referral basis. Street and community outreach programs must locate, contact, and provide information, referrals, and services to homeless youth, youth at risk of homelessness, and runaways.
Eligible Activities-Emergency Shelter
§ Subd. 4.Emergency shelter program Emergency shelter programs must provide homeless youth and runaways with referral and walk-in access to emergency, short-term residential care. The program shall provide homeless youth and runaways with safe, dignified shelter, including private shower facilities, beds, and at least one meal each day; and shall assist a runaway and homeless youth with reunification with the family or legal guardian when required or appropriate.
Eligible Activities-Supportive Housing
§ Subd. 5.Supportive housing and transitional living programs Housing programs must help homeless youth and youth at risk of homelessness to find and maintain safe, dignified housing. The program may also provide rental assistance and related supportive services, or refer youth to other organizations or agencies that provide such services.
Program Types Funded
Geographic Distribution of HYA Funds
42% of youth identified by the Wilder Research 2012 homeless study were in Greater Minnesota. Funding distribution is in-line with these findings 72% of Greater MN applications were funded 57% of Metro and Suburban applications were funded
Striking a Balance New Projects Sustainability Strengthen foundation
Sustain current funding Build capacity and serve more youth Fund new projects/grantees
Drop-in and Outreach Reporting
Excel Spreadsheet Semi-annual Due January 31, and July 31 Cumulative report De-duplicated Do not send in PDF but Excel Send to Barb Alt
Shelter and Housing Reporting
HMIS report Semi-Annual Due February 15 and August 15 Send aggregate data only No identifying information Follow-up 24 month after exit (In GOALS Tab) Outcomes Assessment (Changing soon) Video Training available through Send to Barb Alt
Application Process Request for Proposals
Every two years (usually Feb/March release; due back in April) Next contract period July 1, 2017-June 30, 2019 Combined application-all OEO funds (except Safe Harbor) Transitional Housing Program (THP) Homeless Youth Act (HYA) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG Shelter and Rapid Re-housing) Emergency Services Program (ESP)
Safe Harbor in Relation to Homeless Youth Act
Legislature interested in overlap between Safe Harbor and Homeless Youth Act (HYA) Want to see coordination between the two programs ($300,000) OEO expects HYA agencies to know Safe Harbor (SH) system and make referrals to SH Navigators/Services OEO expects HYA outreach workers to receive training in identification and intervention of and with sex trafficked youth
Building on MN Safe Harbor
Suggestions Andrea Simonett
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