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Finally .. English 1 Nouns.

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1 Finally .. English 1 Nouns

2 What is a Noun ?? A noun is a part of speech that denotes a person, animal, place, thing, or idea. The English word noun has its roots in the Latin word “nomen”, which means “name.” Every language has words that are nouns.

3 The different types of nouns
There are several different types of nouns. These include: Common Nouns (e.g., abstract nouns, collective nouns, compound nouns, concrete nouns, non-countable nouns, gender-specific nouns, verbal nouns) Proper Nouns Pronouns (they are being classified as a different part of speech)

4 Common Nouns Abstract nouns – things you cannot see or touch (e.g., bravery, joy) Collective nouns – words to describe groups (e.g., team) Compound nouns – nouns made up of more than one word (e.g., Mother-In-Law, water bottle) Concrete nouns – things you can see or touch (e.g., tree, cloud) Non-countable nouns (mass nouns) – things you cannot count (e.g., food, music) Gender-specific nouns – words which are definitely male or female (e.g., Actor, actress) Verbal nouns – nouns derived from verbs (e.g., a building, an attack) Gerunds – nouns that represent actions (e.g., running fast, guessing a number)

5 Proper Nouns A proper noun is the name of a person, place or thing (with its own name). A proper noun always starts with a capital letter. For example: Michael Africa Cairo United Nations The Tower of London Uncle George



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