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Presentation on theme: "JABSOM PROMOTION AND TENURE WORKSHOP"— Presentation transcript:

Presented by the JABSOM Faculty Development Program September 21, 2016 11:00am-12:30pm MEB 202

2 JABSOM Faculty Development Program
Rosanne Harrigan, MS, EdD, APRN-Rx, FAAN Director of Faculty Affairs Chair, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Medical Education Bldg, 224K Lori Emery, MEd Faculty Development Program Manager Medical Education Bldg, Office of the Dean

3 Brief Introductions Name Department Current Faculty Rank
When are you thinking of applying Question or concern about applying for promotion or tenure

4 Introduction to Promotion/Tenure at UH
UH Manoa Process For UH compensated faculty only Multi-level review process Timetable: Oct-June Requires assembly of a dossier

5 Where can I find resources/information on promotion/tenure?
UH Manoa Promotion/Tenure Website JABSOM Faculty Development Website UH and JABSOM Promotion and Tenure Workshops Chair, Senior Peers, Past Applicants, JABSOM Faculty Development Program JABSOM Dossier Sample Library (contact Lori Emery) Manoa Faculty Mentoring Program Dossier Library

6 Know Your Documents 2015-2017 UHPA/BOR Agreement (Faculty Contract)
UH Minimum Qualifications - Executive Policies

7 Know Your Documents: Criteria
Manoa Criteria and Guidelines JABSOM M-Faculty Series Criteria (as applicable; usually for MD faculty with clinical/educational duties only) Department Procedures and Criteria (as applicable, check with your Dept Chair)

8 Waivers/Requests *Requests must be made to the Dean via
Dept Chair approval Promotion - Minimum Qualification Waivers Time in Rank (Dean approval) Education (Chancellor approval) Tenure – Probationary Period Shorten up to 1 year, or lengthen up to 7 years (Dean approval)

9 Promotion/Tenure Timeline
Jun-Aug Faculty notify Chair of intent to apply; submit names of possible external reviewers Oct (early) Application due to Dept Chair Oct-Nov Department Personnel Committee (DPC) Review Department Chair (Review) Nov Appointment, Promotion, Tenure Committee (APTC); school-wide review; advisory to Dean Dec Dean Review (Dean notifies Dept Chair of negative review up until his level of review) Jan Tenure, Promotion Review Committee (TPRC); university-wide review Feb-Mar Manoa Chancellor (MCO) MCO notifies applicants of negative review at any level (rebuttal process begins) May/Jun Board of Regents (BOR) Approval Jun 30 Dean notifies applicants of outcome Jul 1 Tenure effective Aug 1 Promotion effective

10 What happens if I receive a negative review?
Dean will notify you of any negative recommendations by DPC, Dept Chair, or Dean Manoa will notify you of any negative review after the TPRC review You will be allowed to review your dossier and submit a rebuttal within 10 days Dean may add additional comments after the initial TPRC review (as necessary) Dossier is then reviewed again by TPRC (if TPRC voted negatively); otherwise it goes directly to the Chancellor Chancellor makes final recommendation

11 Plan Ahead Begin preparing as soon as appointed
Maintain CV - update regularly Tenure-track faculty – keep track of probationary period (check most recent Personnel Notification Form - PNF or ask JABSOM HR) Monitor your progress/readiness with your Chair through annual feedback Keep copies of your annual feedback for reference

12 Gathering Material: “4 Folders”
Teaching Research/Scholarship Service Clinical (as applicable) File material in these folders (either hard copy or electronically) and update them frequently for easy reference.

13 I plan to apply, now what do I do?
Meet with Chair to make sure you are ready! Go through your “4 Folders” and select your best material Save the rest in a box or file (to be readily available incase asked for) Borrow dossier sample for reference Attend our Dossier Mentoring Program during the summer you plan to apply

14 Attend Workshops JABSOM and UH Promotion & Tenure Workshops
Plan to attend 1-3 years prior to planning to apply JABSOM Dossier Preparation Mentoring Program June-July weekly summer series open to faculty applying that year Learn tips and strategies for putting together a successful dossier Work on putting together your dossier Receive feedback from faculty mentors

15 Preparing to Apply Submit the following to your Department Chair:
List of 3-5 names of potential external reviewers Current CV 1-page brief bullet-pointed Summary of Professional Accomplishments (summary to highlight and accompany your CV)

16 External Evaluators: Requirements and Purpose
External Evaluators should be at or above the rank you are applying for Be respected scholars in related fields who are not at UH-Manoa Applicants should not contact possible external evaluators; Dept Chair solicits external evaluations Should be professionally capable to assess your work objectively and comment on its significance in the discipline Purpose is to obtain an opinion about the scholarly contributions which applicant has made and not to determine whether applicant would receive promotion/tenure at another institution

17 External Evaluators: Solicitation Process
Applicant provides 3-5 names and contact information of possible external reviewers to Dept Chair Dept Chair (in consultation with the DPC Chair) identifies 2-3 more names Chair should secure total of at least 4-6 letters (comparable number from applicant list and from dept list) Chair to send letter of request, one page summary highlighting applicant’s contributions (recommended), applicant’s CV (required), copies of reprints of applicant’s major publications (if practical, not required), and copies of applicable criteria (required) Letters are confidential and not shown to applicant

18 Tenure vs. Promotion – How to Address
Do you have a continued long-term need and value to the department, school, university, field? What will you do for the dept, school, and university in the future; What is your long-term academic professional plan? Promotion: How do you meet or exceed the requirements for the rank you are applying for? What have you contributed to the dept, school, university, field up until this point? What are you future plans?

19 Application Parts 1-4 (To be completed by applicants)
Part 1: Employment Details Part 2: Criteria and Guidelines Part 3: Credentials and Experience Part 4: Endeavors

20 Application Parts 5-9 (To be completed by reviewers)
Part 5 – Departmental Assessment (DPC and Dept Chair) Part 6 – Dean’s Assessment Part 7 – TPRC Assessment Part 8 – Request to Examine Dossier (for negative recommendations only) Part 9 – Chancellor’s Recommendation Reviewers at each level will insert their written assessment and recommendation (vote) into your dossier.

21 Part 4: Statement of Endeavors
(Refer to Page 4.1 in Application) Narrative summary Personal statement of your unique aspects and special significance of accomplishments and value in the areas of teaching, research, service, clinical (as applicable). Analysis of activities since your last promotion or initial hire. Direct it towards readers who are not in your field. Clearly state how you meet all applicable criteria. Tenure applicants should include a statement of future plans and future value to the University and your field. Recommended length no more than 9 pages Categories to address dependent on faculty classification (I, R, M, S, B), refer to application for specific areas to address – use appropriate Page 4.1

22 Part 4: Statement of Endeavors (Narrative)
Teaching Activities Teaching Philosophy Research/Scholarly Activities Unique contributions and significance of your work to UH, Dept, JABSOM, State of Hawaii, field Service Activities Unpaid, professionally related Other: Clinical Activities (as applicable)

23 Statement of Endeavors
Reminder: Readers outside of your academic discipline and the school will be reviewing your dossier. Explain clearly (in layman’s terms) what you do and the impact and significance of your scholarly work Explain any norms in your field (such as authorship/publication, grant funding, teaching, etc.)

24 Part 4: Supporting Materials
Include material appropriate to your faculty classification (refer to appropriate Page 4.1) Such as: Teaching evaluations Bibliography Peer evaluations of contributions Service record

25 Part 4: Supporting Materials TEACHING EVALUATIONS
Teaching includes: undergrad, grad, post-baccalaureate, med student, residents, fellows, CME/CE Teaching evaluations (summaries) Achievement of learning outcomes List students advised, mentored, trained; Thesis/Dissertation committees served on Thank you letters Special recognition (awards) Contributions to curriculum development Materials from courses you developed Innovations in teaching or teacher training Publication of educational material (electronic publication, textbooks, etc.)

26 Part 4: Supporting Materials BIBLIOGRAPHY
Objective record of your scholarly activity Separate bibliography into categories as suggested in UH Manoa Guidelines to be adapted as suitable to your discipline: (published referred data based works, abstracts, books, book chapters, conference presentations (local, regional, national, international), grant funding, etc. Do not submit: in preparation or under review Clarify what “in-press” means, submit documentation (letter of acceptance)

27 Part 4: Supporting Materials SERVICE ACTIVITIES (not paid)
University Service department, school, university committees and activities Professional Service discipline, field – examples: member/officer in professional organization, editing professional publication, organizing conferences/workshops, hospital service Community Service boards, pro bono service, providing professional expertise to community/public

Relevant external reviews of your published work: Published reviews Grant reviewers’ comments Letters to the editor Readers’ comments of manuscripts submitted for publication Unsolicited letters from peers in response to publication of your work

29 Part 4: Supporting Materials OTHER: LETTERS OF SUPPORT
(unsolicited and solicited from peers, students, graduates, patients, attendees/participants) Be selective of solicited letters (limit) Letters should be substantial Redact patient names for confidentiality

30 Part 4: Supporting Materials OTHER: CLINICAL ACTIVITIES (typically for I-M faculty only)
Examples: Patient satisfaction surveys (competence in professionalism, communication, humanism) Recognition (awards for clinical or educational excellence) Participation or leading of clinical quality improvement initiatives Administration of clinical and/or educational training programs Development of new clinical services Serve as specialty resource in area of expertise

31 JABSOM’s Top 5 Tip List (refer to handout)
Do not assume others will understand Research/Scholarly Impact Summarize your Accomplishments Quality over Quantity Make the Reviewer’s Job Easy

32 Elements of a Successful Dossier
Easy to read Well organized Concise Follows all UH application guidelines Clearly explains how applicant meets applicable criteria Clearly defines your unique research/scholarly and teaching contributions Adequate number of unbiased external reviewer letters

Follow UH guidelines for preparing the dossier Make sure your dossier is complete and accurate prior to submitting to your Dept Chair Have someone proofread your dossier Check for typos, grammar and spelling errors If you have questions, consult your Dept Chair, Dr. Harrigan or Ms. Emery

34 Final Comments Start Early! Request consultation
Select materials that are significant Be neat, clear, concise, and organized Remember: Quality over Quantity! Attend our Dossier Mentoring Program

35 APTC Reviewer Perspective
Bill Boisvert Tenured Professor APTC Chair Department of Medicine

36 Any Questions? Thank you for attending, please contact us with any questions. Please complete the evaluation form. Best wishes as you prepare to apply for promotion or tenure.


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