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Secondary Campuses Presented by: Jacki McFarland

3 Student Success Initiative
The grade advancement requirements of the Texas Student Success Initiative (SSI) in grades 5 and 8 in mathematics and reading are to ensure that every student makes the academic progress necessary to show a sufficient understanding of the knowledge and skills taught and tested at each grade level. According to the Texas Education Code , a student may advance to the next grade level only by passing these tests or by unanimous decision of the Grade Placement Committee (GPC) that the student is likely to perform at grade level after additional instruction. 1

4 Current Focus 2 Campuses have notified parents of automatic retention.
Parents have the opportunity to appeal the retention. Grade Placement Committee Principal or their designee Teacher most familiar with the student Parent or their designee Decision must be unanimous in order for the student to be promoted. Grade Placement Committee’s decision is final and can not be appealed. 2

5 Compliance Check Districtwide Student Initiatives is currently conducting our compliance reviews. Notification has been communicated: SSI Procedural Checklist The Compliance Review Form Tier Level Rubric All students who were unsuccessful on STAAR or waived their right to take the test MUST have an AIP for the upcoming school year. Grade Placement Committee Meetings must be completed by August 11, 2017. 3

6 Next Steps 4 Beginning of the Year Procedures
Incoming 5th and 8th should receive: Student Success Initiative Pamphlet Any 5th or 8th grade student that failed the math or reading in 4th grade should receive a letter informing parents that their child will receive targeted intervention for reading and math Trainings Training dates will be published via the WAIP 4

7 Presented by: Dr. Marcus Scott
RECONNECTION CENTERS Secondary Campuses Presented by: Dr. Marcus Scott

8 Program Purpose Semester Credit Recovery: The student will be enrolled for the full semester(s) of coursework for classes previously failed or are currently failing in the traditional classroom. Semester Original Credit: The student will be enrolled for the full semester(s) of coursework for classes. No pre-test will be available for students to “test-out” of unit curriculum. Partial Semester Credit Recovery (only transfer students): The student may be enrolled in partial credit recovery if the student transfers (internal or external) and coursework is not offered at the receiving campus during the regular instructional day. EOC, SAT, or ACT Tutorial: Eligible students may be enrolled in EOC, SAT, or ACT Tutorials.

9 Eligibility Governance State Statute 29.081(d)–(d-1).
District Reconnection Centers are funded directly from State Compensatory Education funding. All students utilizing Reconnection Centers services must be classified as at-risk by the indicators per Education Code (d)–(d-1). Was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years, unless the student did not advance from prekindergarten or kindergarten to the next grade level at the request of the student’s parent; If the student is in grades 7–12, did not maintain an average equivalent to 70 on a scale of 100 in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year, or is not maintaining such an average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the current semester; Did not perform satisfactorily on a state assessment instrument and has not in the previous or current school year subsequently performed on that instrument or another appropriate instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that instrument;

10 Eligibility Governance State Statute 29.081(d)–(d-1). Cont.
If the student is in prekindergarten, kindergarten, or grades 1–3 and did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the current school year; Is pregnant or is a parent; Has been placed in a DAEP in accordance with Education Code during the preceding or current school year; Has been expelled during the preceding or current school year; Is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release; Was previously reported through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to have dropped out of school;

11 Eligibility Governance State Statute 29.081(d)–(d-1). Cont.
Is a student of limited English proficiency, as defined by Section ; Is in the custody or care of the Department of Family and Protective Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official; Is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C and its subsequent amendments [see FD]; or Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, or foster group home.

12 Deliverables Each Reconnection Center will have an area lead facilitator during the school year. Districtwide Student Initiatives will provide training to all primary evaluators of Reconnection Centers for the evaluation year. Districtwide Student Initiatives will provide training to all high school counselors during the year. The Academic Intervention Initiative (AII) will allow more students to salvage credit for school year. See campus IIP for details (available on September 1, 2017). End of Six Weeks (EOSW) reports will be sent electronically during the school year. End of Year Reports will be available on August 10, 2017 for review. All Reconnection Centers will be tiered based on the Performance Indicators. (To be included in the End of Year Report)

13 Presented by: M. Erlene Williams
ATTENDANCE FOR CREDIT Secondary Campuses Presented by: M. Erlene Williams

Minimum attendance for class credit or final grade. (A) except as provided by this section, a student in any grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 may not be given credit or a final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. (A-1) a student who is in attendance for at least 75 percent but less than 90 percent of the days a class is offered may be given credit or a final grade for the class if the student completes a plan approved by the school's principal that provides for the student to meet the instructional requirements of the class. (B) the board of trustees of each school district shall appoint one or more attendance committees to hear petitions for class credit or a final grade by students who are in attendance fewer than the number of days required under subsection (a) and have not earned class credit or a final grade under subsection (a-1). Classroom teachers shall comprise a majority of the membership of the committee. (D) if a student is denied credit or a final grade for a class by an attendance committee, the student may appeal the decision to the board of trustees. 10

Students who have lost credit or final grade because of excessive absences may regain credit or final grade by fulfilling the requirements established by the principal’s plan or the attendance committee. If the student fails to successfully complete the principal’s plan or when a student’s attendance drops below 75 percent of the days the class is offered and earns a passing grade, the student, parent, or representative, may request award of credit or final grade by submitting a written petition to the attendance committee. The attendance committee shall review the records of ALL students whose attendance drops below 90 percent of the days the class is offered, whether or not a petition is filed. Students with excessive absences that are not excused by the attendance committee will be given the grade earned, but shall not be awarded credit or final grade. The earned grade shall be shown with an asterisk(*) denoting that no credit is or final grade is given. However, students with excessive absences may regain the lost credit or final grade by complying with specific conditions imposed by the attendance committee on a case-by-case basis. 11

16 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE Each school shall have an attendance committee appointed by the principal in accordance with legal requirements for efficient implementation of education code Teachers will make up the majority of the committee. The committee is required to meet at least once each six weeks. Members are to: Review student’s attendance record and identify eligible students with E, U, and O absences Consider extenuating circumstances Ensure there is a prescriptive plan for all eligible students Hear petitions for final grade or class credit 12

17 ACADEMIC SEAT TIME Can be served ONLY before school, after school, and/or on Saturdays. Academic seat time must be served at the campus outside of the regular school day. Student assignments for the principal’s plan should not be completed at home or at any other location outside of the campus (public library, on-line, etc.). Independent projects are to be comprised of original work created by the student with guidelines set by teachers – all independent projects must be completed at campus and outside of the regular school day. 13


19 STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Jacki McFarland Director Michele Dillon Specialist Data / Instruction Sheri Garrett Coordinator – Operations Lead Elementary /Middle Schools Isaac Gonzalez Coordinator – Student Success Initiative Lead Delma Martinez Coordinator – Middle School Initiative Lead Marcus Scott, Ed.D. Supervisor – Reconnection Centers High Schools/Middle Schools Sergio Tafolla Administrative Assistant M. Erlene Williams Supervisor – Attendance for Credit 15

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