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Historical Understandings

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1 Historical Understandings
SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.         A. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando DeSoto.         B. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area

2 The Silk Road

3 SECTION 1 NOTES *The most famous _________________________ explorers sought was a water route to get to the far east by sailing west *Spain, France, and England became the big game players in trying to __________________________________. *Primary reason for European Exploration: 1. ___________________________. 2) ________________________ 3) _____________________________________________ *Guale and Mocama: Church outposts or missions built by the Spanish along Ga.’s Barrier Islands. *Purpose of missions: Convert Natives to __________________________________ Hernando De Soto: Explored Georgia is search of gold/his mission was a failure/brought the 3 D’s to the Natives ( _________________________________________)



6 A-B-C DIRECTIONS Directions for completing thinking maps:
Group A – Complete the exact thinking map on the board. Provide three facts, one picture, and complete the so what, and so why. You may use your phone or textbook for research. Group B – Complete the exact thinking map as shown on the board. Provide at least four facts and two pictures. Complete the so what and so why. You may use your phone or textbook for research. Group C - Create a thinking map of your choice using the topics on the board. Your thinking maps must have at least six facts, two pictures, and explanation of so what and so why. Color your pictures. You may use your phone or textbook for research.

So what: ( summary of tree map)_____________________________. So why: (Why is this important)________________________________.

8 SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
        a. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe, the Charter of 1732, reasons for settlement (charity, economics, and defense), Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and the city of Savannah.         b. Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia’s colonial history, emphasizing the role of the Salzburgers, Highland Scots, malcontents, and the Spanish threat from Florida.         c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors


10 Prison’s in England…People who could not pay their bills..DEBTORS

11 Savannah City Plan, 1770 Plans for the city of Savannah
Savannah City Plan, 1770 Plans for the city of Savannah. James Oglethorpe designed a distinctive pattern of streets, ten-house tythings, and public squares.


13 MERCANTILISM MERCANTILISM Export make more $$ Import Lose $$

14 King George ll…Issues The Charter to create Georgia

15 Oglethorpes Monument in Savannah

James Oglethorpe: Founder of Georgia Charter of 1732>1.CHARITY: Give to those in need such as a _______________________________________________________. 2.DEFENSE: Georgia would be a buffer colony making Spain battle through Georgia before reaching the Carolinas. 3. ECONOMICS: By having colonist grow and produce silk and other items, England could then export and sell items instead of having to import and buy items _________________ _______________________________________________________________ Strict rules for the people: *The rules for the people: 1) No slaves 2) restriction on land ownership 3) _________________________________________________________. .*The city of Savannah was designed in open spaces ____________________________

17 SO WHAT IS THIS TREE MAP ABOUT:________________________
_____________________________________________________________. Pic. 3 REASONS FOR GEORGIA’S CHARTER SO WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS: __________________ _______________________________________________________________.

18 Continued Founding of Georgia (2)
1.*Oglethorpe and the first colonists came over to the New World on the famous ship call The Ann/*not ____________________________________________________. 2.*The Ann landed on *Yamacraw Bluff near *The Savannah River close to the *____________________ 3.*John & Mary Musgrove: _______________________ who interpreted for Oglethorpe for the Yamacraws 4.*Chief Tomochichi was the leader of the Yamacraw tribe who granted Oglethorpe _______________________________________________________. 5.*The city of Savannah was designed in __________ ________________________________________________________. 6.*The humidity, insects, and the heat of coastal Georgia hampered the work of the early colonists. 7.*Fort King George was the first British fort built in Georgia to ____________________________________________.

19 Tomichichi & Nephew Tooanahowi


21 City of Savannah…set up in squares

22 Savannah, 1889 A drawing of the city of Savannah, circa 1889.

23 Savannah River The Eugene Talmadge Memorial Bridge crosses the Savannah River roughly fifteen miles from the river's mouth. The bridge opened to traffic in 1954.

24 Savannah River The Savannah River, which originates in Hart County at the confluence of the Seneca and Tugaloo rivers, flows for 313 miles to the Atlantic Ocean. The river has played in important role in the state's human history and forms the basis for one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world.

25 From 1721 until 1736, Fort King George was the southern outpost of the British Empire in North America.

26 _________________________________________.
Trustees Trustees were not allowed to hold public office/Charter lasted only *20 years due to _________________________________________. *The colony was to be monitored by *21 trustees for *21 years appointed by the king with strict rules for the colonists in hopes ____________________________ _______________________________________________________. *Many Georgia’s colonists expressed discontent toward the trustee’s rules. __________________________ ________________________________________________________ After year 20 of the Georgia Charter ( ), Georgia then becomes much like the other colonies> “Royal Colonies”

27 So what_________ ______________. Trustees And Malcontents
Draw a picture of the Trustees Draw a picture of the Malcontents Trustees And Malcontents So Why_________ _________________.

28 Trustees And Malcontents

29 Ebenezer This drawing portrays the settlement of Ebenezer, which was founded in the 1730s by colonists from Salzburg (later Austria) who had fled religious persecution. The settlers shunned the plantation industy, which was dependent on slave labor, choosing instead to build a mill and produce silk as their primary means of income.

30 European Immigrant Come To Georgia
European Immigrants: Left Europe due to Religious persecution. *The New Ebenezer community (Up river from Savannah) was established by The Salzburgers/__________________________ *The Highland Scotts/settled in ___________________________________. *All religions were allowed to practice in Georgia except Catholic for fear of ___________________________ *Key Battle: Battle of Bloody Marsh> Oglthorpes fights along the side of Tomochichi’s nephew to defeat the _____________________________________.

31 So what_______ ________________. So why______________.
Draw a picture of the Highland Scotts Draw a picture of the Salz- burgers The Salzburgers And Highland Scotts So why______________.

32 The Salzburgers And Highland Scotts

33 GEORGIA HISTORY 10/01/2010 INTRODUCTION CH. 4 : SETTLEMENT OF THE THIRTEENTH COLONY SS8H1 : The student will analyze the Colonial Period in Georgia in Georgia. ESSENTIAL QUESTION : 1) What is the importance of James Oglethorpe ? 2) List the positives and negatives faced by the trustees. Students complete: 1) Cornell notes D-4/ 5 sentence summary 2) Project: Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Advertisement of coming to the New World DUE

34 Georgia’s Royal Governors
1.John Reynolds, the first royal governor of Georgia, proved ineffective. 2. The second royal governor, Henry Ellis, ________________________________ foundation for government during his four-year administration. 3. James Wright, who replaced Ellis in 1760, proved to be an efficient administrator and a popular governor. During his tenure in office ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________. Structure of Georgia’s Government: *Under Georgia’s Royal Leadership: A bicameral (2) house legislature was instituted to represent the 8 Georgia Parishes (159 counties today). To have a seat in the lower house, ___________________________ _______________________________________________________ January 1, 1751 slavery became legal in Georgia. By 1775, Georgia’s slave ______________________________.

35 So what:_______________________. So Why:_________________________.
1st Royal Governor 2nd Royal Governor 3rd Royal Governor Explain how he Impacted Ga Slavery Structure of Government Explain how it’s set Up, and how one qualifies to have a seat Explain how slavery evolved in Georgia pic pic

36 Slavery 1st Royal Governor 2nd Royal Governor 3rd Royal Governor
Structure of Government Slavery

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