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‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

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1 ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’
West Yorkshire TSC Regional Network Meeting 11/10/17, at The Halifax Academy ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

2 The West Yorkshire TSC Region system leadership capacity:
Teaching Schools: 37 NLEs: 69 NLGs: 32 LLEs: 84 SLEs: 400 ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

3 time focus 9:30 Arrival, registration and welcome 9:40 Introduction – Update on West Yorkshire system leader strategy - synergy TSC/ RSC Key developments / communications Proposals for networking regionally and locally in 2016/17 10:00 TSA ‘must dos’ - The Big Three - revisiting core purpose TSC role re TSA designation, peer review and QA / CQI 10:20 SSIF round 1 update on successful applications - role of the SRIB Next steps – rounds 2 (current) and 3 (January 2017 A new commissioning model ? STSS implications 10:50 Break / Networking 11:10 How strong is your local capacity, systems, strategic partnerships and structures for a more embedded model of school to school support ? 11:50 TSC updates, feedback for the national TSC meeting with DfE (Sept 2017), key areas / themes to be aware of and ready for 12: :30 Plenary and close

4 WYSP Strategic Operating Model 2017/18
West Yorkshire Strategic Partnership for all schools and academies & WY Strategic Regional Improvement Board (SRIB) Management Group : WYSP Chair, TSC LWY representative, RSC LWY official, HTB link (tbc), NLG advocate WY performance and data links Delivery hubs 5 x WY LA SI ADs with local SI HT board chairs WY Teaching Schools (TSC) WY Academy Trust CEO rep(s) Diocesan and faith representation Leeds. Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Wakefield LA / SI Boards, Leeds RC and CE Dioceses, Bradford Opportunity Area Board, NP links, post 16 FE, EY, HEI and 6th form provision links, all WY MATs. Task and Finish groups 2017/18 within context of NP schools report 2016/17: SRIB, disseminating TLIF, supporting the Opportunity Area of Bradford, SCITT network addressing feedback to DfE - teacher workload, recruitment/retention

5 TSC WY delivery model 2017/18 Supporting the Teaching School Council with NCTL to deliver the TSC remit and priorities, working closely with the DfE Regional Delivery Directorate (RDD) and RSC for Lancashire and West Yorkshire Delivery team: TSC representative, TSC advisers x 2, NLG Advocate, TSC administration, financial and technical support , 5 seconded NLEs: one in each LA patch 1. Five locality based system leader networks and SI delivery hubs 2. WY TSAs operational meetings & communications 4. TSC/RSC Executive leadership network 3. WYSP with all regional stakeholders + WY SRIB TSC will support : Leeds. Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Wakefield = 5 local system leader networks and 3 termly TSC/RSC executive leadership networks TSC will support and provide : Three shorter operational meetings for TSC directors / managers, one regional symposium, regular newsletters, key projects : eg women into leadership, new TSA designation, targeted support for leadership.

6 TSC commissions 2017-18 Regional development TSC core role lead/link
Transition to the school improvement strategy and SSIF Growth strategy – growth of TS, NLE, cold spots, designation intelligence Teaching Schools continuous quality improvement (CQI) strategy Designation panels and scoring of applications for Teaching Schools and System Leaders. Support for review of designation (ROD) process Review of designation panels and appeals panels Targeted Support Fund Support for newly designated TSAs Women leading Education (WLE) Promoting the Leadership Coaching Pledge (March 17) NLG – funded separately for summer term April-July Part of regional delivery from Sept 17- TSC elections and transition (summer term)   Induction events for NLE and Teaching Schools DfE and NCTL national projects and regional activities Amanda, Tess and Diane

7 The West Yorkshire TSC Team Who’s Who?
Gill Robinson: TSC national vice-chair based at Castle Hill School, Pennine TSA TSC regional representative: Amanda Bennett 2 x TSC Advisers: Diane Heritage and Tessa Mason NLG Advocate: Jon Hairsine TSC Associate NLE: Pauline Hagen (further opportunities to come) Admin Team: Jayne Firth, Amanda Rawson & Jonathan Pascall ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

8 West Yorkshire TSC Team What we do What we don’t do
‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

9 time focus 9:30 Arrival, registration and welcome 9:40 Introduction – Update on West Yorkshire system leader strategy - synergy TSC/ RSC Key developments / communications Proposals for networking regionally and locally in 2016/17 10:00 TSA ‘must dos’ - The Big Three - revisiting core purpose TSC role re TSA designation, peer review and QA / CQI 10:20 SSIF round 1 update on successful applications - role of the SRIB Next steps – rounds 2 (current) and 3 (January 2017 A new commissioning model ? STSS implications 10:50 Break / Networking 11:10 How strong is your local capacity, systems, strategic partnerships and structures for a more embedded model of school to school support ? 11:50 TSC updates, feedback for the national TSC meeting with DfE (Sept 2017), key areas / themes to be aware of and ready for 12: :30 Plenary and close

10 ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’
The ‘Big Three’ Teaching schools have an important role to play in a school-led system and in school improvement going forward. Teaching schools will be centres of excellence, taking on a more focused role that prioritises: • co-ordinating and delivering high quality school-based ITT • providing high quality school-to-school support to spread excellent practice particularly to schools that need it most • providing evidence-based professional and leadership development for teachers and leaders across their network ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

11 The ‘Big Three’ In addition, teaching schools will:
adopt an important role as brokerage ‘hubs’ for other system leaders co-ordinate the supply and activity of national leaders of education (NLEs), national leaders of governance (NLGs) and specialist leaders of education (SLEs) They will be responsible for providing or delivering effective support for schools that need extra help

12 Teaching Schools & Big Three Positioning
Designation & Delivery Must Do’s Review ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

13 9 things that TSAs usually get right . . .
The best TSAs have strong carefully chosen strategic partners, including other TSAs and universities, and are clear about and review their membership; There is a TSA wide cohesive strategic plan that is costed and risk assessed; The TSA has allocated responsibilities for the leadership of the Big Three, and has efficient management and admin in place;

14 9 things that TSAs usually get right . . .
4. A clear talent management policy is in place to support client schools, create a pipeline for development of new school and system leaders; 5. The TSA actively recruits SLEs and LLEs to support project delivery; 6. A well designed website indicates scope and reach of CPLD programmes, is a first step for ITT contact, and indicates capacity and specialisms;

15 9 things that TSAs usually get right . . .
7. Improvement interventions are evidence based and the TSA refers to recent evidence such as EEF guidance - impact evaluation models are used; 8. The TSA actively supports MATs and local clusters and engages with national and regional funding opportunities for leadership development and school improvement; 9. The TSA recruits and trains new teachers, provides SKE with partners and monitors trainees’ employment destination.

16 time focus 9:30 Arrival, registration and welcome 9:40 Introduction – Update on West Yorkshire system leader strategy - synergy TSC/ RSC Key developments / communications Proposals for networking regionally and locally in 2016/17 10:00 TSA ‘must dos’ - The Big Three - revisiting core purpose TSC role re TSA designation, peer review and QA / CQI 10:20 SSIF round 1 update on successful applications - role of the SRIB Next steps – rounds 2 (current) and 3 (January 2017 A new commissioning model ? STSS implications 10:50 Break / Networking 11:10 How strong is your local capacity, systems, strategic partnerships and structures for a more embedded model of school to school support ? 11:50 TSC updates, feedback for the national TSC meeting with DfE (Sept 2017), key areas / themes to be aware of and ready for 12: :30 Plenary and close

17 ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’
School to School Support “Providing high quality school-to-school support to spread excellent practice, particularly to schools that need it most.” ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

18 ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’
SSIF Update Successes & Lessons learnt Where are we now? Next Steps ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

19 ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’
SSIF Update – Round 1 56 grants have been awarded across the country - total of £19.6m In the Lancashire and West Yorkshire region 12 grants have been awarded for a total of £4.2m and will support over 305 schools ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

20 September 2017 : NCS Sir David Carter’s overview of schools in England – performance over time and intervention.

21 SRIB Terms of Reference
The SRIB will provide advice on regional priorities and on the bids themselves Meet twice per funding round Identify school improvement priorities – themes and groups of schools Commission proposals Make recommendations on which applications to fund Oversee funded projects

22 Applications received Schools to be supported
Round 1: Applications and grant awards by region Region Applications received Successful applications % Success Schools to be supported Total funding awarded East Midlands & Humber 20 8 40% 176 £2.36m East of England & North East 31 26% 193 £2.53m Lancashire & West Yorkshire 35 12 34% 307 £4.24m North 22 4 18% 43 £0.97m South Central & North West London 3 15% 37 £0.75m South East & South London 25 6 24% 89 £1.97m South West 27 7 297 £2.77m West Midlands 17 47% 201 £3.96m National Total 197 56 28% 1,341 £19.56m

23 Applications received Schools to be supported
Round 1: Applications and grant awards by sub-region Region Applications received Successful applications % Success Schools to be supported Total funding awarded Greater Manchester Learning Partnership 11 3 27% 71 £893,908 West Yorkshire Strategic Partnership 10 5 50% 110 £1,398,447 Blackburn, Blackpool and Lancashire 4 40% 126 £1,952,590 Learn and Lead 0% £0 LWY Total 35 12 34% 307 £4,244,945

24 Compared to unsuccessful applications, those that were funded provided:
Clearer articulation and stronger evidence of the need to be addressed in the specific schools identified More robust evidence for how and why the proposed intervention would deliver the proposed impact Stronger evidence of the capacity of providers to deliver the proposed intervention A more specific action plan Greater detail in plans to sustain the impact of the intervention Clearer evidence of steps taken to secure value for money

25 Education Endowment Foundation
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is an independent grant-making charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement. Diane

26 SSIF Round 2 . . . Opens early September Closes 20th October
New, improved application form ? Updated guidance – clearer what makes a good application ! Roadshows and support from TSC

27 Applicant – who is likely to apply?
Round 2 – Potential Bids Applicant – who is likely to apply? Reach – geographic area to be covered Focus/priorities – the need the bid will address Scale – the number of schools to be supported Value – the amount of funding to be requested

28 Round 2 – WY regional priorities
Boys : attainment and progress – narrowing the gap in English at all key stages; Oracy – all key stages; Disadvantaged Maths and/or English: PP, LAC, SEND,FSM, EAL – all key stages; Attendance/Permanent Exclusions KS3/4; engagement/aspirations KS4 NB: Leadership and governance as strands within the above areas.

29 SSIF round 1 - July 2017 Strategic School Improvement Fund - Round 1
Please note that 22% of successful round 1 bids came from Yorkshire and the Humber which is a great endorsement of and testimony to the hard work that went into the writing of these lengthy bids. (YH below - and WY highlighted) Organisation Local authority Abbey Multi Academy Trust Leeds Brompton-on-Swale CE Primary School North Yorkshire Glaisdale Primary School North Yorkshire County Council Learners First Schools Partnership Rotherham Learning Unlimited TSA Sheffield Makerfield Academy Trust and formerly named Byrchall High School Academy Trust Wigan and Wakefield New Collaborative Learning Trust Wakefield Noctua Teaching School North Star Teaching School Alliance (Knaresborough Meadowside) Northern Lights Teaching School (Skipton Girls’ High School) North Yorkshire County Council / Bradford Outwood Grange Academies Trust (Outwood Institute of Education) The Pathfinder Teaching School Alliance City of York Trinity Teaching School Alliance Calderdale

30 time focus 9:30 Arrival, registration and welcome 9:40 Introduction – Update on West Yorkshire system leader strategy - synergy TSC/ RSC Key developments / communications Proposals for networking regionally and locally in 2016/17 10:00 TSA ‘must dos’ - The Big Three - revisiting core purpose TSC role re TSA designation, peer review and QA / CQI 10:20 SSIF round 1 update on successful applications - role of the SRIB Next steps – rounds 2 (current) and 3 (January 2017 A new commissioning model ? STSS implications 10:50 Break / Networking 11:10 How strong is your local capacity, systems, strategic partnerships and structures for a more embedded model of school to school support ? 11:50 TSC updates, feedback for the national TSC meeting with DfE (Sept 2017), key areas / themes to be aware of and ready for 12: :30 Plenary and close

31 Key questions for established TSAs . . .
Are children in this alliance getting access to a better education as a result of working with this TSA ? School Improvement impact What is it like to be a pupil who is finding learning difficult or easy in this alliance ? Targeted intervention Where and who are the vulnerable learners in our alliance ? Inclusive practice How do we know about hope and ambitions of future leaders in this TSA ? Leadership talent / identification and succession What are the expectations and their engagement of leaders, teachers, governors and local stakeholders of our TSA ? Meeting and managing expectations / contracting / brokerage

32 Key questions for established TSAs . . .
How are decisions taken about priority schools to support ? Analysis, data sets, intelligence, relationships with LA, RSC and dioceses Where are the key financial risks ? Resourcing and value for money, audit What mechanisms provide for QA and accountability ? Governance, reporting, monitoring. How capable is this TSA able of providing the Big Three ? Refer to must dos - and remain focused on highest need Who are our current active system leaders, strategic partners and members ? Capacity, strategic planning, playing to strengths.

33 Local Capacity Strength
Systems & Structures Coherence & Reach ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

34 time focus 9:30 Arrival, registration and welcome 9:40 Introduction – Update on West Yorkshire system leader strategy - synergy TSC/ RSC Key developments / communications Proposals for networking regionally and locally in 2016/17 10:00 TSA ‘must dos’ - The Big Three - revisiting core purpose TSC role re TSA designation, peer review and QA / CQI 10:20 SSIF round 1 update on successful applications - role of the SRIB Next steps – rounds 2 (current) and 3 (January 2017 A new commissioning model ? STSS implications 10:50 Break / Networking 11:10 How strong is your local capacity, systems, strategic partnerships and structures for a more embedded model of school to school support ? 11:50 TSC updates, feedback for the national TSC meeting with DfE (Sept 2017), key areas / themes to be aware of and ready for 12: :30 Plenary and close

35 News & Updates National feedback NLG Positioning
‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

36 Current key Influences on schools :
DfE and college Teaching School Regional School Commissioners and Local Authorities Dioceses National Support Schools Research Maths Multi Academy Trusts Education Endowment Teacher Development Chartered College of ‘Every child is entitled to be in a great school’

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