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The CHAIN Project ISGC2011 Taipei March 2011

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Presentation on theme: "The CHAIN Project ISGC2011 Taipei March 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 The CHAIN Project ISGC2011 Taipei 22-25 March 2011
Federico Ruggieri (INFN) & Ludek Matyska (CESNET) Presented by Ludek Matyska on behalf of the CHAIN project

2 Outline Regional Grid Infrastructures co-funded by the European Commission Commonalities and differences A common strategy for the future The CHAIN Project Conclusions

3 Globalisation of Grid Infrastructures
CNGrid NKN & Garuda EUAsiaGrid SAGrid & SANREN

4 Why ? - To extend the ERA (European Research Area)
e-Infrastructures support wide geographically distributed communities enhance international collaboration of scientists promote collaboration in other fields. Grids and networks allow the access of many researchers to scientific resources (laboratories and data) Disparity can be reduced and larger participation and contributions to high quality research. The e-Infrastructures promote the usage of network connectivity and stimulate scientific and technical development of countries contribute to fight the digital divide and brain drain.

5 Who ? - Two (at least) scenarios
Greenfield regions/countries No previous Grid and e-Infrastructures activities Scarce knowledge and/or experience in deploying/managing large e-Infrastructures. Isolated spots of research activities with high computing demands. Advanced regions/countries e-Infrastructures already started/deployed Locally developed MW. Fair to good knowledge and experience in e-Infrastructures High quality research groups and institutions with world wide collaborations.

6 In Greenfield regions:
Specific topics In Greenfield regions: gLite and European approaches have been exported; the Grid infrastructures have been promoted and are not yet sufficiently mature to be sustainable; The same process in Africa is just starting. In large, rapidly developing, countries: they have already well defined Grid infrastructures (China, India); different Middleware implementations (not only gLite and ARC); Internal (national) sustainability should not be an issue. Interoperability and interoperations with European Infrastructures and sustainability are the main goals presently addressed in the activities of short lived projects (2 years max.) with different speeds and time shifts due to the different EU calls where they have been approved; coordination, alignment of results, common road-maps are difficult to achieve, although being strongly pursued by all the projects.

7 Coordination of Regional Initiatives
Coordination & Harmonisation of Advanced eINfrastructures

8 CHAIN Objectives Define a strategy and a model for external collaboration, in close collaboration with which will enable operational and organisation interfacing of EGI and external eInfrastructures. Validate this model, as a proof-of-principle, by supporting the extension and consolidation of worldwide Virtual Research Communities such as Environment & Climate Change. Explore and propose concrete steps forward towards the coordination with other projects and initiatives (e.g. PRACE, EUMEDGRID-Support, EUIndiaGrid2, LinkSCEEM2, National Knowledge Network, etc.).

9 Status & Partners Grant Agreement signed with EC for a total contribution of 1.1 M€ Total cost: about 1.9 M€ Start Date: 1st December 2010 and 24 Months duration. Partners: INFN (Italy - Coordinator) CESNET (Czech Republic) CIEMAT (Spain) GRNET (Greece) IHEP (+ CNIC + PKU + BUA - China) UBUNTUNET (Africa) CLARA (Latin America) PSA (India) ASREN (North Africa/Middle East/Gulf)

10 Work Packages

11 WP2 Objectives Conduct a state-of-the-art analysis regarding current solutions for European Grid interfacing with Grids in other world regions (D2.1 and results) Produce a set of guidelines for operational and organisational interactions, customised for the type of region (D2.2) Disseminate the NGI concept in the regions where this is needed, and conduct actions for national and regional sustainability (D2.3)

12 D2.1 “State of the art” questionnaire – GRNET – M4 (March)
WP2 Deliverables D2.1 “State of the art” questionnaire – GRNET – M4 (March) D2.2 “Interoperability and interoperation guidelines” – INFN – M10 (September) “analysis of the questionnaire data and proposed solutions for regional organisational and operational interactions.” D2.3 “Regional sustainability report” – GRNET (September 2012)

13 WP3 WP3 is a SUPPORT Activity WP3 “Present and emerging needs of
trans-continental scientific communities” Task 3.1 Scientific communities across the continents (INFN) Task 3.2 Proposed road-map of services for communities to be deployed on the e-Infrastructures (CIEMAT)

14 WP3 in DoW WP3 list of Deliverables
D3.2 Road-map of trans-continental e-infrastructures for virtual communities (M12 – Nov 2011) D3.3 Trans-continental scientific and technical communities Updated (M18 – May 2012) D3.4 Road-map of trans-continental e-infrastructures for virtual communities Updated (M23 – Oct 2012) D3.5 Results of the validation of the reference communities (M24 – Nov 2012) WP3 list of Deliverables D3.1 Trans-continental scientific and technical communities (M06 – May 2011)

15 WP4 Objectives Study and propose a model for cooperation and interoperation between EU and non-EU e-Infrastructures Perform an organizational study, taking into account regional “customization” Produce a roadmap for the follow-up of extensions to the EGI, based on feedback from actors worldwide on the proposed model CHAIN PMB meeting, Lyon 20/9/2011

16 WP4 Structure and deliverables
Task 4.1: Organizational study Leader CESNET First deliverable at Month 22 (September 2012) D4.3: Organizational study for interoperations of EGI with external grid infrastructures Task 4.2: Regional Operations Studies Leader INFN First deliverable at Month 8 (July 2011) D4.1: Specificities of the various regional e-Infrastructures Second deliverable at Month 16 (March 2012) D4.2: Report on the applicability of the preliminary results of the Organizational Study Task 4.3: Roadmap First deliverable at Month 24 (November 2012) D4.4: Roadmap of follow up activities CHAIN PMB meeting, Lyon 20/9/2011

17 WP5 - Introduction Dissemination and Outreach (WP5). The WP will deploy a large activity of dissemination focused on different targets: stakeholders and policy makers (high-level conferences, brochures, contacts DB), scientists and technical people (thematic workshops, dedicated web tools, contacts DB), industry (specific meetings, memoranda and web tools) and general public (web platform and press releases). Specific Actions: organisation of thematic workshops (two per year) , with real intercontinental participation, on topics of large scientific and/or social impact that are, or could be, better addressed by the adoption of e-Infrastructures and, at the same time, promote the stability of existing and emerging e-Infrastructures and gathering of feedbacks by means of a limited (one per year) number of high-level conferences.

18 WP5 - Objectives Disseminate the benefits of e-Infrastructures in the scientific and technical communities, training them and supporting the transition of relevant applications to the new e-Infrastructure paradigm. Get the consensus of scientific communities on the usefulness and relevance of these e-Infrastructures for the improvement of their research activities. Solicit the policy makers, stakeholders and governments to get awareness of the relevance of e-Infrastructures in the development of intercontinental scientific and technological research and, thus, in the general development of countries and continents. Promote the involvement of funding agencies and governments in the planning and evolution of e-Infrastructures in the countries and regions favouring the inclusion of specific budget lines in their future planning.

19 MoUs signed with other Projects

20 Nairobi - November 2011 UbuntuNet Connect Annual Conference
24-25 November 2011, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa CHAIN Meeting on November CHAIN sponsored Workshop on 23 November 2011

Co-organised with EUMEDGRID-Support, ASREN, EUMECONNECT3, Internet 2 12-14 December 2011 Amman, Jordan

22 Deliverables & Milestones
Del. no. Deliverable name Lead bene- ficiary Delivery date (PM) D5.1 Collaborative tools and CHAIN Web platform INFN 2 Delayed of 40 days D5.2 Analysis of the outcomes of the first year workshops. 12 D5.3 Analysis of the outcomes of the second year workshops. 23 Milestone no. Milestone name Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I Comments (Means of verification) M5.1 Web portal – first static version INFN PM2 Web site accessible M5.2 First thematic workshop PM4 Press release M5.3 First high level conference PM12 M5.4 Final high-level conference PM24

23 Knowledge Base (

24 Knowledge Base - Country View

25 Knowledge Base - Site View

26 Application Registry

27 CHAIN-REDS Nuova proposta
Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced eInfrastructures for Research & Education Data Sharing EC Call: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES Topic: INFRA : Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development in the context of international cooperation for e- Infrastructures EC Call Deadline: 23 November :00 Brussels time Estimated Project start and Duration: 1 December 2012 – months

28 Objectives CHAIN-REDS aims to promote and support collaboration across different eInfrastructures and continents in order to facilitate the uptake of eInfrastructures not only by established and emerging VRCs but also by single researchers, promoting instruments and practices that can facilitate their inclusion in the community of users. Study the opportunities of data sharing across different eInfrastructures and continents widening the scope of the existing CHAIN Knowledge Base to Data Infrastructures. Propose lines of actions, possible future initiatives and projects that can fit into the European Digital Agenda and the next Horizon 2020 work program calls.

29 Participant organisation name
Participants Part. no. Participant organisation name Part. short name Country 1 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Coordinator) INFN Italy 2 Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas CIEMAT Spain 3 Greek Research and Technology Network GRNET Greece 4 CESNET, ZAJMOVE SDRUZENI PRAVNICKYCH OSOB CESNET Czech Republic 5 Ubuntunet Alliance UBUNTUNET Malawi 6 Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas CLARA Uruguay 7 Institute of High Energy Physics – Chinese Academy of Sciences IHEP P.R. of China 8 Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India PSA India 9 Arab States Research & Education Network ASREN Germany 10 Sigma-Orionis SIGMA-ORIONIS France

30 Work Packages

31 Funding Total cost: 2.000.000 € EC requested contribution: 1.500.000 €
Parte INFN: € (incluso overhead 7%)

32 agINFRA A data infrastructure for agricultural scientific communities.
Based on an open linked data architecture harmonizing semantics and ontologies. Aggregating data of existing systems and taking advantage of advanced Grid services and infrastructure. Devised for scalability and maximum interoperability by adapting existing widely used components. Fostering diverse communities of heterogeneous providers and users. Providing researcher-centric services as conceptualized in the VOA3R project and covering CERIF.


34 agINFRA dati sintetici
Progetto CP/CSA (I3) Contributo EU di € Parte INFN circa € (inclusi overhead al 60%) CRA terza parte INFN con € (inclusi nel budget di cui sopra) Partenza 15 Ottobre 2011 Durata 3 Anni

35 Richieste RM3 6 FTE su 9 persone Missioni Estere per:
Eventi e Meeting di CHAIN (4) Eventi e Meeting per agINFRA (4) Partecipazione a EGI CF e TF (2) Scuole EPIKH (2) Riunioni e presentazioni a Bruxelles: Review Finale di EUMEDGRID-Support (2 persone) Prima Review di CHAIN (2 persone) Negoziazione per nuovo progetto CHAIN-REDS (2) Presentazioni a convegni internazionali (2)

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