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Acquisitions – 14.2 Seminar

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1 Acquisitions – 14.2 Seminar

2 Session Outline Acquisitions Local currency definition
Budget administration Order information – ISSN/ISBN validity checks Create items for monograph order Item price for monograph orders Personal monograph orders – hold request creation ‘Print/Cancel’ Function New & Cancelled Order Index General Invoice & Line Item Order Log Serials Order Renewals New ACQ permissions Vendor address (z72) record structure Acquisitions

3 Local Currency The Local Currency code is defined in aleph_start_505. For example: setenv local_currency USD For the currency defined, the ratio is always (the currency table is never consulted). The system does not allow you to add/replace/delete a ratio for the defined currency. Acquisitions

4 Budget Information - Acquisitions
The new Budget Information window allows you to retrieve a budget or a group of budgets by: budget code wildcard search budget group When the search retrieves a group of budgets, the Budget Summary includes all retrieved budgets as if they were one budget. Acquisitions

5 Budget Information Acquisitions

6 Budget Administration
Maximum over-encumbrance and Maximum over-expenditure can be expressed either as a sum or a percentage. A new checkbox has been added to the Information Screen 2 tab of the Budget Information Window. If the box is checked, it means that the amounts written in the Max. over-enc. and Max. over-exp. fields will be taken as percentages of the allocation. Acquisitions

7 Budget Administration
A new field, Z76-SW-ABSOLUTE-PERCENT, was added to the Z76-Budget Oracle table. The values are: A-absolute value or P-percent of allocation. The Over-encumbrance and Over-expenditure fields on the Balance of Budget window are expressed as a sum or a percentage, accordingly. Acquisitions

8 Budget Permissions Acquisitions A new flag in TAB10:
TAB10-BUDGET-ID-BY-PROXY This flag is used with Z76-ALLOWED and Z76-ADMINISTRATOR. When this flag is set to “Yes”, instead of checking the Z76 ID in relation to the staff user Z66-USER-NAME, it will be checked against the Z66-USER-NAME of the proxy user, if one exists. Acquisitions

9 Budget Permission Acquisitions
In order to transfer amounts from one budget to another, the user must be allowed to do this in both budgets. (The user must be defined in both budgets as Z76-ADIMINISTRATOR-NAME or Z76-ALLOWED-NAME.) If TAB10-BUDGET-ID-BY-PROXY is set to “Yes”, the above checks are performed for the proxy user (if one exists). Acquisitions

10 Order Form - ISBN/ISSN The ISBN/ISSN field has been added to the Order Information tab of the Order Form (Z68). When a new order is being created, the system will automatically fill in the ISBN/ISSN number from the BIB record (USMARC 020/022 field, UNIMARC 010/011 and MAB 540/542 fields). Acquisitions

11 Order Form - ISBN/ISSN Acquisitions
In case of multiple ISBN/ISSN, you may select the relevant value from an expand list. Flag TAB10-CHECK-ORDER-ISBN has been added to TAB10-CHECK-ORDER-ISBN-ISSN Y/N, which means that now ISSN can also be checked for validity. Acquisitions

12 Create Items for Monograph Order
The system will create an item for each unit ordered according to an item checkbox with quantity & price tabs from the order form. Acquisitions

13 Create Items for Monograph Order
The tab10 CREATE-ITEM-FORM-ORDER-M Y/N determines the default value, which can be changed using the checkbox. Acquisitions

14 Create Items for Monograph Order
tab36 - sets defaults for automatic opening of monograph-type items in Acquisitions. Acquisitions

15 Create Items for Monograph Order
tab42 - Item process status automatically changes (can be set in accordance with the order status changes). Acquisitions

16 Create Items for Monograph Order
The Item collection can be modified by choosing the appropriate option from the pull-down box in the quantity & price tab of the order form. Acquisitions

17 Item Price for Monograph Order
There is a new flag in tab 10: TAB10-Z30-PRICE-FROM-ORDER Y/N. If the flag is set to No, Z30-PRICE will never be created automatically, either from estimated price or from invoices. If the flag is set to Yes, Z30-PRICE will be created as explained below. Acquisitions

18 Item Price for Monograph Order
To compute the default price in the Item Record, the system divides the local price by the number of units ordered. When the order is closed (CLS), the item price is calculated again: All invoices assigned to this order are divided by the number of items. Acquisitions

19 Order Form - Hold Request
When an order has a TARGET-ID (“User ID” is entered), a hold request is automatically created. This applies only where the item's automatic creation flag is on and TARGET-DIRECT is off (I.e., the “send directly” field is not checked). tab37, hold request configuration, is consulted as usual. The text should be more GUI oriented, with relevant Oracle fields in brackets beside the GUI field names. A screen capture will help here. Acquisitions

20 Order Form - Hold Request
If TARGET-DIRECT is on, a hold request is not created, because the item will be sent directly to the TARGET-ID address. Acquisitions

21 Cancellation Letter Acquisitions
The ‘print/cancel’ button in the order list is displayed in the following screen: This function enables printing order information, sending an order or a cancellation note to the vendor. Acquisitions

22 New & Cancelled Order Index

23 New & Cancelled Order Index
The new index is accessed from: ACQ GUI Menu/Order/New and Cancelled Order Index. It includes all orders whose Order Status is NEW, LC, VC or CNB. Acquisitions

24 New & Cancelled Order Index
Users can delete an order or group of orders using “Delete”/“Delete All” buttons. Deletion depends on user authorization (tab_order_aut). In the event of a Hold Request for the deleted order, a Delete Hold Request printout is produced by the system. Acquisitions

25 General Invoice & Line Item
There is a new flag in TAB10: CHECK-INVOICE-CURRENCY. If this flag is set to “No”, it is possible to assign a currency which is not defined in the Vendor Currency list for General Invoice/ Line Item. When the flag is set to “Yes”, only one of the Vendor’s currencies can be assigned and when registering a new vendor, at least one currency is mandatory. Acquisitions

26 General Invoice & Line Item
An invoice can now be directly registered to an order, using the Invoice button on the Order List, without having to create a General Invoice first. The New button will open a form which creates a general invoice with a single item debit. In this case, only invoice/shipment/receive dates and type/status/currency are registered in the General Invoice. A new table: tab_invoice_display, allows editing of the scroll bar area that displays information about the General Invoice. Acquisitions

27 General Invoice & Line Item
If the sum of all line items does not equal the amount of the General Invoice, the user will receive a warning when exiting from the invoice. Acquisitions

28 General Invoice & Line Item
VAT recipient and VAT amount have been added to the General Invoice Form. They are used to specify that VAT should be paid directly to the VAT recipient and not to the vendor. The calculated VAT percent is already part of the total amount. Acquisitions

29 General Invoice & Line Item
You may now register on the Line Item Invoice a different vendor from the vendor on the Order Form. In such a situation, you will receive a warning message. The first currency defined in the Vendor Currency list will be the default currency for a new General Invoice. It is now possible to assign a currency that is not defined in the Vendor Currency list. To enable this, set to “No” the new flag in tab10: CHECK-INVOICE-CURRENCY. Acquisitions

30 The Order Log Each step of the acquisition process can be recorded in the Order Log (new Z71 oracle table). Acquisitions

31 The Order Log tab45.lng - transaction types for the Order Log

32 The Order Log Order log report (p_acq_22)
Generates a report containing information about orders. It extracts information from the order log (Z71) and places it in the output file together with additional information, such as document titles and isbn/issn codes. Acquisitions

33 Serials Order Renewals - Encumbrances
Two procedures are used for renewing encumbrances for serials: Open Annual Budgets (b-acq-05): opens the budgets for the coming year. Renew Order Encumbrances for Serials (b-acq-06-b): encumbers the budget, using the budget year that suits the order, according to the budget period (new Z68-SUBSCRIPTION-BUDGET-PERIOD). The checkmark for Subscription Renew (and also Z68-SUBSCRIPTION-RENEW) has been deleted, since the functionality is now covered by the budget period. Acquisitions

34 Serials Order Renewals -Encumbrances
In the Vendor tab of the Order form, the budget cycle (in full years) has to be set: This means that this order will encumber a budget once every cycle (i.e., the process "Renew Order Encumbrance for Serials" will only apply to this title once every specified number of years). Acquisitions

35 Serials Order Renewals - Encumbrances
When viewing the encumbrance window of the order (by clicking “Encumbrance” on the List of Orders window), all budgets that have been encumbered for this order are displayed. The non-active budgets are displayed in red, and the active budget(s) in green. Acquisitions

36 Serials Order Renewals - Encumbrances
When an invoice is registered, the system takes the invoice date and searches for the budget that has suitable active dates (i.e., ‘from date’ is less than ‘invoice date’ and ‘to date’ is greater than ‘invoice date’). If there is more than one budget that suits the current date, the budgets are displayed in a list, and the operator chooses the appropriate budget. Acquisitions

37 Serials Order Renewals - Encumbrances
This would apply when you have active dates that cover more than a 12 month period. Often, libraries set up their budgets in this manner (i.e., active for 18 months, although the budget is actually only for 12 months), in order to be able to encumber a budget in advance and to continue charging to a budget after the year has ended. Acquisitions

38 Serials Order Renewals - End of Year Procedures
b-acq-05 b-acq-06-b b-acq-07 Acquisitions

39 Subscription Renewal Letters (p-acq-22)
This function enables you to send a letter to a vendor that contains a list of serials subscriptions and/or standing orders to be renewed. Acquisitions

40 Subscription Renewal Letters (p-acq-22)
- The batch runs on orders of type S (serials) and/or type O (standing orders) with an order status of SV (sent to vendor) and checks the Renewal Date against the from-to date period (as defined in this batch). - If there is a match, the order is included in the letter and the order's "Renewal Date" is updated in relation to the "Budget Cycle". - If the system determines that the new "Renewal Date" is later than the "Subscription end" date, then this specific order is not included in this batch. Acquisitions

41 Acquisition Privileges
ORDER-AFTER-SV - new permission: In order to modify/delete an order with order status other than "NEW”, this permission is required. TRANSACTION-LIST - Display Budget Transaction List. BALANCE - Display Budget Balance Acquisitions

42 User Authorization New ACQ authorizations in user_function.<lng>: ORDER-SUB-LIB-AUTH This lets you block all order-related operations (update, arrival, claim, budget, invoice). A library can choose how to control its orders: Either by sub-library control (user permission: ORDER-SUB-LIB-AUTH) Or by order group control (ORDER-NUMBER-2 / tab_order_aut). You cannot combine these two options. Acquisitions

43 Vendor Addresses Four new vendor address fields (optional):

44 Vendor Addresses New related flag in tab10:
53 TAB10-VENDOR-STRUCTURED-ADDR If ‘Y’, the Vendor Addresses Form will show only 3 lines of Vendor Address and the 4 new fields will appear below them. For printing, these 4 lines in Z72 replace the last 100 characters of Z72-VENDOR-ADDRESS. If ‘N’, 5 edit fields for Vendor Address will be shown as before, rather than the 4 new fields. Acquisitions

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