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Zhu Han University of Houston Thanks for Dr. Hung Nguyen’s Slides

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1 Zhu Han University of Houston Thanks for Dr. Hung Nguyen’s Slides
Signal processing and Networking for Big Data Applications Lecture 19: Tensor Basics Zhu Han University of Houston Thanks for Dr. Hung Nguyen’s Slides

2 Outline 1. Basic concepts 2. Tensor operations 3. Tensor analysis
4. Applications 5. Tensor Voting 6. Conclusions

3 1. What is a tensor? Tensor is a generalization of an n-dimensional array Vector as a special case of Tensor Vector

4 Matrix as a special case of Tensor

5 Multiple dimensional array in most of programming languages
3rd order tensor


7 Tensors of arbitrary order

8 Dynamic Data Model (time, source, destination, port)
keyword Author time (time, source, destination, port) (time, author, keyword)

9 Two important points Traditional matrix-based data analysis in inherently two-dimensional -> limit to apply to multi-dimensional data

10 2. Tensor operations Basis calculus

11 Vectorization

12 Matricize X(d) Unfold a tensor into a matrix 5 7 6 8


14 source Multiply a tensor with a matrix port port source group source
destination destination group group source

15 3. Tensor analysis Tensor decomposition: generalize concept of low rank from matrices to tensors Result: Resulting tensor has just a few nonzero columns in each lateral slice. term doc author term author doc

16 Reminder: SVD m n U VT A m n

17 Reminder: SVD n 1u1v1 2u2v2 A + m

18 Rank of a tensor

19 Goal: extension to >=3 modes
I x R K x R A B J x R C R x R x R I x J x K +…+ = =

20 Tucker Decomposition - intuition
I x J x K = A I x R B J x S C K x T R x S x T author x keyword x conference A: author x author-group B: keyword x keyword-group C: conf. x conf-group G: how groups relate to each other

21 Tucker 3 Decomposition

22 PARAFAC Decomposition

23 In the presence of missing data
Tensor completion

24 4. Applications GOAL: to differentiate between left and right hand stimulation

25 In the presence of missing data
Tensor completion

26 Surveillance original Low rank sparse


28 Analyzing Publication Data: Doc x Doc x Similarity Representation

29 Traffic engineering Dest. port 125 ... 80 IP source IP destination


31 Tensor Voting Tensor Voting Framework Normal space Tensor inference
Token refinement Token decomposition Results and conclusion

32 Tensor Voting Framework
Objective: infer “hidden” objects—gaps and broken parts. Gestalt principles: the presence of each input token implies a hypothesis that structure passes through it. Proximity Closure Continuity Inclined to infer those structures by red lines: Proximity Closure Continuity

33 Tensor Voting Framework-Normal Space
Normal Space: encodes structure information; spanned by normal vectors. Tensor: describes the linear relation of vectors; outer product. stick tensor – surface element plate tensor – curve element ball tensor – point element Structure types in 3D: surfaces; curves; volumes. White arrows: normal vectors Blue regions: normal space Red shape: structure element

34 Tensor Voting Framework-Tensor Inference
Consider a voter point p on a surface Normal is a single vector with saliency (magnitude) Information propagates to its neighboring votee point x The most likely smooth path: arc of the osculating circle Tensor(structure information) received at x:

35 Tensor Voting Framework-Tensor Inference
voter projects structure information via its tensor weighted by decay function (DF) to neighboring votees. sum up all the tensors received by each votee. ϴ P1 NP1 P2 s l Pk NPk_P1 NPk_P2 NP2 Voting procedure in 2D with stick vote Decompose voter’s tensor as stick tensors Vote as the fundamental stick vote. Decompose voted tensors at the votee to reconstruct the same normal space as voter’s

36 Tensor Voting Framework-Token Refinement
Problem: prior knowledge of structure type(normal space) & its saliencies unknown. Token refinement procedure is thus needed: Initialize each token with unit ball tenor(no direction preference) Tensor voting between tokens Decompose resulting tensor for each token indicating direction preference Initial Ball Tensors in 2D After Token Refinement in 2D

37 Inference Algorithm 1> Input initial trace with missing parts
2> Perform token refinement 3> Mark sparse voting region to define potential votees 4> Perform tensor voting to infer structures 5> Decompose results & add determined votees to the previous trace 6> Re-input the thinned trace and iterate the whole procedure starting with 2> No Iterate enough times? Yes 7> Output final trace result

38 Results and Conclusions
Inference results: Number of pixels σ values Polluted trace as algorithm input Tensor voting with σ=1 Tensor voting with σ=2 Compared with victim method:

39 Results and Conclusions
Provide an efficient approach to infer the human mobility trace, given that the observed location data exist missing parts. No user instructions are required to identify which part to be inferred. Discovering missing positions and accomplishing inference are done in automatic fashion. Sparse per-votee implementation scheme reduces computation load. Achieve relatively high accuracy.

40 5. Conclusions Tensor is a multidimensional array
Tensor decomposition (factorization) can be considered higher- order generalization of matrix SVD or PCA Wide applications in data reconstruction, cluster analysis, compression.


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