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an orphan care ministry of Castleview Baptist Church

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1 an orphan care ministry of Castleview Baptist Church

2 Mission and Objective To glorify God by creating a culture of orphan care at Castleview by providing resources and information to adopting and foster parents and those who will support them. To facilitate orphan care activity in the church including international and domestic adoption and long and short term foster care. To enable every Christ centered adoption dream to come to reality for the ‘praise of the glory of His grace’. (Eph. 1:6) “We have been given adoption as a gift and as a sign of the Gospel. The adoption of any child is a portrait of God’s grace… every adopted child is a pointer to the Gospel.” Al Mohler

3 Every Castleview Member should …
Understand the gospel through the lens of their adoption into God’s family. Clearly identify their role in the care of widows and orphans according to James 1:27. Be aware of the need for orphan care in our immediate community and know of opportunities where they can personally get involved.

4 Orphan care is not … Orphan care is …
For only a few ‘called’ families in the church Only about connecting a poor child with a good family Feeding the hungry Orphan care is … A radical demonstration of the gospel of Jesus I was adopted when I was eighteen years old. I wasn’t an orphan, the way most people think of that term. I wasn’t an abandoned child. But I was in a condition far more serious: I was a stranger to the family of God, a slave to sin, and an object of the justified wrath of God. C.J. Mahaney

5 Why One Less Orphan? Not every family is meant to adopt or foster children All followers of Christ are commanded to care for widows and orphans In obedience all Christians can do something that will help there be One Less Orphan in the world. Pray for orphans Give to a family who is adopting or fostering Talk to a neighbor about orphan care

6 Orphan Care Statistics
* In 2006 there were 9,204 churches in Indiana Roughly 150 million orphans in the world. (More than the entire population of Russia) Between 2006 and 2010 international adoptions in the US dropped from 22,000 to 11,000 children per year.

7 Another step down the path

8 Why an orphan care ministry at Castleview – WORSHIP
Orphan Care serves to fuel passion for worship as people see God’s power and love demonstrated in a very personal way. Our care of orphans is a beautiful picture of our spiritual adoption by God through Christ.

9 Why an orphan care ministry at Castleview – SERVICE
Orphan Care is a costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining process, which creates many opportunities for members of the body of Christ to minister to one another. Families need deep – relational soul care during the adoption and fostering process. In the middle of the struggle, families need to be reminded of the love and support around them. They are part of a community of believers.

10 Why an orphan care ministry at Castleview – FELLOWSHIP
Fellowship groups can be an ideal place for the church to meet these needs and serve one-another. WRAP Around Fellowship groups Include the families current group and possible one more to support, pray and assist the family throughout the orphan care process. Provide encouragement, prayer, child care, financial support, meals ….

11 Why an orphan care ministry at Castleview – OUTREACH
Orphan Care could be called “missions in reverse” It provides an opportunity to reach into our own communities and across the globe to bring children into homes where Jesus is present and the Gospel is proclaimed. Orphan Care is evangelism at its core. Bringing the mission field home, where children are loved, cared for, and discipled to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. As the Church becomes obedient to God’s commands concerning the fatherless, the community will see Jesus Christ is alive and working in the lives of His people to care for those children who can’t care for themselves. “The Gospel of Jesus Christ means our families and churches ought to be at the forefront of the adoption of orphans … As we become more attuned to the Gospel, we’ll have more of a burden for orphans. As we become more adoption-friendly, we’ll be better able to understand the Gospel.” Russell Moore

12 Why an orphan care ministry at Castleview – DISCIPLESHIP
As God grows families through adoption, God’s people have the privilege and responsibility of joining with parents in the process of guiding their children to faith in Christ. Orphan Care challenges, encourages, and enables Believers to put their faith in action, by stepping out in faith and fulfilling God’s commands in scripture. The process also provides an opportunity for couples to develop relationships with other Christians as they seek prayer and support.

13 The arms and legs of orphan care at Castleview
Financial (In the Process) Education (Non-Adopting) Information (Interested in Adopting) Support (Have Adopted) Fundraising ideas Interest free loans Grants Adult Bible Class Host orphan care seminars Connection to recommended agencies Meet CBC members with a connection to orphan care Counseling Referral list for professional Services WRAP around support

14 Education: Not Currently Adopting or Fostering
What is adoption and foster care How you can help Practical Adoption Shower Meals when the child comes home Financial How to pray specifically for these families

15 Information: Interested in Adoption / Foster Care
Domestic vs. International Choosing an agency Fostering Age group Long vs. short term Birthparent relationship training Stock orphan care literature in the church library Create a network of experienced and informed people in the congregation who can advise on specific Orphan Care needs.

16 Financial: In the adoption / foster care process
Waiting families group Fund raising Grants / Matching Grants Interest free loans Group fund raising events CBC Adoption Fund through Abba Fund “There are huge costs in adopting children. Some are financial; some are emotional. There are costs in time and stress for the rest of your life. There is something very deep and right about the embrace of this cost for the life of a child!” John Piper

17 ABBA Fund Who Is ABBA Fund? The ABBA Fund is a Christian non-profit organization that exists to provide financial assistance to Christian couples who are called by God to grow their families through adoption, who are committed to training their children in a Biblical manner, and who need help with the “cash flow crunch” posed by adoption expenses. We have partnered with local churches, adoption agencies, community groups and businesses around the country to help establish local adoption funds. We provide administration and an approval process at no charge. *ABBA Fund was approved for use by CBC Elders in 2009.

18 Support: Have Adopted / Fostered children
Referral list for professional services Counseling Doctor Dentist Attorney Orphan Care ‘play dates’ Foster Care Closet

19 Support: Have Adopted / Fostered children
Discipleship opportunities Setting realistic expectations Prepare parents to meet the unique needs of adopted or fostered children Orphan Care Common Grace Groups Discuss the gospel in parenting Orphan Care is not safe Children who experienced previous trauma may have a difficult time adjusting to their new adoptive family – no matter how committed and loving the family may be.

20 Practical ways to develop a culture of orphan care
Pray that you and your church would become adoption-friendly. Pray that potential couples will be sensitive to the Lord’s leading in their lives. Preach key passages on caring for orphans and spiritual adoption. Make adoption resources available to the church family. The church can provide helpful facts for couples to make informed decisions. Regularly have adoptive parents and birth mothers share their testimony of God’s goodness and grace. Testimonies can be powerful reminders to the congregation of what “good” can come out of a “bad” situation as ordained by God. Educate your church family regarding the costs involved in the adoption process. Most members in the church may be unaware of the expenses involved in adoption such as: home studies, background checks, attorney fees, airfare and travel costs. Adoption costs vary from a few thousand dollars to $20,000 or more. Create list-serves of adoptive parents for support and encouragement. Connect with local social service agencies. Participate in mission trips to orphanages abroad. Celebrate adoption as a church family. Maintain a list of Orphan Care ministries and organizations

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