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Process Improvement Certification and Quality Systems

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1 Process Improvement Certification and Quality Systems
G. Chroust Kepler Universität Linz tel: (0732) , -fax (0732) www:

2 Changes of Market world market = buyer’s market ->Time to Market!
Quality and customer satisfaction -> IT is key technology Sw itselfs needs short Time-to-Market and Qualität

3 The Devil’s Square Quality Quality Time Cost Time Risk Cost
New technology! Risk

4 Can one measure Process Quality. Can one certify quality
Can one measure Process Quality? Can one certify quality? Can one measure process improvement?

5 Two Questions

6 Measurements Ressources Product Process
execution (processing time, storage, ..) development (personell, expenses, time) Product size (LOC), complexity, errors, ... ISO 9126 Process standards (ISO 9000, SPICE) improvement (CMM, BOOTSTRAP, SPICE) ... Report ISO 9000 (20 Standard Elements)

7 The ISO 9000 family

8 Why ISO 9000? A foundation for quality products.
Increased productivity and reduced cost. Consistency. Improved competitiveness. Customers demand it. Keeping up with the Jones. Corporate image.

Involves a disciplined examination of the software processes within an organisation. An assessment method requires: a measurement scale - most commonly a series of maturity or capability levels. criteria for evaluation against the scale, usually an underlying maturity model. a set of standards, best practices and industry norms. a clear mechanism for representing the results. The technique of measuring and evaluating the processes concerned with software within an organisation is called Software Process Assessment. The conduct of an assessment involves a disciplined examination of the processes, evaluating them against a defined norm, and expressing the results in terms of a previously defined measurement scale. The measurement scale is commonly expressed as a series of increasing values of "maturity"or "capability", using defined norms as the basis for the scale. An assessment instrument - commonly a questionnaire - is developed, based on expected behaviour patterns associated with each level on the scale; and the measurement is assigned from the results of the asses

10 Definition Compliance Improvement CMM Key Process Areas

11 Bootstrap Structure

12 BOOTSTRAP-Questionaire .
P.2. PROJECT ATTRIBUTES These questions are specific to the Project under consideration. They seek to quantify the position of individual projects relative to the SPU´s Quality System. P.2.1. Organisation P Management Responsibility C (+) Performance of the reporting and management activities in software development by using agreed mechanisms and fulfilling agreedresponsibilities. C (+) Perfromance of the reporting and management activities in verification and validation by using agreed mechanisms and fulfilling agreed responsibilities. C (+) Use of configuration control in each phase of the project. 1 The contents of this document are confidential and subject to copyright protection. Any infringment will be prosecuted by law. BOOTSTRAP G - questionnaire BOOTSTRAP Release 2.3 N/A complete absent fair weak notes: G.2. QUALITY SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES These are general questions encompassing the entire Software Producing Unit (SPU). They cover attributes of the SPU´s Quality System, as laid down in the Quality Manual. G.2.1. Organisation G Management Responsibility C (+) Existence of clearly defined reporting channels and management responsibilities, concerning software development. C (+) Existence of clearly defined reporting channels and management responsibilities, concerning validation and verification. C Existence of configuration control function for each project involving software development.

13 CMM and BOOTSTRAP both are proprietary
for large companies (high-priced assesors!) no explicit process model assessment against quality criteria

14 Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination
ISO 15504

Capability Determination Improvement Identifies suitability of leads to changes to Is subjected

16 KEY REQUIREMENTS Capability Determination & Process Improvements
Flexibility: - applications, sectors, size - projects and organizations Cultural Independence Process, People & Technology Outputs As Profiles Supportive of Existing Standards (ISO 9000)

17 PROJECT DELIVERABLES Introductory Guide Baseline Practices Guide
Assessment Instrument (Questionnaire) Assessor Training & Qualification Guide Process Assessment Guide Process Improvement Guide Process Capability Determination Guide

18 Mapping of Processes Support Supporting Processes Primary Processes
Customer - Supplier Engineering Organisational Processes Management Organisation

19 has a process model (reference model) similar to ISO 12207
ISO characteristics has a process model (reference model) similar to ISO 12207 plus ‘assessment model and indicator guide’ plus qualification of assessors supplier selection! Capability improvement

20 Process capability profile

21 What is the result? ISO 9000 ? TICKIT CMM Bootstrap ISO 15504
yes or no TICKIT CMM 1.0 bis 5.0 Bootstrap <2.3 , 3.4, 1.2, 2.5, ...> ISO 15504 <0, 3.3 , 2.9, 1.4, 2.7, ...> 1 5 4 3 2 Organization Methods Technology

22 Technology Change

23 Problems for SME Size of document definitions not rigorosly enough
inconsistencies no index, no cross-referencing (WINWORD!) relation to ISO12207

24 Questions Can a SSD afford to study and apply ISO15504?
Is ISO15504 a straight-jacket? Is an activity-result-network the best form? Can it be enacted SEE? Do you NEED a level 4/5 company?

25 Capability Determination
Selection Criteria What the evidence says Supplier Proposal what we need what is offered What the risks are control of risk

26 Steps to Certification
Process Control Process Assessment Process Improvement Process certification self-evaluation Process-Recording

27 What should be done? Spread the Message Overcome Managerial Barriers
Overcome Sw-Engineers’ Reservation Tailor SW Process Improvement for SMEs Share Experience

28 Quality is free! but only in the long run (RoI) !
[Crosby-80] but only in the long run (RoI) ! Needs initial investment! Is NOT EFFORTLESS!

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