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xxxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017

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Presentation on theme: "xxxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 xxxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 P802.11aj Report to EC on Unconditional Approval to go to Sponsor Ballot Date: Author(s): Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

2 xxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 Introduction This document contains the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee in support of a request for unconditional approval to send IEEE P802.11aj Draft 5.0 to Sponsor Ballot. This document was approved during the plenary session of the working group on 17th March 2017. Passed in the Working Group 46-yes, 0-no , 4-abstain The TGaj 5C document ( ) was also approved during the plenary session of the working group on 17th March 2017. Passed in the Working Group 44-yes, 0-no , 3-abstain Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

3 802.11 WG Letter Ballot Results – P802.11aj
xxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 WG Letter Ballot Results – P802.11aj Ballot ID Ballot Close Date Title Ballot Type Pool Return %Return Abstain %Abstain Approve Disapprove %Approve 217 IEEE aj Draft 1.0 Technical Technical 368 295 80 36 12 221 30 88 220 IEEE aj Draft 2.0 First Recirculation Technical Recirculation 377 304 81 53 17 218 28 89 223 IEEE aj Draft 3.0 Second Recirculation 308 82 57 19 27 226 IEEE aj Draft 4.0 Third Recirculation 313 83 55 18 234 21 92 228 IEEE aj Draft 5.0 Fourth Recirculation 315 84 51 16 247 14 95 228.1 LB 228 Post-Ballot vote change* 249 * indication of “Approve” from Ganesh Venkatesan and Yongho Seok. Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

4 802.11 WG Letter Ballot Comments – P802.11aj
xxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 WG Letter Ballot Comments – P802.11aj Ballot ID Ballot Close Date Title Total Number of Comments received (Yes and No votes) 217 Technical Letter Ballot for TGaj draft 1.0 174 220 First Recirculation Ballot for TGaj draft 2.0 38 223 Second Recirculation Ballot for TGaj draft 3.0 21 226 Third Recirculation Ballot for TGaj draft 4.0 27 228 Fourth Recirculation Ballot for TGaj draft 5.0 1 (*) (*) The commenter withdraws the comment. Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

5 xxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 Letter Ballot 228 A single comment was received that was not "must be satisfied" (and was from a "yes" voter). The commenter subsequently stated by to the WG chair that he wished to withdraw the comment. The comment was discussed and resolved during the March session. That discussion and resolution was notified to the WG members as usual in the comment resolution spreadsheet ( and the approval recorded in the task group minutes (to be posted). This satisfies the IEEE-SA OM requirement "shall provide evidence of the consideration of each comment" (OM ). Because this is not a comment that "must be satisfied",  and because no changes were made since the previous ballot,  no recirculation is needed. Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

6 Unsatisfied comments by commenter
xxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 Unsatisfied comments by commenter Voter LB217 LB220 LB223 LB226 LB228 Total Bazhong Shen (*) 4 Brima Ibrahim (*) 1 Jonathan Segev (*) 2 Matthew Fischer (*) 14 22 36 Nehru Bhandaru (*) Payam TorabJahromi(*) 6 10 Qi Wang (*) Solomon Trainin (*) Victor Hou (*) 5 Vijay Auluck (*) Vinko Erceg (*) Yakun Sun (*) 3 41 67 (*) Commenter provided no response for a contact to ask which comments are satisfied or unsatisfied. Total number of unsatisfied comments based on feedback from commenter: 0 Total number of unsatisfied comments from unresponsive commenter: 67 Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

7 Unsatisfied comments by commenter – Topics
Sept 2012 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 Unsatisfied comments by commenter – Topics Topic #Comments Definitions/acronyms, General description (Cls. 3, 4) 2 Layer management (Cls. 6) 1 Frame Formats (Cls. 9) 16 MAC sublayer functional description (Cls. 10) 18 MLME procedures / Security (Cls. 11, 12) 4 PICS, MIB, Country elements etc. (Annex B, C, E) General (or no Cls. specified) , 5C doc PHY (Cls. 24, 25) 22 Total 67 Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Xiaoming Peng / I2R

8 Unsatisfied comments March 2017
xxx doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 Unsatisfied comments There is no unsatisfied comment from responsive commenter. The composite of all unsatisfied comments from unresponsive commenter and the resolutions approved by the comment resolution committee received during working group ballot may be found in the embedded document on the right: Double click on the icon to the right to open this. Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

9 TGaj Timeline Open Close March 2017 First sponsor ballot 23-Mar-17
Sept 2012 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 March 2017 TGaj Timeline Open Close First sponsor ballot 23-Mar-17 23-Apr-17 Second sponsor ballot 14-Jun-17 30-Jun-17 Third sponsor ballot 27-Jul-17 10-Aug-17 Fourth sponsor ballot 22-Aug-17 6-Sept-17 RevCom Submittal deadline 16-Oct-17 EC Approval Nov 10-Nov-17 RevCom - SASB Dec 5-6-Dec-17 Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Xiaoming Peng / I2R

10 Thank You! March 2017 xxx doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/xxxxr0
Jiamin Chen (Huawei) Jiamin Chen /Huawei

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