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La semana de 9/11 Un repaso.

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Presentation on theme: "La semana de 9/11 Un repaso."— Presentation transcript:

1 La semana de 9/11 Un repaso

2 Exchanging telephone numbers…
What is your phone number? ¿ Cuál us tu número de teléfono? My phone number is… Mi número de teléfono es…

3 Numbers 1-10 1- uno 2- dos 3 -tres 4 -cuatro 5 -cinco 6 -seis 7- siete
8- ocho 9- nueve 10- diez

4 Where we are from Where are you from? ¿ De dónde eres? I am from…
Yo soy de… Robert is from… Anna is from….

5 What are you like? What are you like? ¿Cómo eres? I am… Yo soy…

6 Adjectives In English and Spanish adjectives are used to describe a noun. In Spanish, adjectives need to agree in both gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular and plural) What does this mean? In Spanish all nouns have a gender. The adjective needs to match that genter. For example: Roberto is a boy. If he is tall we use the word alto to describe him. However, if Ana is tall, we change alto to alta because she is a girl. This also works for plural people. If I’m talking about a group of boys then also because altos. A group of girls becomes altas. If the group is both boys and girls it always stays in the masculine: altos. You have a list of adjectives in your packets. Please make sure you have memorized your adjectives.

7 Subject pronouns In both English and Spanish we use subject pronouns to tell who or what the sentence is about. In Spanish, we can drop the subject pronoun. I – yo We- nosotros You-tú You all in Spain- vosotros He- él The boys- ellos She- ella The girls- ellas You formal- Usted You all in LA- Ustedes

8 Notes about Subject pronouns
Usted is to address someone ( just one person) in a polite way. I only use it to talk to one person. Ustedes is NOT a polite way to talk to a group of people. Ustedes is used to address a group of people in every country except Spain. If I’m talking about a mixed group of boys and girls- I always refer to masculine. This works in the Nosotros, Vosotros, and Ellos forms of subject pronouns.

9 Conjugations of SER- to be
Conjugating means that I change the form of Ser to match my subject pronouns. I am – yo soy we are- nosotros somos You are- tú eres you all are (spain) vosotros sois He is- él es the boys are- ellos son She is- ella es the girls are- ellas son You formal are- Usted es You all are (LA) Ustedes son

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