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Experience from Antoine Cazes, nuFact’08 Valencia

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1 Experience from Antoine Cazes, nuFact’08 Valencia
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati On behalf of the OPERA collaboration nuFact’08 Valencia July 3rd, 2008

2 The OPERA Experiment nmnt PnmntsntCC
An OPERA like detector can be use for silver channel nmnt Appearance mode 732 km En (GeV) Neutrino flux CNGS beam 96.7%nm+2,4%nm+0.9%ne <En>=17GeV Optimized for nt detection PnmntsntCC 3,5GeV Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

3 nt detection nt nm t- nt Long event (40%) Short (60%)
56 lead plates, 57 emulsion films, 2 changeable sheet. Resolution : 2mm, 2mrad 10X0 nm t- m-, e-, h,(3h) nt h h Long event Short (40%) (60%)

4 n n n n Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

5 The target Target 154.750 bricks.
8.8milions emulsions sheet/lead plate. Target Tracker 231 plans Strips ~ 6.7m long Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

6 The target Tracker 6.7m 231 plans 4  64 strips in X and in Y
Made by Karkov Calibrated with LED PM Hamamatsu H7546 à 64 channels OPERA ROC Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

7 Side view of the first SuperModule (empty)
First wall installed Side view of the first SuperModule (empty) Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

8 The spectrometers 2300 vertical drift tubes 2  6 stations 7,9m high
Resolution: 350mm Bobines B 2 coils make a dipole of 1,55T 212 iron planes (5cm thick) 211 RPC planes (Resistive Plate Chamber) Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

9 Emulsion reconstruction
Real time analysis: several tens of bricks scanned/day High speed (20 cm2/h) fully automatic scanning systems (one order of magnitude faster than previous generation) 16 pictures at differente depth in one emulsion layer : 3D reconstruction 45mm 200mm base 5050mm² Independent R&D in Europe and Japan based on different approaches European system Successfully running since Summer 2004 with high efficiency (>90%), high purity (~2 tracks/ cm2 /angle) and design speed 2 mrad accuracy at small incident angles Japanese system Fast CCD camera (3 k frames/sec) Continuous movement of the X-Y stage 52 cm2/h Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

10 Brick Assembly Machine
Bricks have to be produced automatically Very tight tolerances Working in a dark room. Speed ~700 bricks/day BAM wrapping section 8 multidirectional arms for pilling 1 multidirectional arms for wrapping. Add the changeable sheet box, bar code, etc… Main difficulties Stickiness of lead/emulsion pile Flatness of emulsions Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

11 Brick insertion Insertion in the detector with 2 robots (Brick Manipulating System, Annecy) Push the bricks inside the walls Ventouse Vehicle able to pull out the bricks ~ bricks inside OPERA Filling ends mid-july 2008 Main difficulties The detector is changing every day! Book keeping important (Dada Base) Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

12 Brick production and filling
Side view of the first SuperModule (full) ~1.5 years for OPERA. This is long process ! Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

13 General schema for Brick handling
Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

14 Brick Finding Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

15 Brick Finding Two steps Tools Localization of the wall (z)
Localization inside one wall (xy) Tools Track reconstruction Event classification  different NN CC/NC QE/DIS Energy flow / shower profile 4 Neural Networks Brick map Trained to deal with back scattering Output: list of brick with probability. Energy flow. YZ projection Wall 5 Tray 24 Cell 6 prob= 0.9 Wall 6 Tray 24 Cell 6 prob= 0.09 Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

16 Oscillation nm ↔ nt : Expected number of Events
Full mixing, 5 year data tacking 4.5ˣ1019 pot/year, 1.35 kton fiducial mass Background Charm Large angle muon scattering Hadron scattering Background reduction: p/m Identification using dE/dx at the end of the track (under study at KEK and PSI) Mesure at CERN of the mean muon diffusion angle t decay channel signal (Dm2 = 2.5x10-3 eV2) (Dm2 = 3.0x10-3 eV2) Bg τ μ 2.9 4.2 0.17 τe 3.5 5.0 τh 3.1 4.4 0.24 τ3h 0.9 1.3 Total 10.4 14.9 0.75 Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

17 Conclusion OPERA is taking data now
First beam october’07, allowed a first test (38 events) Track reconstruction Brick finding Connection to the brick Scanning The 2008 run will produce the first physics results of OPERA. OPERA proved the possibility of producing emulsion detector at the kiloton scale See Luca Scotto Lavina presentation for new idea of magnetized detector. Antoine Cazes nuFact’08 – july 3rd 2008

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