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NWEA-MAP, IABs, ICAs Who’s on first?.

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Presentation on theme: "NWEA-MAP, IABs, ICAs Who’s on first?."— Presentation transcript:

1 NWEA-MAP, IABs, ICAs Who’s on first?

2 So who is on first?

3 Today’s starting line-up
1 Allison Kenda- CCSA Managing Director, Achievement and Performance 2 Brad Banich- NWEA Senior Account Executive 3 NWEA-MAP 4 Mike Reid- Pacific Charter Institute’s Learning Analyst 5 CAASPP Assessment Tools 6 Assessment planning resources

4 Session Objectives (Playbook)
Provide and develop a knowledge base of NWEA-MAP as a tool to assess and identify student’s learning needs. Assist participants in understanding California’s embedded assessments in the CAASPP system with an emphasis on ‘Interim Assessment Blocks’ and ‘Interim Comprehensive Assessments’ Provide strategies and tools for purpose-driven, comprehensive assessment planning Allow for Q&A and collaborative discussion.

5 On Deck! NWEA MAP – Think, Pair, Share
MAP is _______. MAP isn’t________. What does MAP do/give you? What does it not? How can MAP data be utilized? What is the design and purpose of MAP?

6 MAP’s stats: Computer Adaptive Test
(Item difficulty level adjusts to the student) Grade-level independent Identifies Zone of Proximal Development Requires fewer test items than traditional summative accountability assessments Provides precise, actionable data immediately

7 Scoring runs with MAP data!
Identify areas of strength and opportunity Accurately measure growth over time Inform instructional decisions Communicate how you’re doing with solid evidence Identify trends Projecting Proficiency

8 What are you assessing for?
“One of the greatest inhibitions to the development of human potential is the aversion to effective practice.” –Douglas Reeves “The difference between the expert and the novice is that the expert has multiple ways of doing things and the novice has only one.” - Dr. Robert Marzano Baseball analogy…choosing the right bat.

9 Current Status of CAASPP Assessment Tools
CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) Levels of Assessment Summative Testing Practice and Training Tests (formative) Interim Comprehensive Testing (summative-formative) Interim Assessment Block Testing (formative)

10 Reproduce as printable to provide to participants.


12 What are you assessing for?
“One of the greatest inhibitions to the development of human potential is the aversion to effective practice.” –Douglas Reeves “The difference between the expert and the novice is that the expert has multiple ways of doing things and the novice has only one.” - Dr. Robert Marzano

13 CAASPP Assessment Tool Matrix
CASSPP Assessment Grade Level(s) Content Number of Items Time Allotment* Scoring Results Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Assessment Type= Formative (Allows the use of embedded supports) 3-8th , HS ELA, Literacy, Math with strand breakouts (ex. Grade 3 Measurement/Geometry) Performance Tasks are available for all contents 5-20 items/IAB (not CAT) Standard strand specific 50 min. w/o Performance Tasks *unlimited number of administrations Student score reports reported in TOMs. -Above Standard -At/Near Standard -Below Standard Hand Scored items must be entered in TOMs Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) Assessment Type= Summative/Formative 3-8th, HS ELA, Math Fully comprehensive Designed to replicate Summary Assessment Performance Tasks included for all contents Essay Task available for all ELA assessments 36-49 items Provide a full range of standards Time is unlimited but should be planned as if you were replicating full Summary Assessment *may only be given 3x/year Reported in TOMs with same results as Summary assessment (i.e. scale scores, achievement scores, claim scores) -Essay and P/T must be hand scored and entered into TOMs Add the matrix and overview handouts into the participants packet This information can also be found on the CDE’s Smarter Balanced IABs Web page at

14 How do you score runs with state interim tools?

15 Player Roles for CAASPP
The following user roles have access to the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments: LEA CAASPP Coordinator CAASPP Site Coordinator CAASPP Test Administrator CAASPP Test Examiner for California Alternate Assessment (NEW) Interim Assessment Administrator Only (NEW)

16 Relief Pitching (Accessibility Supports)
All students, grades K through 12, are eligible to take the ICAs or IABs. Student information in the CALPADS must be complete and up to date in order for students to access the interim assessments. The use of accessibility supports are available for both the ICA and IAB as long as they are designated in TOMs.

17 Considerations for CAASPP Assessment Tools
Develop a testing calendar. Recognize and plan for teacher training. Develop a plan for using the results. Develop targets that align curricular instruction to desired testing outcomes.

18 So.... Who’s on first? What’s on second?

19 Resources for purpose-driven, comprehensive assessment planning (ensuring you have a good playbook)
Assessment Survey Assessment Review

20 Q&A and open dialogue (bullpen chatter)
Turn to a partner and discuss the following: What are you currently assessing for in regards to gauging student learning? What might you add or change to your ‘playbook’ for assessment? How do you believe you’ll ‘score’ with your current plan? Or a plan for next year?

21 Thank you! Mike Reid: Brad Banich:

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