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AEIN Celebration & Symposium

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1 AEIN Celebration & Symposium
UAA Library April 21 & 22, 2008 AEIN Celebration & Symposium

2 Assumptions Everyone is a learner, teacher, & leader
Smarter educators help all students become smarter All of us are smarter than any one of us People learn better in culturally responsive environments Improving education for all is possible, but will take time, patience, and new learning And… AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

3 There is no silver bullet!
AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

4 A Vision of Success AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

5 Student Success Outcomes
Each and every student will know him/herself, personal frames of reference, areas of strength, and areas for growth, and be secure within his/her world and unique heritage. 4/2008 AEIN Celebration & Symposium

6 Student Success Outcomes
Each and every student will make well-informed decisions by analyzing evidence, discerning fact from opinion, asking critical questions, and thinking creatively about issues. 4/2008 AEIN Celebration & Symposium

7 Student Success Outcomes
Each and every student will define and inter-relate personal values, needs, and wants in order to identify goals, develop plans, and implement the plans to meet the goals. 4/2008 AEIN Celebration & Symposium

8 Student Success Outcomes
Each and every student will frame his/her own questions for inquiry/investigation and then access, gather, analyze information from multiple sources (e.g. book, internet, people) to develop answers to the questions as well as pose new questions. 4/2008 AEIN Celebration & Symposium

9 Alaska Educational Innovations Network
Our Shared Commitment…. Enhance the learning outcomes for each and every student by: Building Community Sharing Wisdom Nourishing Learning AEIN Data Team Workshop 2/2007

10 Celebration & Symposium Goals
Make our work public Celebrate our progress Collect & analyze data regarding the status of net work Plan next steps for the network, based on our data AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

11 Overview for Monday Complete Likert Scale as individuals
Organize for Poster Gallery Walk ½ posters on display for 11/2 hours Presenters review work for minutes Questioners view all, focus on designated posters Reflection, then lunch Repeat process with remaining posters Question groups meet to identify themes, trends, outliers Gallery walk to review analysis Closing for Day AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

12 Overview for Tuesday Deepen thinking about networks and networking
Draw your organization’s network Review data from Monday Gather in organizational groups to consider links between the network and your organization Gather to build priorities for AEIN Open Space protocol Debrief Enhance your organizational plan with potential connections within your organization and with the network Evaluation of C & S Closing AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

13 Your Role as a Data Gatherer
Describe what you see and hear Look for emerging patterns Probe for additional descriptions to confirm or understand Separate your descriptions from your feelings, using the T chart Later, descriptive data will be used to discern trends and patterns in our actions Your feelings and thoughts will be used to identify a shared sense of success and quality around our work AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

14 Your Role as a Presenter
Scan the landscape by strolling through the posters for minutes Go to your poster for presentation rounds (about 10 minutes per round) Data gatherers move to assigned posters Your team will give a descriptive overview of your key activities, addressing the 6 questions Respond to additional questions AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

15 Your Role as a Colleague & Celebrant
BEAM ME UP, SCOTTIE! Give Kudos to your colleagues by posting notes next to their posters… AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

16 Inquiring into Practice….
Why? To gather data about how network’s big ideas show up in our work. How? Each person will have one question and specific posters on which to focus Each will look at the assigned posters and ask probing questions. What? Important to note that this is descriptive data Write thoughts, feelings & reactions on the other side of the T chart Then What? Big idea groups meet to collate & organize the data. The collected data will be used later today and tomorrow. AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

17 Organizing the Data…. Why? How? What? Then What?
To discover trends from the data you have collected How? Divide your group Each person will report Groups will clump data together into themes, noting frequency of responses Groups will identify “outliers” Groups reassemble to combine trends & patterns Then, rank the themes according to frequency. What are the strongest themes? What are important trends? Record the teams’ thoughts separately (do not clump) What? Use your judgment to discern & identify themes; be specific, but do not become mired in too much detail. Then What? Others will view your data representation for connections AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

18 Reviewing & Connecting Themes
Why? To see a brief “big picture” view of themes that have emerged To identify connections among themes To pose pertinent questions How? Groups will take a “gallery walk” to review other teams’ data They will note “connections” from questions & observations and/or mark themes repeated in their own data. Group members will pose questions about the data. First gallery stop will be 10 minutes; subsequent stops will be 5 minutes. Then What? The evaluation team will take the data collected today and bring it back on Tuesday for group use AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

19 Overview for Tuesday Welcome back!
Deepen thinking about networks and networking Draw your organization’s network Review data from Monday Gather in organizational groups to consider links between the network and your organization Gather to build priorities for AEIN Open Space protocol Debrief Enhance your organizational plan with potential connections within your organization and with the network Evaluation of C & S Closing AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

20 Data-wise: 3 stages, 8 steps
Stage I: PREPARE 1 Organize for Collaborative Work 2 Build Assessment Literacy Stage II: INQUIRE 3 Create a Data Overview 4 Dig into Data 5 Examine Instruction Stage III: ACT 6 Develop an Action Plan 7 Plan to Assess Progress 8 Acting and Assessing

21 Deepening net work thinking
Consider: Your personal network Connection of principles of networks to your personal network & to AEIN Hierarchical to network forms/characteristics Your role as a leader in a network AEIN’s net work challenges So how can this help student learning? AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

22 Between now and 11:10 Take a well-deserved break
Return to your organizational group (school, college) Read pages in the handout (up to “leverage technology” Discuss what knowledge, skills, and dispositions we need as leaders to enhance the network AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

23 If it’s a network, you can draw it…draw your organization’s connections within AEIN
Using your organization as the hub, draw the network connections that support your AEIN work Use one color Label the connectors & nodes (e.g. math mini- network, NSA, distance ed, school exchange) AEIN Celebration & Symposium 4/2008

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