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Introduction, objectives, program

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1 Introduction, objectives, program
AMGI/EURASAP Workshop Air quality Management, Monitoring, Modelling and Effects Introduction, objectives, program Zagreb, May 24-26, 2007 Peter Builtjes TNO, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands and Free Univ. Berlin, Germany

2 Objectives and Introduction
Aim of the workshop: Provide background of science and policy for air quality at local, regional and global scale (Day 1) Information sharing between meteorology, air quality, health (Day 2) Provide public forum on air quality aspects of waste-to-energy facilities/stationary industrial sources (Day 3) AMGI/EURASAP Workshop, Zagreb, May 24-26, 2007 Introduction, objectives, program

3 Aspects Air Quality Management Monitoring Modelling Effects
Workshop: Requires Active Participation AMGI/EURASAP Workshop, Zagreb, May 24-26, 2007 Introduction, objectives, program

4 Program Day 1: Presentations about:
General air quality aspects/ Management 4 Monitoring 2 Modelling 4 Effects 2 Panel Discussion AMGI/EURASAP Workshop, Zagreb, May 24-26, 2007 Introduction, objectives, program

5 Day 2: Presentations about
Air quality science and policy in Croatia; General aspects/Management Monitoring Modelling Effects Focus: Interaction/Collaboration to improve Air Quality AMGI/EURASAP Workshop, Zagreb, May 24-26, 2007 Introduction, objectives, program

6 Day 3: Public Seminar About the institutes:
AMGI: Zvjezdana Bencetic Klaic EURASAP: European Association of the Science of Air Pollution AMGI/EURASAP Workshop, Zagreb, May 24-26, 2007 Introduction, objectives, program

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