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Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

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1 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory and in-situ rock testing Advanced Geotechnical Engineering EAG 442 By: Dr Mohd Ashraf Mohamad Ismail

2 Table of content Laboratory test Simple index test In-situ test

3 Table of content Laboratory test Simple index test In-situ test

4 Density Porosity Permeability Strength Durability Sonic velocity
Index properties Density Porosity Permeability Strength Durability Sonic velocity

5 Density Porosity Permeability Strength Durability Sonic velocity
Index properties Density Porosity Permeability Strength Durability Sonic velocity

6 Uniaxial compressive test (UCS) Universal testing machine (UTM)
Laboratory test Uniaxial compressive test (UCS) Load Before failure Universal testing machine (UTM) Determination of the Uniaxial compressive strength of cylindrical intact rock specimens (load up 2000kN). The load rate is kept constant using a servo-hydraulic control unit. After failure

7 Uniaxial compressive test (UCS)
Laboratory test Uniaxial compressive test (UCS) Basically, there are four main factors which control the test results other than the intact rock properties itself. Friction between platen and the end surface Specimen geometry (shape, height to diameter ratio and size) Rate of loading Water content A height to diameter ratio of 2 (54 mm in diameter and 108 mm in height) had been employed and testing procedure will strictly follow the Suggested Methods for Determining the Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials (ISRM, 1981).

8 Uniaxial compressive test (UCS)
Laboratory test Uniaxial compressive test (UCS) Rock sample coring Rock sample cutting

9 Uniaxial compressive test (UCS) Coring from rock mass sample
Laboratory test Uniaxial compressive test (UCS) Coring from rock mass sample

10 Uniaxial compressive test (UCS)
Laboratory test Uniaxial compressive test (UCS) (Failure load) (Specimen cross sectional area) No. Diameter (m) Height (m) Load (kN) Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) 1 0.05 0.1 48.446 24.67 2 50.566 25.75 3 52.746 26.86 Average 25.76

11 Point load testing machine
Laboratory test Point load test Load Before failure Point load testing machine Determination of point load strength based on the application of axial load on rock specimens having a cylindrical or irregular shape. After failure

12 Point load testing machine
Laboratory test Point load test Load Before failure Point load testing machine Determination of point load strength based on the application of axial load on rock specimens having a cylindrical or irregular shape. After failure

13 Point load test – shape requirements
Laboratory test Point load test – shape requirements Diametric test Axial test

14 Point load test – shape requirements
Laboratory test Point load test – shape requirements Block test Irregular lump test

15 Point load test – shape requirements
Laboratory test Point load test – shape requirements Valid diametric test Valid axial test

16 Point load test – mode of failure Invalid core and axial test
Laboratory test Point load test – mode of failure Valid block test Invalid core and axial test

17 (Equivalent core diameter)
Laboratory test Point load test A rock core is loaded diametrically between the tips of two hardened steel cones, causing failure through the development of tensile cracks parallel to the loading direction. (Failure load) (Equivalent core diameter) No. Diameter (m) Height (m) Load (kN) Is(50) (MPa) 1 0.05 0.075 2.685 1.07 2 2.680 3 3.185 1.27 Average 1.14

18 Correlation between UCS and PL
Sample Point load index UCS Estimated USC value 1 1.07 25.68 24.67 2 25.75 3 1.27 30.48 26.86 Average 27.28 25.76

19 Correlation between UCS and PL
Table 4: Field estimates of intact rock based on Uniaxial compressive strength and point load index (Marinos and Hoek, 2000) G Term UCS (MPa) PLI Field estimate of strength Examples R6 Extremely strong >250 >10 Specimen can only be chipped with a geological hammer Fresh basalt, chert, diabase, gneiss, granite, quartzite R5 Very strong 4-10 Specimens requires many blows of a geological hammer to fracture it Amphibolite, sandstone, basalt, gabbro, gneiss, granodiorite, peridotite, rhyolite, tuff R4 Strong 50-100 2-4 Specimen requires more than one blow of a geological hammer to fracture it Limestone, marble, sandstone, schist R3 Medium strong 25-50 1-2 Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife, specimen can be fractured with a single blow from a geological hammer Concrete, phyllite, schist, siltstone R2 Weak 5-25 ** Can be peeled with a pocket knife with difficulty, shallow indentation made by firm blow with point of geological hammer Chalk, claystone, potash, marl, siltstone, shale, rocksalt R1 Very weak 1-5 Crumbles under firm blows with point of a geological hammer, can be peeled by a pocket knife Highly weathered or altered rock, shale R0 Extremely weak 0.25-1 Indented by thumbnail Stiff fault gouge **Point load tests on rocks with Uniaxial compressive strength below 25 MPa are likely to yield highly ambiguous results

20 Correlation between UCS and PL
Table : Classes of rock excavatability (Franklin et al., 1970)

21 Triaxial rock testing system
Laboratory test Triaxial test Before failure Triaxial rock testing system Determination of the compressive strength of intact rock specimens with simultaneous application of confining pressure (up to 70MPa) using the Hoek cell. After failure

22 Splitting tension test (Brazilian test) Brazilian test machine
Laboratory test Splitting tension test (Brazilian test) Load Brazilian test machine Brazilian test apparatus are used for indirect measurement of tensile strength of rocks

23 Ultrasonic measurement apparatus
Laboratory test Ultrasonic test Ultrasonic measurement apparatus P and S wave recorder Determination of the ultrasonic velocity of longitudinal and shear waves in cylindrical rock specimens by calculating the transit time through them as an index to degree of fissuring

24 Longitudinal waves (m/s)
Laboratory test Ultrasonic test Table : typical values of longitudinal waves for rocks (Fourmaintraux, 1976) Rock Longitudinal waves (m/s) Gabbro 7000 Basalt Limestone Dolomite Sandstone and quartize 6000 Granitic rocks

25 Portable direct shear test
Laboratory test Portable direct shear test Shear of rock discontinuity Shear test on rock discontinuities Determination of the shear strength of natural and artificial rock discontinuities.

26 Specimen in slake durability test Slake durability apparatus
Laboratory test Slake durability test Specimen in slake durability test Slake durability apparatus This test used in the evaluation of the resistance of rocks to disintegration when subjected to different drying and water-immersion cycles.

27 Table of content Laboratory test Simple index test In-situ test

28 Index test Simple index test Objective investigation
Ex) Schmidt test hammer cheap simple operation short time easy to get anyone many times with small cost Even a naive engineer in a wide region can predict the approximated rock property

29 Schmidt test hammer BANG!! Schmidt test hammer for concrete BANG!!
Schmidt test hammer for rock attachment Non-destructive inspection

30 Rebound number & rock properties
deformability elasticity rebound number rebound number

31 Rebound number & rock properties

32 Rebound number & rock properties
Schmidt test hammer measurement in tunnel

33 Table of content Laboratory test Simple index test In-situ test

34 Plate bearing test – in-situ deformability of rock mass
In-situ test Plate bearing test – in-situ deformability of rock mass Stiff plate Fixed point loading Jack fixed line

35 Result of Plate bearing Test
Deformability Elasticity Stress [kgf/m2] Displacement [mm]

36 Interpretation of Displacement
Elastic disp. of discontinuity Plastic disp. of discontinuity Elastic disp. of intact rock Deformability: discontinuity (Plastic disp.+ Elastic disp.)+intact rock (Elastic disp.) Elasticity: discontinuity (Elastic disp.)+intact rock (Elastic disp.)

37 Pressuremeter Test Dilatometer Goodman Jack
Equally distributed pressure is applied. Resulting displacement is equally distributed.

38 Dilatometer Test battery monitor pump cable probe rubber tube

39 In-situ Rock Triaxial Test

40 In situ shearing test Normal load Shear load Normal load Shear load

41 In situ shearing test

42 Result of in situ shearing test
Shear stress Friction angle f Cohesion C Normal stress

43 Borehole hammer battery control cable probe hammer

44 Borehole hammer BANG!! Electromagnetic hammer

45 Borehole hammer - Principle
increase in velocity 3 departure uniform motion 2 stop decrease in velocity uniform motion 1 contact behavior velocity accereration time

46 Borehole hammer - Principle
Good rock 3 2 3 2 1 Poor rock width velosity accele-ration time time hight

47 Definition of Response Value
Response value R= Maximum PMAX PMAX Pulse width W W initial V0 V0 velocity acceleration time

48 Thank you very much

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