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Task 4 Design a six week exercise programme for the players and committee members (varying fitness levels) of your local club. As part of the application.

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Presentation on theme: "Task 4 Design a six week exercise programme for the players and committee members (varying fitness levels) of your local club. As part of the application."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task 4 Design a six week exercise programme for the players and committee members (varying fitness levels) of your local club. As part of the application process, you are required to design a six-week exercise programme for two individuals (your choice). Consider the key requirements of fitness for each individual and design your programme accordingly.

2 P4 – think about how the body will adapt to the exercise you recommended over the six weeks.
Make sure you programme follows the SMART principle. Include warm-up and cool down activities to reduce the chance of injury. Remember to consider health and safety factors (PAR Q). M2 – You need to explain the purpose of each exercise, highlighting the component of fitness it is designed to train. You may want to explain the key differences between the exercises you have chosen. D1 – You need to justify your choice of exercise. Why have you chosen that specific type, how will it benefit them? You should then give examples of other exercises the individual may wish to undertake so that the sessions are varied and enjoyable.

3 How to plan the programme
Interview/screening process You should then produce a brief overview making reference to the following points: Motives/Goals (short and long term) Potential barriers Current activity levels You then design a specific six week training programme

4 Client A Client details: Client A is a 46 year old male
Weight – 13st 12lbs – BMI – 29 Has suffered from high blood pressure which his GP has attributed to stress at work and an inconsistent diet Whilst not a heavy drinker, alcohol is consumed most nights of the week Snacking on sugary foods during work is an accepted weakness

5 Current activity levels
Trains occasionally – disorganised mix of cycling, jogging and occasional visit to the gym where he works his way around the machine weights Sporting background – played football and squash socially until approx. 8 years ago Goals : To lose weight/decrease BMI and to improve body composition Improve general cardio vascular and muscular endurance to a level where he can start to play squash again Improved flexibility

6 Potential barriers: Work – shift patterns and responsibilities at work may disrupt training. His job also involves driving long distances at least once a week Family – two teenage children and one elderly parent who needs regular care Access to a gym – he lives in a fairly rural location so getting to the gym can sometimes be difficult Previous shoulder surgery means limited range of movement in certain training exercises

7 Six Week Plan This plan must include reference to the principles of training, in particular Specificity – you must make sure all activities are relevant to the goals and personal circumstances of your client

8 To access M2/D1 Explain your choice of activities – M2
Justify your choice and suggest alternate activities – D1

9 Explain(M2) – continuous training was prescribed as it is relatively straight forward activity that does not require any specialist coaching and is an excellent way of burning body fat. Justify (D1)- continuous training was prescribed as it involves running, which is a simple skill and requires no specialist movement training. It is also a proven method of developing cardio vascular function as well as burning existing stores of body fat. This will help in decreasing my clients BMI as well as improving his physical work capacity. I am mindful of the fact that this method of training can become monotonous, and if this becomes an issue I will encourage my client to use a different modality of training– eg. Cycle, swim, row instead of running

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